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The FReeper Foxhole - Military Related News in Review - June 9th, 2003
various news sources and FR
Posted on 06/09/2003 6:02:15 AM PDT by snippy_about_it

Dear Lord,
There's a young man far from home, called to serve his nation in time of war; sent to defend our freedom on some distant foreign shore.
We pray You keep him safe, we pray You keep him strong, we pray You send him safely home ... for he's been away so long.
There's a young woman far from home, serving her nation with pride. Her step is strong, her step is sure, there is courage in every stride. We pray You keep her safe, we pray You keep her strong, we pray You send her safely home ... for she's been away too long.
Bless those who await their safe return. Bless those who mourn the lost. Bless those who serve this country well, no matter what the cost.
Author Unknown
FReepers from the The Foxhole join in prayer for all those serving their country at this time.
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Coalition Efforts and Iraq's Recovery 
June 8, 2003
CAMP DOHA, Kuwait Coalition Forces continue to assist in developing a safer and more secure environment in Iraq through the following activities.
Coalition Forces recently: Reported 78 World Food Program trucks crossed into Iraq from Syria in the last 24 hours. Received 103 benzene and 45 propane trucks (900 tons of fuel) in Northern Iraq from Turkey. Reported 1200 locals showed up for jobs at a recruiting office set up for former Iraqi soldiers. Hired 50 individuals for a Joint Iraqi Security Company. Continued Task Force Neighborhood operations in Makhmur to improve schools, soccer fields and a market area. Continued "Task Force Neighborhood" mission in the Mansour municipality by making repairs and improvements to 30 vendor stalls and a schoolyard. Reported an additional $20,000 on repairs/supplies will be spent over the next few days for schools in Imam Garbi, Qayarrah, Sheil Hamd and As Shurah. Received 11 propane trucks into the Hermmani Alil plant and conducted two benzene delivery missions to Qayyarah and Hermanni Alil. Conducted Office of the Provisional Coalition Authority (OCPA) payments at six payment sites and six banks in Mosul area. Met with mayor and city council in Al Fallujah to plan for the future of the city, and discussed infrastructure rebuilding and security/law-and-order issues. Destroyed 54 tons of captured Iraqi ammunition. Reported 88 of 95 Neighborhood Advisory Councils have stood up in Baghdad. Reported 1.4 million liters of fuel were delivered to Baghdad gas stations, creating a 1.6 million liters reserve. Initiated a work-hire program for former Iraqi military personnel in Baghdad. Attended a town hall meeting in the Baghdad Airport Village to discuss the World Food Program and security issues. Met with a contractor to assess the cost to repair the broken windows at Airport Village in Baghdad. Cleared 2000 meters of roads in support of the Karkh Municpality, and continued to assist local Iraqi officials to identify and repair damaged and degraded power, water, and sewage facilities in Baghdad. Met with a Baghdad municipality sewer department engineer to turn off a sewage pump station in order for UN and Red Crescent officials to complete temporary fixes of two submersible pumps. Reported crude oil is now flowing from Kirkuk, which is expected to increase oil production. Met with Iraqi FDA officials on the scientific campus of Al-Jahdria in Karadah area of Baghdad. There they received a status report on reconstruction of facilities and discussed funding. Helped OCPA develop a proposed policy for handling displaced persons. Conducted a meeting with the directors of the Rasheed and Rafidain Banks to discuss payment of civil servants and pensioners. Coordinated with the Office of Distribution in Fallujah to ensure trucks, filling stations and the propane plant are ready for receipt of fuel. Reported the first election for the Mosul Bar Association, with nine members elected. Hosted meeting with the Mayor of Mosul and a leader of former Iraqi military members to discuss coalition reconstruction efforts. Reported the barley harvest in Northern Iraq is 70% complete and the wheat harvest is on schedule. Initiated several projects to improve schools and roads in Imam Garbi, As Shurah, and Qayarrah using Coalition discretionary funds.
AL AMARAH Purchased tires for the local ambulances. Reported a quick impact project has been submitted for the repair and replacement of the pumps in the water treatment plant, which will double the pumping capacity. A local contractor has been found to fix chlorination system. An additional quick impact project has been approved for the purchase of a generator part, which will provide continuous electricity to the plant.
AN NAJAF Met with the Red Cross to discuss water treatment for the five hospitals in Al Najaf Governance. Reported the Retirement Office began making stipend payments to retirees on Saturday. Reported six benzene trucks (216,000 liters) and three trucks (108,000 liters) of diesel were received in the last two days.
AN NASARIYAH Met with members of the An Nasiriyah Chamber of Commerce to develop a strategy for stimulating economic activity through small business development.
AD DIWANIYAH Located and delivered several stolen or abandoned gasoline tankers and delivered them to the police department for safekeeping. Processed 188 teachers and headmasters, who each signed a statement disavowing their Baath party affiliation.
AL HILLAH Assisted in distribution of medical supplies in the Al Hillah governate. Attended the opening of the Al Hillah Art Gallery with Al Hillah civilian leadership. Delivered medical supplies to hospitals in Mahawee, Al Musiayb, Iban Saif, and Eskandaria. Assessed the grain receiving terminals in Al Hillah and have begun an assessment of other terminals in the southern region. Completed the National Payment Plan distributions to employees of the Courthouse, Orphans Trust and Registration Department.
AS SAMAWAH Started working with the local newspaper to publish stories about security, municipal services and school projects. Met with Director of Water to discuss repairs to five water treatment plants in Rumaythah. Villages served by the five plants currently receive their water by tanker truck.
KARBALA Initiated an effort to find employment for local handicapped workers. Met with The Research Triangle Institute to discuss the general security situation and rapid grant options. Also met local leadership and gathered assessments of the governate. Reported Karbala University has 100% of the students returning to class, with the exception of the hard-line Baath party loyalists, who the University President refused to enroll. Met with the manager of the Specialized Dental Center of Karbala to assess the facility. Reported the availability of potable water increased by 53, 000 gallons with the completion of the former Iraqi Army water treatment plant.
AL BASRAH Met with UNICEF, Kharafi National and an Iraqi Well Drilling Company to coordinate installation of test wells on the Al Basrah General Hospital grounds by the local Iraqi Well Drilling Company. Submitted a proposal to USAID for additional funding to build a medical oxygen refill station in Basra.
Bush Praises Coalition Troops During Qatar Visit By Jim Garamone - American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, June 5, 2003 President Bush thanked coalition service members for enlarging "the realm of liberty" during a stop in Qatar today.
Bush spoke to American, British, Australian and Polish service members at the base that served as a headquarters for U.S. Central Command during Operation Iraqi Freedom. It was the last stop of a trip that took him to Europe, Russia and the Middle East.
In 100-degree heat, Bush praised the U.S. soldiers, saying that America had sent them on a mission "to remove a grave threat and to liberate an oppressed people, and that mission has been accomplished."
Bush also addressed the fact that coalition forces have not found Iraqi weapons of mass destruction yet. "We're on the look," Bush said. "We'll reveal the truth."
Bush pledged that Iraq will not serve as an arsenal for terrorists. "We recently found two mobile biological weapons facilities which were capable of producing biological agents," he said.
Saddam Hussein "is a man who spent decades hiding tools of mass murder," the president noted. "He knew the inspectors were looking for them. You know better than me he's got a big country in which to hide them."
He told the service members that each is a credit to the United States and that America is proud of them. "We are in a war on global terror, and because of you, we're winning the war on global terror," he said.
The president pointed out that they have performed brilliantly in all aspects of the war of terror. "In Afghanistan, forces directed from here (in) Qatar,
you delivered decisive blows against the Taliban and against al Qaeda," he said. "And now the people of Afghanistan are free."
In praising the men and women who served in Afghanistan, with Combined Joint Task ForceHorn of Africa and in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Bush said their commitment has made it clear that the United States will hunt terrorists down.
"Our actions sent a long, clear message that our nation is strong and our nation is compassionate," he said. "And we also sent another clear message: Dictators can no longer shield themselves behind innocent people. Those who threaten the security of others now need to worry about their own."
Bush told the service members that there is a lot of work left to do in Iraq, and the United States will stay the course. "We will stand with them as they build a stable democracy and a peaceful future," he said.
He said U.S. forces will take aggressive steps to increase order throughout Iraq and will remove Baathist officials from positions of power and influence.
U.S. and coalition officials will continue to work on the Iraq's infrastructure. "We also understand that a more just political system will develop when people have food in their stomachs, and their lights work, and they can turn on a faucet and they can find some clean water things that Saddam did not do for them," he said.
"See, he spent more time building luxurious palaces than he did in building an infrastructure to take care of the Iraqi citizens. And the United States and our friends and allies will first take care of the Iraqi citizens."
Bush said he was encouraged that oil is beginning to flow out of Iraq, giving the citizens of the country money to fund a special account on behalf of the Iraqi people rather than being skimmed off by "greedy gangsters."
Bush remembered those who died in the operation to liberate Iraq. "We fight for freedom, and we sacrifice for freedom, and we have lost some of our finest," he noted. He told the service members that those who died served more than just the United States, but the cause of freedom.
"Because of you, America and our friends and allies, those of us who love freedom are now more secure," the president said. "You have justified the confidence that your country has placed in you. You've served your country well. Your commander in chief is grateful. And as importantly, more importantly, millions of American citizens are grateful for what you have done. You believe in America and America believes in you." President Delivers Remarks to Troops
Casuality Identification List for the past week from the DoD
IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 6, 2003 DoD Identifies Army Casualty The Department of Defense announced today that Pfc. Branden F. Oberleitner, 20, of Worthington, Ohio, was killed on June 5 in Al Fallujah, Iraq. Oberleitner was returning from a dismounted patrol when the element was fired upon by a rifle propelled grenade. Oberleitner was assigned to Company B, 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, Fort Campbell, Ky.
IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 6, 2003 DoD Identifies Navy Casualty The Department of Defense announced today that Petty Officer Third Class Doyle W. Bollinger, Jr ., 21, of Poteau, Okla., was killed today in Iraq when a piece of unexploded ordnance accidentally detonated in the area he was working. Bollinger was assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 133, Gulfport, Miss. The incident is under investigation.
IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 4, 2003 DoD Identifies Army Casualty The Department of Defense announced today that Sgt. Atanacio Haromarin, 27, of Baldwin Park, Calif., was killed on June 3, south of Balad, Iraq. Haromarin was manning a checkpoint when his unit came under enemy fire from rocket propelled grenades and small arms. Haromarin was assigned to Battery C, 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery Regiment, Fort Hood, Texas.
IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 4, 2003 DoD Identifies Army Casualty The Department of Defense announced today that Sgt. Keman L. Mitchell, 24, of Hilliard, Fla., was killed on May 26, 2003, in Kirkuk, Iraq. Mitchell jumped into seven-foot deep body of water. When he failed to resurface, members of his squad retrieved him. Medical personnel went to the scene and started cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Mitchell was evacuated to a forward surgical team and was pronounced dead on arrival. Mitchell was assigned to Company C, 4th Engineer Battalion, Fort Carson, Colo. The Army withheld releasing the soldier's name until today at the request of the family. The incident is under investigation.
IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 3, 2003 DoD Identifies Marine Casualty The Department of Defense announced today that Sgt. Jonathan W. Lambert, 28, of Newsite, Miss., died June 1 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany, as a result of injuries he suffered when his HMMWV rolled over on May 26 in Iraq. Lambert was assigned to the Headquarters Battalion, 1st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, Calif. The vehicle mishap is under investigation.
IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 2, 2003 DoD Identifies Army Casualty The Department of Defense announced today that Staff Sgt. Kenneth R. Bradley, 39, of Utica, Miss ., died on May 28, in Baqubah, Iraq. Bradleys death was non-combat related. Bradley was assigned to 588th Engineer Battalion, Fort Hood, Texas. The incident is under investigation.
IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 2, 2003 DoD Identifies Army Casualties The Department of Defense announced today that three soldiers were killed on May 30, in Mosul, Iraq, while supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom. They are: Spc. Zachariah W. Long, 20, of Milton, Pa., Spc. Michael T. Gleason, 25, of Warren, Pa., and Spc. Kyle A. Griffin, 20, of Emerson, N.J. The three soldiers were traveling in a three-vehicle convoy during a storm from Mosul to Tikrit (2 HUMMVs, 1 light medium tactical vehicle). A civilian vehicle dodged a pothole causing the HUMMVs to swerve. There was not enough stopping distance between the vehicles causing the LMTV to swerve off the road and turn over, causing the death of three soldiers. The soldiers were assigned to the 519th Military Intelligence Battalion, Fort Bragg, N.C. The incident is under investigation.
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Status of Iraq's 55 Most Wanted
June 2nd 2003
Iran releases four U.S. soldiers held since Sunday
U.S. to Screen Troops Returning From Iraq
Bush asks panel to help prevent closure of military bases
Iran releases four U.S. soldiers held since Sunday
Navy: Four U.S. Soldiers Vanish on Boats in Gulf
Supreme Court Passes on Veterans' Health Care Dispute
Three Muslims convicted in U.S. terror trial
June 3rd 2003
Commentary: Hoping Americans stay forever
Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Town Hall with U.S. Troops in Korea
Justices Refuse To Hear Veterans Benefits Case
U.S. soldier killed in central Iraq
Osama Letter Found On Dead Man
US military in East Asia: Winds of change
US Planning Historic Shift of Military Power Abroad
US Prepares Battle Force To Wipe Out Hardline Iraqi Resistance
US puts brakes on EU plans for Bosnia (Clash of Empires?)
June 4th 2003
Bush set to get hero's welcome in Qatar
Head of U.S. Naval Academy Resigns< /a>
Banned missile programme found in Iraq
Iran Warns U.S. It Better Not Attack (Iranian Leader-U.S. Attack on Iran Would Be 'Suicide')
U.S. Troops Find Bones at Saddam Bomb Site
June 5th 2003
The Guardian Fully Retracts BOTH Powell/Straw Story AND Wolfowitz "It's All About Oil" Story
U.S. says more radioactive material than expected found at Iraqi nuclear site
U.S. to withdraw troops from Korean DMZ
Chief U.N. inspector says not ready to draw conclusions on Iraq weapons
One U.S. soldier killed, five wounded in attack in central Iraq
US Mobilizes For Offensive Against Saddam Loyalists [Sunnis Attack 3rd Cavalry]
June 6th 2003
Small Submarines Increasingly Appeal to Terrorists, Criminals
Warsaw Assembles Multinational Peacekeeping Force for Polish-Led Iraq Sector
June 7th 2003
New mass grave found in Iraq
North Korean nukes won't be tolerated: Japan, South Korea
Plan to Pull Troops Off DMZ Causes Stir
Putin signs bill ratifying arms reduction treaty with US
Six die in Kabul bus bombing
U.S. Forces Detain Former Iraqi Police General
US Soldier Killed, Four Wounded In Attack Near Saddam's Hometown
Cal Guard convoys move across Iraq - AV unit faces fire, recovers big vehicles
June 8th 2003
Dismantling of nuclear submarine begins in Russia
IRAQ: Chaos Slowly Ebbing in Baghdad
IRAQ: U.S. Soldiers' Iraq Duties Contradictory
Military recruiters looking for a few good NASCAR fans
New Mass Grave Found In Iraq
Tough Talking for Marines in Iraq < /a>
Transcript: Colin Powell Talks WMD on Fox News Sunday
Two U.S. Soldiers Die in Kosovo Apache Helicopter Crash
US eyeing military bases in India: Report
Senator Blocks 850 Promotions in the Air Force 06/08/2003
June 8, 2003 Release Number: 03-06-30
CAMP DOHA, Kuwait -- Task Force 3-15 was engaged by small arms fire from a Mosque today near Fallujah.
Based from intelligence reports of plans to attack U.S. forces, Task Force 3-15 conducted aggressive patrols in the area to gain contact with enemy forces. However, the Task Force did not engage the attackers in the Mosque.
The unit came into contact with an enemy force of an unknown size firing from the same mosque the unit had contact from yesterday.
No Coalition forces were injured, but they did detain two individuals.
Pockets of resistance remain in the region between Fallujah and Ar Ramadi and they appear to be coordinated at the local level. Coalition forces continue to conduct active patrols to locate these pockets and destroy or capture the remnants of the former regime.
To: snippy_about_it
DOD Starts Secure Internet Registration And Voting Demonstration For 2004 Election
The Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP), in conjunction with several states and counties, has begun conducting a large Internet registration and voting demonstration for the 2004 election. This Congressionally mandated project is called SERVE, which stands for Secure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment.
Thousands of absentee uniformed services personnel, their dependents, and overseas U.S. citizens will have the opportunity to register to vote and cast their ballots from any Windows-based computer with Internet access, anywhere in the world. County election officials will use the SERVE system to receive voter registration applications, provide ballots to voters, and accept voted ballots. These officials will use their existing election administration systems to process registrations and ballots.
Security is everyones first question about Internet voting, so we made security the driving factor in the SERVE system design, said FVAP Director Polli Brunelli. We are working closely with state and local election officials to ensure that the integrity of the electoral process is maintained. States currently expected to participate in SERVE are Arkansas, Florida, Hawaii, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah and Washington.
The SERVE project is the latest in a series of technology initiatives undertaken by FVAP as part of its mission to improve access to the polls for uniformed services personnel and overseas American citizens. A small-scale proof of concept pilot, Voting Over the Internet, was successfully conducted for the 2000 election. In that experiment, 84 citizens located in 21 states and 11 countries returned ballots to jurisdictions in Florida, South Carolina, Texas and Utah. This was the first time that binding votes were cast over the Internet for federal, state and local offices. The new SERVE system will build on the knowledge and experience FVAP gained in this groundbreaking and highly successful project.
Brunelli said that all eligible absentee uniformed services personnel and U.S. citizens overseas are encouraged to use SERVE to register and vote in 2004 by logging on to
The Federal Voting Assistance Program is an element of the Department of Defense. Additional information on FVAP is available at
To: snippy_about_it

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Security and Reconstruction
Coalition Joint Task Force-180 is a coalition military operation in Afghanistan with military forces from 20 coalition partner countries focused on creating the conditions for security, stability and reconstruction. Each day, CJTF-180 Public Affairs Press Center provides news and information about operations in the coalition joint operating area and about coalition partner military activities and their operations in Afghanistan.
June 6, 2003
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan; - Approximately two companies from Task Force Devil out of Kandahar re-established a cordon and search mission in the mountains between Gardez and Khowst yesterday through this morning. The Operation has been tactically named Dragon Fury II.
The operation was based on intelligence developed as a result of Operation Dragon Fury, which was conducted between Monday and Wednesday. During Dragon Fury II, anti-coalition fighters were observed firing into a crowd of civilians near a compound in an area north of the Khowst-Gardez road, wounding four.
Coalition forces killed one enemy fighter and took another person under control. Two of the wounded civilians, an adult male with gunshot wounds to his right arm and chest, and a five- to seven-year-old boy with a gunshot wound to his chest, were medically evacuated from the vicinity to the Forward Operating Base at Salerno yesterday afternoon.
They are both in critical condition. Initial reports do not indicate why the anti-coalition fighters fired at civilians.
There were three separate enemy actions that occurred in the vicinity of Asadabad yesterday. The first was the firing of a white phosphorus rocket that impacted away from the firebase. The second attack was two mortar rounds that also impacted away from the Base. The third attack was a 107mm rocket fired in the direction of the base and impacted near a girls' school close to the base. There was no report of injury or damage to equipment or property.
Three rockets were fired at the firebase near Shkin yesterday evening impacting away from the base. There were no casualties or damage to equipment.
An Afghan Military Forces soldier was medically evacuated from the vicinity of Spin Buldak to Kandahar yesterday afternoon with gunshot wounds to his left tricep, left thigh and buttocks. He underwent exploratory surgery and is in stable condition. The wounds were received during a fight between AMF and anti-coalition fighters. He is in stable condition.
June 5, 2003
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan; - In an update to yesterday's press statement: The AH-64 Apache helicopter that crash-landed Tuesday northwest of Orgun-E was destroyed in place yesterday. There was only minor damage to windows at a nearby school from the detonation. The Civil Affairs team on site is coordinating repairs.
Task Force Devil Civil Affairs personnel supported an 812th Romanian-led team in distributing 350 Humanitarian Rations and toys to the villages of Haji Mohammad Zai Kalacha and Haji Parman Kalacha, south of Kandahar, in Kandahar province yesterday.
A 25-year old Afghan male was medically evacuated from Orgun-E to Kandahar airfield with a gunshot wound to his left thigh yesterday afternoon. He is in stable condition at this time. The cause of the wound is unknown.
An Improvised Explosive Device exploded near a Special Operations Forces convoy one kilometer from the Gardez firebase yesterday morning. The convoy continued to the firebase and returned with other forces to investigate. There were no casualties and only a cracked windshield to one vehicle.
By U.S. Army Lt. Col. Douglas Lefforge
To: All

Old Vet Drums Up Parade for New Vet Story
Consumer Group Says Military Targeted in Lending Scams Story
VA Improves Grave Marker Process Story
School Students Support U.S. Troops in Afghan Theater Story
To: snippy_about_it
On This Day In History
Birthdates which occurred on June 09:
1573 Henricus Hondius, etcher/publisher
1640 Leopold I Emperor of Holy Roman Empire
1781 George Stephenson inventor (principal RR locomotive)
1791 John Howard Payne US, author/actor/diplomat (Home Sweet Home)
1812 Johann G Galle, German astronomer (discovered Neptune)
1833 John Rogers Cooke, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1891
1843 Bertha von Suttner Austria, novelist/pacifist (Nobel 1905)
1865 Carl Nielsen Norre-Lyndelse Denmark, composer (Det Uuslukkelige)
1893 Cole Porter Indiana, composer/lyricist (Anything Goes, Kiss Me Kate)
1900 Fred Waring Tyrone Penn, musician/conductor/inventor (Waring Blender)
1906 Tonio Selwart Germany, actor (Barefoot Contessa, Naked Maja)
1908 Robert Cummings Joplin Mo, actor (Love that Bob, Dial M For Murder)
1912 Ingolf Dahl Hamburg Germany, composer (Andante & Arioso)
1915 Les Paul Waukesha Wi, guitarist/inventor (Les Paul guitar)
1916 Robert S McNamara US Sec of Defense (1961-68)/head of World Bank
1921 Agnes Keleti Hungary, gymnist (Olympic-gold-1952, 56)
1922 George Axelrod playwright (Breakfast at Tiffany)
1924 Christine Goitschel France, slalom (Olympic-gold-1964)
1924 Tony Britton Birmingham Eng, actor (Day of Jackal, Girl in my Soup)
1926 Mona Freeman Baltimore, actress (Black Beauty, Dear Wife, Heiress)
1930 Jackie Mason comedian (The World According to Me, Chicken Soup)
1930 Marvin Kalb NYC, educator/newscaster (CBS/NBC)
1933 Dick Orkin Williamsport Pa, actor (Tim Conway Show)
1934 Donald Duck famous fowl
1934 Helga Haase German FR, 500m speed skater (Olympic-gold-1960)
1934 Jackie Wilson Detroit, singer (Lonely Teardrops)
1934 Joe Santos Bkln NY, actor (Rockford Files, AKA Pablo, Shamus)
1938 Charles Wuorinen NYC, composer (Pulitzer 1980)
1941 John Lord England, keyboardist (Deep Purple-Hush)
1944 Brigid Bazlen Wisc, actress (Pam-Too Young to go Steady)
1947 Mitch Mitchell drummer (Jimi Hendrix Experience-Purple Haze)
1948 Nathaniel Rosen Altadena Calif, cellist (Tchaikovsky Gold 1978)
1951 Bonnie Tyler [Gaynor Hopkins], rocker (Total Eclipse of the Heart)
1951 Dave Parker baseball player (Pittsburgh Pirates, NL MVP 1978)
1958 Donald Michael Santini Mass, murderer (FBI Most Wanted List)
1961 Michael J Fox Edm, actor (Family Ties, Back to the Future, Teen Wolf)
1962 Eddie Lundon rocker (China Crisis-Christian)
1963 Johnny Depp Queensboro Ky, actor (21 Jump Street)
1969 Mitch McLee [Douglas Lee Mitchell], Miles Mi, drummer (Southgang)
Deaths which occurred on June 09:
68 Nero Roman Emperor commits suicide
1597 Jos de Anchieta, Spanish jesuit/missionary, dies
1870 Charles Dickens author, dies in England
1897 Alvin Graham Clark dies 3 weeks after 1st use of Yerkes 40" lens
1981 Allen Ludden game show host (Password), dies at 63
1982 Hank Ladd TV host (Arrow Show, Waiting for the Break), dies at 74
POW / MIA Data & Bios supplied by
the P.O.W. NETWORK. Skidmore, MO. USA.
On this day...
1456 23rd recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet
1534 Jacques Cartier 1st sails into mouth of St Lawrence River
1628 1st deportation from what is now US, Thomas Morton from Mass
1732 Royal charter for Georgia granted to James Oglethorpe
1772 1st Protestant church west of Penn (in Ohio) holds communion
1784 John Carroll appointed supervisor of US Catholic Missions
1789 Spanish capture British schooner Northwest America near Vancouver I
1790 1st book copyrighted under the constitution, Philadelphia Spelling Bk
1822 Charles Graham receives 1st patent for false teeth
1851 San Francisco Committee of Vigilance forms (1st time)
1862 Battle of Port Republic, last of 5 battles in Jacksons Valley camp
1863 Battle of Brandy Station, Va
1868 1st meeting of the Board of Regents, University of California
1869 Charles Elmer Hires sells his 1st root beer (Phila)
1883 1st commercial electric railway line begins operation (Chicago El)
1890 The opera "Robin Hood" is produced (Chicago)
1898 China leases Hong Kong's new territories to Britain for 99 years
1899 Jim Jeffries KOs Bob Fitzsimmons for the Heavyweight boxxing crown
1901 NY Giants get record 31 hits to beat Cin Reds 25-13
1902 1st Automat restaurant opens (818 Chestnut St, Phila)
1907 K Lohnert discovers asteroid #635 Vundtia
1914 Honus Wagner becomes the 1st baseball player to get 3,000 hits
1928 1st aerial cross of the Pacific lands in Brisbane Australia
1931 1st showing of a Donald Duck cartoon
1931 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1197 Rhodesia
1931 Goddard patents rocket-fueled aircraft design
1934 1st Donald Duck cartoon, The Wise Little Hen, released
1934 Lawson Little beats Gene Sarazen by 3 strokes for the US Open
1936 Olin Dutra beats Gene Sarazen by 1 stroke for the US Open
1940 Norway surrenders to Germany during WW II
1943 Congress passes "pay-as-you-go" income tax
1944 23 puppies (record litter) born to Lena, a foxhound, Ambler, Penn
1946 19 guests at Canfield Hotel die in fire. (Dubuque Iowa)
1946 66,545 fans help Yanks break million attendance mark, the earliest
1946 NY Giant Mel Ott becomes the 1st manager to be ejected from both games of a doubleheader
1949 Mrs Georgia Neese Clark of Kansas becomes 1st woman treasurer of US
1953 About 100 die in Worcester MA tornado
1953 Tornado strikes Worcester Mass destroying Assumption College
1954 Joseph Welch asks Sen Joseph McCarthy "Have you no sense of decency,sir?" during Senate-Army hearings
1955 100ø F-Hottest day in Seattle Washington
1957 Anthony Eden resigns as British PM
1959 1st ballistic missile sub launched (George Washington-Groton, Ct)
1960 ABC & AFL sign a 5 year contract
1963 1st Sunday night game in baseball SF Giants lose to Houston Colts 3-0
1963 Barbra Striesand appears on "The Ed Sullivan Show"
1963 Movie "Cleopatra" opens in NY
1965 Michel Fazy runs the mile in 3 minute 53.6 seconds
1966 5 Minn Twins (Rich Rollins, Zolio Versailes, Tony Oliva, Don Michner,& Harmon Killebrew) all homer in the 7th inning to beat Athletics 9-4
1967 The Monkees appear at the Hollywood Bowl
1969 Brian Jones quits the Rolling Stones
1969 Warren Burger confirmed as US Chief Justice
1970 Harry A Blackmun becomes a Supreme Court Justice
1971 Paul McCartney's album "Ram" goes gold
1972 14" of rain in 6 hrs burst Rapid City SD dam, drowns 200
1972 1st all-nite grad parties
1972 Bruce Springsteen signs a record deal with Columbia
1973 Secretariat wins Belmont Stakes & Triple Crown
1974 Supergroup Blind Faith's (Clapton, Windwood, Baker) 1st concert
1975 E Roemer discovers asteroid #1983 Bok
1975 Fire in prison hospital kills 10 prisoners & 1 guard (Sanford Fla)
1977 George & Patti Harrison divorce
1977 Silver jubilee of Queen Elizabeth celebrated with fireworks
1978 Gutenberg Bible (1 of 21) sells for $2.4 million, London
1978 Larry Holmes wins a decision over Ken Norton for the WBC crown
1978 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) strikes down 148 year policy of excluding black men from priesthood
1979 Coastal wins the Belmont Stakes
1979 Michael Cairney topples a record row of 169,713 dominoes
1979 Phillies wear burgundy uniforms for 1st & last time
1979 Willie Horton is honored at Seattle's Kingdome
1980 Comedian Richard Pryor suffers burns from free basing cocaine
1980 Phillies & SF Giants end their game at 3:11 AM
1980 Soyuz T-2 returns to Earth
1982 Israel wipes out Syrian SAM missiles in Bekaa Valley
1984 "Laserphonic Fantasy" premieres
1984 Cyndi Lauper's 1st #1 "Time After Times"
1984 Jrgen Hingsen of W Germany sets record for decathlon, 8,798 pts
1984 NASA launches Intelsat V, it failed
1984 Polygram's Hanover Germany plant produces its 10 millionth CD
1984 Swale wins the Belmont Stakes (8 days later Swale dies)
1985 American Thomas Sutherland is kidnapped & held hostage in Lebanon
1985 LA Lakers beats Boston Celtics in 6 games for NBA title
1985 Los Angeles beats Boston, for the NBA championship
1985 USSR's Vega 1 deposits lander on surface of Venus
1986 Angel Don Sutton (298 wins) beats White Sox Tom Seaver (306 wins) 3-0
1986 Rogers Comm report on Challenger disaster blames Morton Thiokol
1988 Attorney General Meese orders Joseph Doherty deported to the UK
1989 "Star Trek V" premiers
1989 Barry Switzer resigns as head coach of Oklahoma's football
1989 Michael Changs French Open win makes him youngest male to go to finals
1989 Rare tornado in Philadelphia kills 1
1990 Czechoslovakia beats US 5-1 in World Cup soccer
1990 Go and Go wins the 122nd Belmont Stakes
1990 Kerry Kennedy (daughter of Robert) & Andrew Coumo (Mario's son) wed
1990 Monoica Salas beats Steffi Graff for French Open title
1991 Hansel wins the Belmont Stakes
1991 Jim Courier beats Andre Agassi for the French Open
1991 World Bowl-World League of American Football 1st championship
1997 British lease on New Territories in Hong Kong expires
Note: Some Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"
Oklahoma : Senior Citizens Day
Massachusett : Children's Day - - - - - ( Sunday )
Shelby, Mich : National Asparagus Festival - - - - - ( Thursday )
Great Britain : Queen's official birthday (National Day) - - - - - ( Saturday )
Religious Observances
Ancient Rome : Vestalia (honors goddess Vesta); a d v Id Juni
Christian : Feast of St Pelagia
RC : Memorial of Ephraem, deacon & doctor (opt)
RC : Commemoration of SS Primus & Felician, martyrs
Ang, Luth, RC : Commemoration of Columba, Abbot of Iona
Luth : Commemoration of Aidan, confessors
Luth : Commemoration of Bede, confessors
Religious History
0597 Death of St. Columba (born 521), pioneer missionary to Scotland. From the Isle of Iona, Columba evangelized the mainland of Scotland and Northumbria.
1549 In England, Parliament established a uniformity of religious services and the first Book of Common Prayer, as Anglicanism became the newly established national faith.
1732 Englishman James Oglethorpe received a royal charter to form the American colony of Georgia. It was to be a place of refuge for sectarian Protestant believers, persecuted in England.
1784 In the first step toward formal organization of the Roman Catholic Church in the U.S., Father John Carroll was appointed superior of the American missions by Pius VI.
1834 English Baptist missionary pioneer William Carey died at 73. Having translated portions of Scripture into as many as 25 languages, he is known by some today as the 'father of modern missions.'
Source: William D. Blake. ALMANAC OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1987.
Thought for the day :
"Music is the only sensual pleasure without vice."
posted on
06/09/2003 6:25:51 AM PDT
(Age and deceit beat youth and skill)
To: snippy_about_it
I'm back, finally.
After helping to setup a windows XP machine...
Remind me to beat Windows XP into submission when I do upgrade to it in the future.
posted on
06/09/2003 6:26:54 AM PDT
(Nox aeternus en pax.)
To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; *all
Good morning snippy, SAM, FOXHOLE residents!
posted on
06/09/2003 6:31:51 AM PDT
Soaring Feather
(Have a wonderful day everyone!)
To: Darksheare
Good morning Darksheare,
XP - I just got it when I got my new computer and I'm not happy!!!!
To: bentfeather
Good morning feather. That's a pretty one you have floating there this morning.
To: snippy_about_it
Thank you snippy, I think it's straight to the point!
posted on
06/09/2003 6:37:19 AM PDT
Soaring Feather
(Have a wonderful day everyone!)
To: bentfeather
To: snippy_about_it
It does have some nice things about it.
Unfortunately, it's even more of an arrogant OS than Win 95 was.
For one, it's got this setting where things in your start menu will pull a Houdini act on you if XP thinks you're not using them enough.
So you need to disable that 'feature', but finding where they hid the off switch for it is interesting. has info on doing so.
And this isn't even scratching the surface on the annoying 'features'.
But.. it does allow 4k blocks on a hard drive up to a 320gb hard-drive or some such thing.
So you wouldn't need to partition a hard drive down to 6 gig chunks.
"course... I'm always willing to rip.. er.. force Windows to comply to my wishes.
Why, back in the day, Windows 95 was forced to comply by my ripping out most of it's guts...
Odd part: it was more stable then.
At least until I was forced to reload windows when someone kept shutting off my 'puter without shutting it down.
I didn't bother gutting Win '95 after that because of the 'workload' involved in doing so.
I haven't bothered doing that to Win '98 since some of the things that were common between the two, and unused in win'95, are used by win 98.
posted on
06/09/2003 6:48:57 AM PDT
(Nox aeternus en pax.)
To: snippy_about_it
Hey, Snippy. How's it going?
posted on
06/09/2003 7:02:07 AM PDT
To: Darksheare
I want my windows 98 feature back to give me my last document without opening up all the dang folders connected to it. Arrgh.
That said, I do like my bigger machine. :)
To: snippy_about_it
I think that too may be able to be made more.. .unarrogant.
But they hid all those nice tricks.
Troll about PCWorld's info about it.
There's all kinds of goodies there.
DO be aware that even PCWorld has a popup here and there.
(They are against them, but since popups are a marketing tool and they are no fools..)
posted on
06/09/2003 7:09:44 AM PDT
(Nox aeternus en pax.)
To: Darksheare
Thanks. :)
Have a good day.
To: snippy_about_it
I'll try to, it's Monday after all.
posted on
06/09/2003 7:37:37 AM PDT
(Nox aeternus en pax.)
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