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The FReeper Foxhole Remembers Hollywood's Army - (1942-1945) - May 29th, 2003 ^ | Master Sergeant George J. Siegel

Posted on 05/29/2003 5:36:02 AM PDT by SAMWolf

Dear Lord,

There's a young man far from home,
called to serve his nation in time of war;
sent to defend our freedom
on some distant foreign shore.

We pray You keep him safe,
we pray You keep him strong,
we pray You send him safely home ...
for he's been away so long.

There's a young woman far from home,
serving her nation with pride.
Her step is strong, her step is sure,
there is courage in every stride.
We pray You keep her safe,
we pray You keep her strong,
we pray You send her safely home ...
for she's been away too long.

Bless those who await their safe return.
Bless those who mourn the lost.
Bless those who serve this country well,
no matter what the cost.

Author Unknown


FReepers from the The Foxhole
join in prayer for all those serving their country at this time.



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Hollywood's Army
The First Motion Picture Unit,
US Army Air Forces
Culver City, California

How It Began

Approximately a year and a half before the War, Warner Bros. Studios were contacted by the Army Public Relations in Washington with an official request that a series of short subjects be made, released in theaters throughout the country, for the purpose of orienting the public with the various branches of the military.

It should be remembered that, at this time, the American public was totally unaware of the importance of such branches as the Armored Forces, the Engineers, Cadet Training of the Air Corps., Etc.

The Hal Roach Studio

Jack L. Warner accepted the responsibility with enthusiasm and acute awareness for the necessity of the job to be done. He went into conference with Gordon Hollingshead, of his Short Subjects Department, who, in turn, called in Owen Crump, a writer at the studio. Thus the plan materialized and the work began.

The result, after Crump~had visited and done research at various military installations and Headquarters throughout the country, was a series of eight two~reel subjects in Technicolor, and were at that time, a completely new innovation in the short subject field.

Once the Army Service pictures were released in the theaters, similar requests were received from the Navy, Marine Corps arid the Coast Guard.

Up to the time when War was declared, the Shorts Subjects Department of Warner Bros. was devoted to this pre-Pearl Harbor orientation campaign.

It was natural then that General "Hap" Arnold, head of the Army Air Forces, realizing the tremendous necessity for training films, orientation films and inspirational subjects, to keep pace with the almost unbelievable growth of the Air Forces, should request Jack Warner to come to Washington. Warner took Owen Crump with him, since he had accumulated much knowledge of service picture problems.

It should be noted then that General Arnold was at that time anticipating the division of the Army Air Corps into a completely separate service branch, no longer a part of the Army. Previously, the Army Signal Corps Photographic Section had made all the train ing films for the air arm, but now General Arnold saw the immediate necessity of organizing and activating his own film unit to serve the particular needs of the new Army Air Force.

“Little Hal” Roach (left) in 1937.

In that first meeting the General explained the situation.... "If we (the Army Air Force) set out to form a unit of highly professional film makers, where do we get them? We certainly couldn't train them. We wouldn't know how, and the time it would take to get some capable personnel into the set-up and get a film-making Air Force Table of Organization working, is just unthinkable.... unless you people in the film industry take on the job and do it for us. And that's what I am asking you to do. We haven't any time. Training of Cadets and of Technical crews are just examples of the monumental problems we are facing with this great expansion going on and training films could shorten the amount of time it would take to accomplish this.

The outcome of this meeting, and others in the War Department, resulted in Jack Warner being commissioned a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force. A short time later Owen Crump was commissioned a Captain.

Their primary assignment was quite simply to organize the First Motion Picture Unit of the US Army Air Force.

Of immediate necessity, however, was the demand for a two-reel short subject aimed at speeding up enlistments in the Army Air Force Cadet Training Program. General Arnold felt this to be the most urgent need since the Army Air Force, at that time, could not draft men for Cadet Training and was in a position where more than 100,000 young men must enlist voluntarily within a three month period.

From left; Jack Warner of Warner Bros Studio, Fred Sutterlin and Horace Varian (100th Photo Archives)

Colonel Warner turned over all facilities of Warner Bros. studio to the project. Work was carried out on a twenty-four hour basis. Owen Crump wrote and directed the film. Within fourteen days it was written, photographed, edited, dubbed, scored. Jimmy Stewart, then Lt. Stewart (later to become a Brigadier General Stewart)played the leading role. The picture was promptly released in most of the theaters throughout the United States. Its effect was immediate, intense. More than 150,000 enlistments were directly traced to the effect of the picture, which was called "Winning Your Wings".

Organizing the Unit

How do you start? Well, obviously you need technicians in almost every category of film making, and you need enough of them to turn out the film quickly and with a high standard of quality. So you have to have the best and the best were working in the studios. then, too, you have to find someplace to make the films, like a studio. Start with that.

Jack Warner offered the Vitagraph Studio, in East Hollywood. It was empty with no equipment whatever and no filming or picture making activity of any kind had been done there for a long period of time. But it did have sound stages, storage space and some empty rooms for offices.

General Arnold sent out one Lieutenant and two Sergeants to help with the military paper work that would properly activate the Unit and give it the means to operate, acquire supples etc.

Crump put up a large chart representing an operating studio with all departments indicated. Then he began to fill in the categories of personnel and the number of each for every department, from studio grip to producers.

To spread the word, he gave the story to the trade papers, and the response was almost unbelievable. By then, fortunately, we had help from a few other experienced motion picture people who were in other units of the Service and were immediately transferred to the new "Unit".

Applications were received from every studio, representing almost every type of craftsman. It's true, of course, that many of them were eligible for the draft, but very many simply wanted to serve their country in a way they knew best, (Remember that in those early days after Pearl Harbor, patriotism was rampant) and many of the ap plicants were past middle age and these dedicated men were, as the film industry knows, the most skillful.

Now the very idea of direct enlistment into a particular unit was practically unheard of in the military. But General Arnold agreed to it, and saw that it was permitted, because it was the only way such a complicated organization could be put together in a hurry.

An appointed committee carefully surveyed the applications and the qualifications of every applicant and also, since the unit would be dealing with some highly top secret subjects,. each applicant's name was also given to the F.B.I. for processing.

Quickly the number of personnel grew. After four weeks of basic training in other parts of the country, they returned to sleep on cots on the sound stages and to eat in the commissary, which was not too bad, considering the initial problems of getting it started.

The Hal Roach Studio

It was soon evident that because of wartime priorities on equipment, it would be necessary to find a location where a studio, completely equipped for the making of motion pictures was available. There was a stroke of luck. It was learned that the Hal Roach Studios were not in production and had no plans in that direction.

Washington was immediately contacted and in a matter of days the Studio was leased by the Army Air Force.

At that time the number of men in the unit was about three hundred. One week, exactly, after the men marched on the Hal Roach property, and dispersed to their assigned departments, shooting the first picture began. A six reel picture titled "Live and Learn" that illustrated, with a lot of flying, the unnecessary, thoughtless mistakes, young cadets make (some fatal) in their flight training.

Within two months the number of pictures proposed by the Training Aids branch of the Army Air Force in Washington amounted to one hundred fifty, with priorities on those most urgently needed, Subsequently, three hundred pictures were in some process of planning, writing, research, shooting, cutting, dubbing or scoring.

U.S. Marine Corps WW-II

The range of subject matter was so varied as to include "Operation of the Bomb Sight", "Land and Live in the Jungle", "How to Survive in the Arctic" (after crashing), "Lessons in Aerial Gunnery", Mental Attitude of a Soldier", "Recognition of the Japanese Zero". (The first Zero captured intact was immediately flown, in a cargo plane, to Burbank so the Unit could photograph it in the air doing a series of maneuvers with a technical narration and with the highest priority the film was flown to all Air Forces and other installations in the Pacific.

During the life of the First Motion Picture Unit more than 400 films were made. Because of the extent of the operation the Table of Organization was increased several times by Washington. In the end, there were 1110 men, not counting the Combat Camera Training and the units in the field. Also, not counting persons on special assignment, as Technical Advisors, or other personnel on temporary duty from coordinating Army Air Force units.

The list of players who were also members of the unit (With other assigned duties when not acting) represented stars and feature players from nearly every studio.... for example, Captain Ronald Reagan, who was in the Cavalry Reserves when the War started, but was transferred to the First Motion Picture Unit because of his combination of military and motion picture experience.

To continue with "names", Sergeant Alan Ladd, Sergeant George Montgomery, Captain Robert Sterling, Captain William Holden, Sergeant Lee Cobb, Sergeant Arthur Kennedy, to name but a few.

Directors and producers from all studios were also represented as well as some of the finest writers in the Industry.

Signal Corps combat cameramen Sgt. Carl Weinke, left, and PFC Ernest Marjoram wade through a stream while following infantry troops at Red Beach 2, Tanahmerah, New Guinea, during an Allied invasion April 22, 1944.

One of the most notable projects undertaken by the Unit, and one whose secret had been kept necessarily of top classification, was the building of a huge miniature of the main island of Japan, exactly to scale. This was done approximately six months before the first bomb was dropped by the B-29's. The miniature covered an entire sound stage and more than 100 men worked on it at all times. With the camera's eye moving over the island, to perfectly depicted targets, briefing films were made which were run later on Okinawa for pilots to bomb Japan. Thus the crews of the B-29's could sit in their chairs and see the trip they were to make, pick out check points and the target. Some of the men connected with this work in the Unit knew the exact dates, time and hour and locations for the actual bombing of the Japanese Islands weeks before the first bomb was dropped.

Thanks to FReeper Texas Booster for suggesting this Thread

KEYWORDS: fmpu; freeperfoxhole; hollywood; michaeldobbs; motionpictureunit; ronaldreagan; veterans; wwii
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Combat Camera Units

Combat Camera crews were trained by the First Motion Picture Unit at the Page Military Academy, only a half mile from the studio. Each crew was composed of seven Officers and 20 to 30 Enlisted men, depending on the theater of War they were sent to.

The training consisted of very intensive instruction in photography with a variety of motion picture and still cameras. Thorough training in the maintenance of' the cameras, aerial camera work under true flight conditions, often across the country. Rigid physical training, simulating ground combat, as well as the use of combat weapons.

The Camera Units, after training was completed, were sent out to all Army Air Force fronts throughout the World. They were on bombing raids as a matter of routine. The raids took many casualties and percentage-wise were high but many members of the Units received the most commendable decorations.

And Finally...

This account is necessarily brief, but should give an idea of the Units participation in the war effort. We could include copies of many commendations the Unit received from top Officers in the Army Air Force, representing various organizations the First Motion Picture Unit served with a film that "cut the training time down by months". This became a very familiar statement. The commendations also included other films that were documentary, meant to be studied as lessons learned in this war. Valuable lessons to be retained additionally there were the morale building and purely patriotic films which were highly praised. The men in the Unit who worked on these films were told about their reception from the top brass, so they could be proud. They were.

To put the Unit in a more concise perspective - an excerpt is quoted from an investigative report from. the Inspector General's office, Department of Intelligence.

General George S. Patton's Photo Team practicing in the California desert - WW-II

"This investigating officer cannot conclude his discussion without saying something for those sincere and patriotic officers and men who have contributed so much to the excellent work of the First Motion Picture Unit. The vast majority of its personnel have succeeded in producing training and orientation films, most of which are superior by every standard of motion picture art, training and effectiveness. Men of the First Motion Picture Unit probably represent a higher civilian income bracket than would be found in any other military organization. They are proud of their work and have a right to be so. This can also be said of the Combat Camera Units."

Jack L. Warner

After the First Motion Picture Unit was formed and settled in at the Hal Roach Studios, Warner felt he had completed his part of the mission. Therefore, he turned back to his primary responsibility which was to run Warner Bros. Studio.

Captain Ronald Reagan

His first assignment in the Unit was that of Personnel Officer, a very important job, since men were enlisting for the Unit every day. Their records had to be set up, and he was their personal contact for questions or any information in their behalf. He was also on the staff responsible for working out the Table of Organization which was most important, because the whole structure of the Unit depended on that. Later, he was appointed Adjutant and performed those military duties with a high degree of consistency and zeal.

Reagan was very well-liked by the men of the Unit who looked up to him, not only for what he represented to them and their present circumstances, but as a person.

Alongside his military service, he appeared in or narrated many of the films.

The Bottom Line

The First Motion Picture Unit represented an historical moment, since it marked the first time in history a military unit was formed entirely of motion picture personnel. It was a true service, enlisted directly from the Industry and from all of the studios.

Now, after all these years, the men of this great Unit and the Motion Picture Industry from which they came have a right to be proud.

1 posted on 05/29/2003 5:36:02 AM PDT by SAMWolf
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To: AntiJen; snippy_about_it; Victoria Delsoul; SassyMom; bentfeather; MistyCA; GatorGirl; radu; ...
The Commander-in-Chief
President Ronald Reagan

Several years after graduating from college and while employed as a sports announcer by a radio station in Iowa, Ronald Reagan began taking home-study U.S. Army Extension Courses. He enrolled in the program on Mar. 18, 1935 and by Dec. 1936, had completed 14 courses. He then joined the Army's Enlisted Reserve Corps at Des Moines, Iowa on April 29, 1937 as a private in Troop B, 322d Cavalry. On May 25, 1937 he was appointed a second lieutenant in the Officers' Reserve Corps of the Cavalry and on June 18, 1937, he accepted his officer's commission.

Following the Japanese attack of Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, Lt. Reagan interrupted his acting career and on April 19, 1942, went on active duty. This was not achieved without some difficulty because when Lt. Reagan took his first physical exam, he was not accepted for active duty due to eyesight difficulties. His persistence finally triumphed and he was given another exam which he passed. However, he was classified for limited service only, which permanently denied to him his ambition of serving overseas. His first assignment was at the San Francisco Port of Embarkation, Fort Mason, Cal., as Liaison Officer of the Port and Transportation Office.

At this time, the AAF and Warner Brothers Studios were planning a feature motion picture to be entitled "Air Force" and wanted Lt. Reagan for the leading role, so on May 15, 1942, he applied for transfer from the Cavalry to the AAF.

The transfer was approved and on June 9th, 1942, Lt. Reagan was assigned to AAF Public Relations as P.R. Officer in Burbank, Cal. and subsequently to the 1st Motion Picture Unit in Culver City.

Lt. Reagan was promoted to first lieutenant, Jan. 14, 1943, and on Feb. 26, he was sent to the Provisional Task Force Show Unit of "This is the Army" at Burbank. Following this duty, he returned to the 1st Motion Picture Unit and on Jul. 22, 1943, was promoted to captain.

As the result of a personal request from the Secretary of the Treasury to the Secretary of War, Capt. Reagan was ordered on temporary duty to New York City in Jan. 1944 to participate in the opening of the 4th War Loan Drive, after which he returned to California to the 1st Motion Picture Unit. On Nov. 14, 1944, he was assigned to the 18th AAF Base Unit at Culver City where he remained until the end of the war. On Sep. 8, 1945, he was ordered to Fort MacArthur, Cal. for separation, effective Dec. 9, 1945.

While on active duty with the 1st Motion Picture Unit and the 18th AAFBU, Capt. Reagan served as Personnel Officer, Post Adjutant, Executive Officer, and even Commanding Officer, often two or more at the same time. On May 15, 1945 in a memo to Gen. H.H. "Hap" Arnold, Commanding General of the AAF, Maj. Gen. James P. Hodges, the Assistant Chief of the Air Staff for Intelligence, wrote that Capt. Reagan "has proven himself to be an officer of exceptional ability, demonstrating unusual initiative, and performs his duties in a superior manner. Captain Reagan has received a 'superior' efficiency rating continually since 1 Jul., 1943." The reference to "unusual initiative" undoubtedly resulted, at least in part, from Capt. Reagan repeatedly volunteering to assist in producing and narrating AAF motion pictures, in addition to his regular duties. By the end of the war, his military units had produced 400 training films for the AAF.

In 1945, Capt. Reagan was recommended for promotion but because there was no major's vacancy in his unit at the time, the request was not approved. On Apr. 1, 1953, his commission in the Officers' Reserve Corps was terminated as required by law and his military affiliation apparently ended. On Jan. 20, 1981, however, he became Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Additional Sources:

2 posted on 05/29/2003 5:36:35 AM PDT by SAMWolf (This tagline is umop apisdn)
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To: All
Partial Filmography of F.M.P.U. Films

"Winning Your Wings" [theatrical short May 1942]
"Learn & Live" [1943]
"Ditching: Before & After" [1943]
"Cadet Classification" [1943]
"Wings Up" [theatrical short May 1943]
"Jap Zero" [1943]
"Three Cadets" [1943]
"First Motion Picture Unit" [1943 b&w documentary film]
"Resisting Enemy Interrogation" [1944]
"The Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress" [April 1944]
Land and Live in the Jungle [1944]
Land and Live in the Desert [1945]
"Target For Today"
"Operation of the Bombsight"
"Mental Attitude of the Soldier"
"How To Survive In The Arctic"

Capra's 'Why We Fight' videos
Why We Fight - Prelude to War (1942)
Why We Fight - The Nazi Strike (1942)
Why We Fight - Divide and Conquer (1943)
Why We Fight - The Battle of Russia (1943)
Why We Fight - Battle of Britain (1943)
Why We Fight - The Battle of China (1944)
Why We Fight - War Comes to America (1945)

3 posted on 05/29/2003 5:36:54 AM PDT by SAMWolf (This tagline is umop apisdn)
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To: All
The State of the Union is Strong!
Support the Commander in Chief

Click Here to Send a Message to the opposition!

4 posted on 05/29/2003 5:37:17 AM PDT by SAMWolf (This tagline is umop apisdn)
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To: All

5 posted on 05/29/2003 5:37:45 AM PDT by SAMWolf (This tagline is umop apisdn)
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To: SAMWolf
On This Day In History

Birthdates which occurred on May 29:
1627 Anne of Orléans duchess of Montpensier (Grand Mademoiselle)
1630 Charles II king of England (1660-85)
1673 Cornelis van Bijnkershoek lawyer/president of High Council
1716 Louis J M Daubenton French zoologist
1730 William Jackson composer
1731 Orazio Mei composer
1736 Patrick Henry US, patriot "Give me liberty or give me death"
1741 Johann Gottfried Krebs composer
1791 Pietro Romani composer
1810 Erasmus Darwin Keyes Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1895
1810 Juan B Alberdi [Figarillo] Argentina politician/writer
1810 Solomon Meredith Brevet Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1875
1824 Cadmus Marcellus Wilcox Major General (Confederate Army)
1825 David Bell Birney Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1864
1826 Ebenezer Butterick inventor (tissue paper dress pattern)
1827 Reuben Lindsay Walker Brigadier General (Confederate Army), died in 1890
1837 Alexander F de Savornin Lohmann Dutch minister/party leader (CHU)
1837 Luca Fumagalli composer
1839 Ned Gregory cricketer (brother of Dave, father of Syd Played 1st Test)
1840 Hans Makart Austrian painter (Plague in Florenz)
1843 Emile Pessard composer
1846 Albert György earl Apponyi Hungarian minister of Education
1851 Léon Bourgeois French premier (1895-96, Nobel 1920)
1852 Jindrich z Albestu Kaan composer
1860 Isaac [Manuel F] Albéniz Spanish pianist/composer (Iberia)
1864 A H Borgesius Dutch amateur astronomer
1868 Fréderic baron d'Erlanger French composer/banker
1874 Gilbert Keith Chesterton England, journalist/poet/critic/novelist (Man Who Made Gold)
1880 Oswald Spengler Germany, philosopher (Decline of the West)
1881 Frederik Septimus Kelly composer
1883 William Beatton Moonie composer
1885 Erwin F Finlay-Freundlich British astronomer (theory of relativity)
1890 Francis de Bourguignon composer
1892 Alfonsina Storni Argentine poet (La inquietud del rosal)
1894 Beatrice Lillie Toronto, comedian/actress (Around World in 80 Days)
1894 Josef von Sternberg Austrian director (Der blaue Engel)
1896 George L Funke botanist (Flower Physiology)
1897 Erich Wolfgang Korngold Brno Austria, movie composer (Violanta)
1897 Ignace Lilien composer
19-- Donna Jean Young East McKeesport PA, comedienne (Laugh-in)
19-- Roya Megnot Southfield MI, actress (Ava-Loving)
19-- Sandy Helberg Frankfurt Germany, actor (Flatbush, 79 Park Ave)
1903 Bob Hope [Leslie Townes] Kent England, entertainer/comedian (famous profile)
1904 Robert Knox bacteriologist
1905 Fela Sowande composer
1905 Jan [Johannes] Teulings Dutch actor/director (That Joyous Eve)
1905 Sebastian Shaw Holt England, actor (Return of Jedi, Chimera, High Season, Spy in Black)
1906 Hans Joachim Schaeuble composer
1906 Terence Hanbury White Bombay India, novelist (England Have My Bones)
1907 Desmond Shawe-Taylor critic
1909 Neil R[onald] Jones US, sci-fi author (Space War, Twin Worlds)
1910 Agnes Beatrice Read medical social worker
1911 James Marjoribanks British ambassador
1911 Louis Wain agricultural scientist
1912 John Hanlo Dutch poet (Go to the Mosque)
1913 Douglas Black physician
1913 Iris Adrian Los Angeles CA, actress (Blue Hawaii, Bluebeard)
1915 David Jenklins librarian (National Library of Wales)
1915 Igor Buketoff Hartford CT, conductor (Iceland Symphony 1964-65)
1915 Lord Huntingfield British agent to UN Secreteriat
1916 Carl M Story fiddler
1917 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Brookline MA, (Senator-D-MA), 35th President (1961-1963)
1918 Herb Shriner humorist/TV host (Herb Shriner Show)
1918 Isabel Dean England, actress (5 Days one Summer, Virgin Island, Ransom)
1920 Robin Haydon British diplomat
1921 Clifton James New York NY, actor (Buster & Billie, David & Lisa)
1921 George Terry chief constable (Sussex England)
1921 James Clifton Spokane WA, actor (Live & Let Die)
1922 Iannis Xenakis Braila Romania, composer/architect/mathematician
1922 John Heerbecq Church commissioner
1923 Earl of Morley Lord Lieutenant (Devon)
1923 Richard Worsley quarter master General
1925 Kenneth Couzens CEO (Coal Products)
1926 Charles Denner Tarnow Poland, actor (And Now My Love)
1926 Iannis Xenakis composer/architect/engineer
1927 Carl Toms stage designer (1 Million BC, Moon Zero Two)
1927 Dick Hillenius Dutch biologist/writer
1927 Trevor Holdsworth CEO (National Power)
1928 Felix Rohatyn Vienna Austria, investment banker (New York Big MAC Bonds)
1929 Anthony Grant British MP
1929 Katie Boyle [Lady Sander Saunders] British broadcaster
1929 Kennetgh Couzens CEO (Coal Products)
1930 Eleanor Fazan opera/show choreographer (Lassiter, Ruling Class)
1931 Carl Toms stage designer
1932 Paul Erlich environmental scientist
1935 André P Brink South African writer (Dry White Season)
1935 Denis J Worrall South African politician/leader (DP)
1935 Martin Garrod Commandant General (Royal Marines)
1936 Arlene McQuade New York NY, actress (Rosalie-Goldbergs)
1937 Alwin Schockemohle horse show jumper
1937 Irmin Schmidt rocker (Can)
1937 Peter Kolman composer
1938 Francis Thomas (Fay) Vincent baseball commissioner
1939 Al Unser auto racer (Indianapolis 500-1970, 71)
1939 Martin Garrod Commandant General Royal Marines
1939 Nanette Newman writer/actress (Endless Game, Of Human Bondage)
1941 Douglas Scott mountaineer
1941 Roy Crewsdon Manchester, rocker (Freddie & The Dreamers)
1942 Kevin Conway New York NY, actor (Flash Point, Cage of Angels)
1943 Bob Edgar (Representative-D-PA, 1975-87)
1943 E Thomas Coleman (Representative-R-MO, 1976- )
1943 Terry Pavey editor (TV Times)
1944 Helmut Berger actor (Ash Wednesday, Damned, Picture of Dorian Gray)
1944 Quentin Davies MP (C)
1945 Lord Fraser of Carmyllie Minister of State (Scotland)
1945 Martin Pipe horse trainer
1945 Mike Rossi rocker (Status Quo)
1946 Robin Johnson Brooklyn NY, actress (Times Square)
1947 Mark Nelson Brooklyn NY, crew member (Biosphere 2)
1948 Anthony Geary Coalville UT, actor (Luke/Bill-General Hospital)
1948 Linda Esther Gray opera singer
1948 Michael Berkley composer/broadcaster
1949 Francis Rossi London England, guitarist/vocalist (Status Quo-Down Down, Picture of a Matchstick Man)
1949 Gary Brooker Essex England, rock keyboardist (Procol Harum)
1950 Rebbie [Maureen] Jackson Gary IN, singer (R U Tuff Enuff)
1950 Talat Ali cricketer (Pakistan opening batsman in ten Tests 1972-80)
1952 Louise Cooper UK, sci-fi author (Nemesis, Inferno, Infanta, Nocturne)
1953 Danny Elfman Los Angeles CA, composer (Simspon Show Theme)
1953 Ranji Nanan cricketer (Trinidad off-spinner, 1 Test vs Pakistan 1981)
1953 Rick Henderson Beaumont TX, singer (Mason Dixon-Karen Comes Around)
1955 Jerry Dengler Colorado Springs CO, singer (Mason Dixon-Karen Comes Around)
1955 John Hinckley Jr shot & wounded President Reagan in 1981
1955 Mike Porcaro rock bassist (Toto-Roseanna, Africa)
1956 Greg R rocker (Bad)
1956 Larry Blackmon rocker (Cameo-Alligator Woman)
1956 LaToya Yvette Jackson Gary IN, singer (posed in Playboy, Millipede)
1958 Annette Bening Topeka KS, actress (American Beauty, Grifters, Bugsy, Valmont)
1958 Ivar Sisniega México, pentathlete (Olympics-1980)
1958 Sam Clancy WLAF defensive assistant coach (Barcelona Dragons)
1959 Mel Gaynor Glasgow Scotland, rock drummer (Simple Minds-Water Front)
1959 Rupert Everett Norfolk England, actor (My Best Friend's Wedding, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Next Best Thing)
1959 Tamayo Otsuki actress (Mrs Yamagami-Davis Rules)
1960 Adrian Paul London England, actor (Dance to Win, Highlander)
1961 David Palmer heavy metal drummer (ABC, AC/DC)
1961 Melissa Etheridge US singer/songwriter/guitarist (Never Enough)
1961 Todd Boonstra Minneapolis MN, cross country skier (Olympics-1994)
1962 Eric Davis Los Angeles CA, outfielder (Cincinnati Reds)
1962 Gerry Norquist Portland OR, Nike golfer (1990 Boise Open-5th)
1963 Lisa Whelchel Fort Worth TX, actress (Blair-Facts of Life, Michey Mouse Club)
1963 Tracey E Bregman Recht Munich Germany, actress (Days of Our Life)
1965 Charlie Hayes Hattisburg MS, 3rd baseman (Pittsburgh Pirates, New York Yankees)
1965 Emilio Sanchez Madrid Spain, Tennis player (Olympics-bronze-1988)
1965 Jammo Myllys Savonlinna Finland, hockey goalie (Team Finland, Olympics-bronze-98)
1966 Floyd Turner NFL wide receiver (Indianapolis Colts)
1967 Bill Risley Chicago IL, pitcher (Toronto Blue Jays)
1967 Karina Orum Denmark, golfer (Scandinavian champion 1989)
1967 Mike Keane Winnipeg, NHL right wing (Colorado Avalanche)
1967 Ray Bernard CFL linebacker (Montréal Alouettes)
1968 Brian Roche NFL tight end (San Diego Chargers)
1968 Duane Young NFL tight end (San Diego Chargers)
1969 Toby Borland Quitman LA, pitcher (Philadelphia Phillies)
1969 Wiltrud Probst Nuermberg Germany, tennis star (1992 Belgian Open)
1972 Bill Curley NBA forward (Portland Trail Blazers, Minnesota Timberwolves)
1972 David Hendrix NFL strong safety (San Diego Chargers)
1972 Kenny McEntyre WLAF cornerback (London Monarchs)
1972 Kevin McDougal CFL quarterback (Winnipeg Blue Bombers)
1973 Emma Johnson Sydney New South Wales Australia, swimmer (Olympics-96)
1973 Etdrick Bohannon NBA forward (Indiana Pacers)
1973 Jason Dawe North York, NHL left wing (Buffalo Sabres)
1973 Malcolm Allen Wauchope New South Wales Australia, swimmer (Olympics-96)
1973 Tiffany M Sloan Orange County CA, playmate (October 1992)
1974 Barbara Mulej Kranj Slovenia, tennis star (1992 Futures Germany)
1974 Kenny Bynum running back (San Diego Chargers)
1974 Robyn Petroskey Minneapolis MN, figure skater (1996 Midwest champion)
1975 Alexander Zhurik hockey defenseman (Belarus, Olympics-98)
1975 Bianca Langham Australian field hockey fullback/halfback (Olympics-96)
1975 Melanie Janine Brown "Scary Spice", Leeds, vocalist (Spice Girls)
1975 Shoshanna Lonstein New York NY, girlfriend (Jerry Seinfeld)
1977 Brent Roberts Leesville LA, diver (Olympics-96)
1977 Danny Gerard Mount Vernon NY, actor (Alan Silver-Brooklyn Bridge)
1979 Luann Roberts Miss Alabama Teen USA (1996)
1980 Valérie Hould-Marchand Riviere-Du-Loup QU, synchronized swim (Olympics-silver-96)
1983 Richard Jackson Redlands CA, actor (Ryan Meyers-Saved by the Bell)
1989 Danielle Riley Keough grand daughter of Elvis Presley
1991 Coral Browne Australian actor (Ruling Class), dies of cancer at 77

Deaths which occurred on May 29:
1453 Constantine XI Dragases last Byzantine Emperor, dies at 49
1500 Bartholomeu Diaz de Narvaez (Novaez) Portuguese sea explorer, drowns
1544 Jacobus Latomus [Jasques Masson] Belgian inquisitor, dies at about 68
1546 Cardinal Beaton English archbishop of St Andrews, murdered
1593 John Penry English congressionalist, executed
1629 Arnold Baert Flemish lawyer/member of Great Council, dies at about 74
1660 György Rákóczi II prince of Transsylvania, dies in battle
1660 Peter Scriverius lawyer/historian, dies at 44
1680 Abraham Megerle composer, dies at 73
1691 Cornelis Tromp Admiral-General/son of Maarten T, dies at 61
1750 Giuseppe Porsile composer, dies at 70
1788 Jacques Aliamet French etcher/engraver, dies at 61
1814 Joséphine empress of France (1804-14), dies
1815 Cornelis de Gijselaar politician/patriot, dies at 64
1816 Madame L'Ouverture widow of Haiti's leader Toussaint L'O, dies
1829 Humphry Davy scientist/inventor (Miner's safety lamp), dies at 84
1833 William Marshall composer, dies at 84
1862 Franciszek Wincenty Mirecki composer, dies at 71
1869 Philippe Vandermaelen Flemish cartographer/publisher, dies at 73
1877 John Lothrop Motley (History of United Netherlands), dies at 63
1883 Albrecht of Prussia mistress of John van Rossum, dies at 73
1883 WFLC Marianne princess of Orange-Nassau, dies
1885 Alfred von Meissner Austrian physician/writer (Ziska), dies at 63
1892 Baha'u'llah [Mirza HA Noeri] Persian founder (Bahá'í), dies at 74
1899 Frantz Jehin-Prume composer, dies at 60
1905 Leon Francis Victor Caron composer, dies at 55
1910 Mili Alexeyevich Balakirev Russian composer (Islamej), dies at 73
1911 William Schwenck Gilbert England, writer (Gilbert & Sullivan), dies at 74
1922 Jevgeni B Vachtangov Armenian/Russian actor/director, dies at 39
1923 Adolf Oberländer German painter, dies
1924 Pierre-Paul Cambon French diplomat (Madrid/London), dies
1933 Frank Sugg cricketer (batted in 2 Tests for England 1888), dies
1934 Eugenie Besserer actress (Anna Christie, Madame X), dies at 65
1934 Heihatjirô Tôjô Japanese Admiral (Russian-Japanese War), dies
1935 Josef Suk Czechoslovakia, violinist/composer, dies at 61
1942 John Barrymore US actor (Beloved Rogue, Dinner at 8), dies at 60
1943 Hermann Hans Wetzler composer, dies at 72
1948 May Whitty actress (Gaslight, Mrs Miniver, Suspicion), dies at 82
1951 Dimitrios Levidis composer, dies at 66
1951 Fanny Brice Ziegfeld Girl (Baby Snooks Show), dies at 59
1951 Josef Bohuslav Foerster composer, dies at 91
1951 Robert Kahn composer, dies at 85
1955 Daniël G van Beuningen art collector, dies at 78
1956 Albert H Edelkoort theologist (Christusverwachting), dies at 65
1956 Hermann Abendroth German conductor (Gewandhausorkest), dies at 73
1957 George Bacovia [Vasiliu] Romanian poet/composer (Plumb), dies at 75
1958 Juan Ramón Jiménez Spanish poet (Nobel 1956), dies at 76
1961 Uuno Kalervo Klami composer, dies at 60
1967 Geronimo Baqueiro Foster composer, dies at 69
1970 John Gunther author/host (John Gunther's High Road), dies at 68
1971 Max Trapp composer, dies at 83
1973 Eric Applewhite entertainer, dies
1977 Goddard Lieberson composer, dies at 66
1978 Bob Crane actor (Donna Reed Show, Hogan-Hogan's Heroes), dies at 49
1979 Mary Pickford actress (Coquette, Suds, Secrets), dies at 86
1982 Romy Schneider actress (Cardinal), dies of cardiac arrest at 43
1984 Eric Morecambe comedian (Morecambe & Wise), dies at 58
1985 39 die at Heysel Stadium in Liverpool in a riot prior to soccer match
1985 Madge West actress (Grandma-McLean Stevenson Show), dies at 93
1987 Alain Vincx Belgian stuntman, dies in an accident at 40
1991 Coral Browne Australian actress, (Dreamchild, Ruling Class), dies of cancer at 77
1992 Bill Beyers actor (Wally-Capitol), dies of AIDS at 37
1992 Karl Carstens president of RFA (1979-84), dies
1992 Peter John "Ollie" Halsall guitarist, dies of a heart attack at 43
1992 Pippa Steele actress (Vampire Lovers), dies of cancer at 44
1993 Billy Conn boxer (fought Joe Louis 1951), dies of pneumonia at 75
1993 Tiny Hofman Amsterdam activist (Nieuwmarkt), dies at 68
1994 Erich Honecker President of German Democratic Republic (1971-89), dies in Chile at 81
1994 Ezra Taft Benson minister of Agriculture/leader of mormon (1985-94), dies at 94
1994 Harry Levin literary Scholar, dies at 81
1994 Jose Bohr actor (El Traidor, Sueno de Amor), dies at 92
1994 Joseph Janni producer, dies at 78
1994 Oliver "Bops Junior" Jackson drummer, dies at 61
1995 Margaret Chase Smith 1st woman Representative & Senator (R-ME), dies at 97
1996 James George "Jimmy" Rowles jazz pianist, dies at 77
1996 Jeremy Sinden actor (Chariots of Fire, Ascendancy, Harem), dies at 45
1996 Tamara Toumanova dancer, dies at 77
1997 George Fenneman announcer (You Bet Your Life), dies at 77
1997 Jeff Buckley musician, drowns at 30
1997 John Sengstacke publisher (Defender), dies at 84



POW / MIA Data & Bios supplied by
the P.O.W. NETWORK. Skidmore, MO. USA.

On this day...
0526 Antioch struck by Earthquake; about 250,000 die
0757 St Paul I begins his reign as Catholic Pope
1138 Anti-Pope Victor IV (Gregorio) overthrows self for Innocentius II
1167 Lombard League defeat Frederick Barbarossa at Battle of Legnano
1176 Battle at Legnano: Lombardi League beats Frederik Barbarossa
1415 Council of Konstanz
1453 Constantinople falls to Muhammad II (Turks); ends Byzantine Empire
1453 French banker Jacques Coeurs possessions confiscated
1506 Earl Willem I van Nassau-Dillenburg weds countess Walburg van Egmont
1576 Spanish army under Mondragón conquerors Zierik sea
1630 Governor John Winthrop begins "History of New England"
1652 English Admiral Robert Blake drives out Dutch fleet under Lieutenant-Admiral Tromp
1660 Charles II restored to English throne after Puritan Commonwealth
1692 Battle at La Hogue: English & Dutch fleet beat France
1692 Royal Hospital Founders Day 1st celebrated
1721 South Carolina formally incorporated as a royal colony
1727 Peter II Aleksei (11) becomes czar of Russia
1753 Joseph Haydns "Krumme Teufel" premieres
1765 Patrick Henry historic speech against the Stamp Act, answering a cry of "Treason!" with, "If this be treason, make the most of it!"
1787 "Virginia Plan" proposed
1790 Rhode Island becomes last of original 13 colonies ratifying Constitution
1848 Battle at Curtazone: Austrians beat Sardinia-Piemonte
1848 Wisconsin becomes 30th state
1849 Lincoln says "You can fool some of the people all of the time, & all of people some of time, but you can't fool all of the people all of time"
1849 Patent for lifting vessels granted to Abraham Lincoln
1861 Dorothea Dix offers help in setting up hospitals for Union Army
1864 Mexican Emperor Maximilian arrives at Vera Cruz
1874 Present constitution of Switzerland takes effect
1884 1st steam cable trams start in highgate
1889 August Strindberg's "Hemsoborna" premieres in Copenhagen
1897 31st Belmont Stakes: J Scherrer aboard Scottish Cheiftain wins in 2:23¼
1900 25th Preakness: H Spencer aboard Hindus wins in 1:48.4
1900 Trademark "Escalator" registered by Otis Elevator Co
1902 Dutch State Mine law forms
1905 Pogrom against Jewish community in Brisk Lithuania
1909 Frank "Home Run" Baker's 1st career homerun
1910 Pope's encyclical on Editae Saepe, against church reformers
1911 1st Indianapolis 500 car race, Ray Harroun wins at 74.59 mph (120 kph)
1912 15 young women fired by Curtis Publishing for dancing the "Turkey Trot" during their lunch break
1914 Ship rams Canadian ship Empress of Ireland on St Lawrence R; 1024 die
1916 New York Giants win 17th consecutive road game
1916 Official flag of President of US adopted
1916 US forces invade Dominican Republic, stay until 1924
1919 Charles Strite patents pop-up toaster
1919 Einstein's light-bending prediction confirmed by Arthur Eddington
1922 Ecuador becomes independent
1922 US Supreme Court rules organized baseball is a sport and not a business and thus not subject to antitrust laws
1928 Fritz von Opel reaches 200 kph in experimental rocket car
1935 Hague local museum opens
1940 Adolf Kiefer swims world record 100 yards backstroke (58.8 seconds)
1940 Arthur Seyss-Inquart installed as Reich Commissioner of Hague Netherlands
1940 In WWII, Germans capture Ostend & Ypres in Belgium & Lille in France
1942 Bing Crosby records "White Christmas" greatest selling record to date
1943 Confederacy of Algiers (Churchill-Marshall-Eisenhower)
1943 Meat & cheese rationed in US
1944 British troops occupy Aprilia Italy
1945 US 1st Marine division conquerors Shuri-castle Okinawa
1946 KVP wins Provincial National election in Netherlands
1949 Candid Camera, TV comedy Variety, moves to NBC
1951 1st North Pole flight in single engine plane-CF Blair
1952 2nd Round Conference between Dutch Antilles & Suriname ends
1953 Edmund P Hillary & Tensing Norkay are 1st to reach summit of Mount Everest
1954 Kirk & Anne Douglas married
1954 Pope Pius X issues holy declaration
1955 Jordan government of Tewfik Abdul Huda resigns
1956 Arnold Schönberg's "Modern Psalm" premieres
1956 WESH TV channel 2 in Daytona Beach-Orlando FL (NBC) 1st broadcast
1957 Algerian rebels kill 336 collaborators
1957 Laos Government of prince Suvanna Phuma resigns
1957 NYC Mayor Robert Wagner says he plans to confer with the Giants & Dodgers about the proposed move to the west coast
1958 Real Madrid wins 3rd Europe Cup 1 in Brussels
1959 Charles de Gaulle forms French Government
1960 Everly Brothers "Cathy's Clown" hits #1
1962 Barbra Streisand appears on "The Garry Moore Show"
1965 Phillies Dick Allen hits 529' homerun out of Connie Mack Stadium
1966 Carol Mann wins LPGA Baton Rouge Ladies Golf Invitational
1967 Australian Paul McManus waterskis barefoot for 1:30:19
1967 Pope Paul VI names 27 new cardinals, including Karol Wojtyla, archbishop of Krakow, who later became Pope John Paul II
1968 Manchester United become the first English team to win European Championship soccer tournament beating Benfica of Portugal 4-1 at Wembley after an added 30 minutes
1968 Truth in Lending Act signed into law
1968 UN resolves sanctions on white-minority-ruled Rhodesia
1969 Britain's Trans-Arctic expedition makes 1st crossing of Arctic Sea ice
1970 USSR performs nuclear test (underground)
1971 "Court Room" by Clarence Carter hits #61
1972 Sandra Palmer wins LPGA Titleholders Golf Championship
1973 Columbia Records fires president Clive Davis for misappropriating $100,000 in funds, Davis will start Arista records
1973 Thomas Bradley elected 1st black mayor of Los Angeles CA
1974 Northern Ireland is brought under direct rule from Westminster
1976 "One Piece At A Time" by Johnny Cash hits #29
1976 Only homerun of Joe Niekro's 22-year career, comes off brother Phil
1977 A J Foyt wins Indianapolis 500 (average speed of 161.331 mph) for a record 4th time
1977 Janet Guthrie becomes 1st woman to drive in the Indianapolis 500
1977 NBC News & Information Service (24 hour news) ends on radio
1977 Sandra Spuzich wins LPGA Lady Keystone Golf Open
1977 Sue Press is 1st woman golfer to hit consecutive holes-in one
1977 USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakhstan/Semipalitinsk USSR
1978 1st class postage now 15¢ (13¢ for 3 years)
1978 Nancy Lopez wins LPGA Golden Lights Golf Championship
1978 USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakhstan/Semipalitinsk USSR
1979 Bishop Abel Muzorewa is sworn in as Zimbabwe's 1st black PM
1979 Radio's 1st rock network "The Source" premieres
1980 "Billy Bishop Goes to War" opens at Morosco Theater NYC for 12 performances
1980 53rd National Spelling Bee: Jacques Bailly wins spelling elucubrate
1980 Attempted assassination of Vernon Jordan Jr, National Urban League president
1980 J Turners "Juliet & Her Nurse" sold for $6,400,000 in NYC
1980 Larry Bird beats out Magic Johnson for NBA rookie of year
1981 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1982 "I Know What Boys Like" by The Waitresses hits #62
1982 1st papal visit to Britain since 1531
1982 Pentagon plans 1st strategy to fight a nuclear war
1983 Patty Sheehan wins LPGA Corning Golf Classic
1983 Yuri Dumchev of USSR throws discus a record 71.86 meters
1984 Boston Red Sox retires #9 (Ted Williams) & #4 (Joe Cronin)
1985 Heysel Stadium Disaster - 39 die and 500 injured in rioting between British & Italians at European Cup soccer; English clubs banned from playing in European competition for five years
1986 59th National Spelling Bee: Jon Pennington wins spelling odontalgia
1987 "Twilight Zone" director John Landis found innocent in death of actor Vic Morrow
1987 Michael Jackson attempts to buy Elephant Man's remains
1987 Robin Ventura set a college baseball record with hits in 57 games
1988 Graeme Hick scores his 1,000th run of 1st-class cricket season
1988 President Zia ul-Haq fires government/disbands parliament in Pakistan
1988 Sherri Turner wins LPGA Corning Golf Classic
1989 Phillies 3rd baseman Mike Schmidt, 39, retires
1989 Student protesters in Tiananmen Square China construct a replica of the Statue of Liberty
1990 An earthquake hits Peru, killing 56
1990 Boris Yeltsin is elected President of the Russian Republic
1990 Dow Jones average hits a record 2,870.49
1990 New York Mets fire manager Davey Johnson & hire Bud Harrelson
1990 Rickey Henderson steals record 893rd base, breaking Ty Cobb's record
1991 "Les Miserables" opens at ACTEA Theatre, Auckland New Zealand
1991 Crevena Zvezda wins 36th Europe Cup I
1992 New York Mets score in 9th to end home shut-out streak at 3 games
1992 White Sox Tim Raines swipes his 700th career base
1993 Nazis kill 5 Turkish women in Solingen Germany
1993 Texas Ranger Jose Canseco pitches 8th inning in 15-1 loss to Red Sox, he gives up 3 runs on 2 hits & 3 walks, he damages his arm
1994 "Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" closes at Minskoff Theater NYC after 223 performances
1994 "Picnic" closes at Criterion Theater NYC after 45 performances
1994 Al Unser Jr wins 78th Indianapolis 500 in 3:06:29.006 (255.89 kph)
1994 Beth Daniel wins LPGA Corning Golf Classic
1994 Great comet-iceball seen above North Sea
1994 Hungary's Socialist Party wins parliamentary election
1994 Patty Sheehan wins J C Penney/LPGA Skins Golf Game
1996 Space Shuttle STS 77 (Endeavour 11), lands
1997 70th National Spelling Bee: Rebecca Sealfon wins spelling euonym
1997 Jesse Timmedequas, found guilty of rape/murder of Megan Kanka, 7
1997 Span scientists announce new human species in 780,000 year old fossil

Note: Some Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"

England : Oak Apple Day/Nettle Day (1660)
Rhode Island : Ratification Day (1790)
Wisconsin : Admission Day (1848)
US : Memorial Day/Decoration Day, a legal holiday (1868) - - - - - ( Monday )
Virginia : Confederate Memorial Day (1868) - - - - - ( Monday )

Religious Observances
Christian-Andorra : Our Lady of Canolic
old Roman Catholic : Feast of St Mary Magdalen dei Pazzi, virgin
Lutheran : Commemoration of Jiri Tranovsky, hymn writer
Bahá'í : Death (ascension) of prophet Bahá'u'lláh ('Azamat 7, 49)
Roman Catholic : Solemnity of Corpus Christi (Body & Blood of Christ)

Religious History
1453 Constantinople, the capital of Eastern Christianity from A.D. 324, fell to the Turks. The city afterward became the capital of the Ottoman Empire and was renamed Istanbul. Its conquest marked the end of the Middle Ages.
1698 Construction began on Old Swedes (Holy Trinity) Church in Wilmington, Delaware. The structure has been used continuously as a place of Christian worship ever since.
1774 Pioneer American Methodist bishop Francis Asbury wrote in his journal: 'Lord, keep me from all the superfluity of dress, and from preaching empty stuff to please the ear, instead of changing the heart.'
1837 Birth of Charles W. Fry, the English musician who, along with his three sons, formed the first Salvation Army brass band. Fry also authored the hymn, "Lily of the Valley."
1944 German Lutheran theologian and Nazi martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote in a letter: 'We are to find God in what we know, not in what we don't know; God wants us to realize His presence, not in unsolved problems, but in those that are solved.'

Source: William D. Blake. ALMANAC OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1987.

Thought for the day :
"To laugh at men of sense is the privilege of fools."
6 posted on 05/29/2003 6:03:54 AM PDT by Valin (Age and deceit beat youth and skill)
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To: 4.1O dana super trac pak; 4integrity; Al B.; Alberta's Child; Alkhin; Alouette; AnAmericanMother; ..
.......FALL IN to the FReeper Foxhole!

Good Morning everyone.

If you would like added or removed from our ping list let me know.

7 posted on 05/29/2003 6:08:48 AM PDT by snippy_about_it (Pray for our Troops)
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To: Valin
1903 Bob Hope [Leslie Townes] Kent England, entertainer/comedian (famous profile)

Happy 100th Birthday,
Bob Hope

8 posted on 05/29/2003 6:23:30 AM PDT by SAMWolf (This tagline is umop apisdn)
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To: snippy_about_it
Good Morning Snippy.
9 posted on 05/29/2003 6:23:55 AM PDT by SAMWolf (This tagline is umop apisdn)
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To: SAMWolf
Good Morning SAM. I can't wait to read this today. At lunch of course. See you later. :)
10 posted on 05/29/2003 6:25:01 AM PDT by snippy_about_it (Pray for our Troops)
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To: snippy_about_it; All
Bump for the freeper foxhole.

We had a major deal with our computer yesterday. After we installed a critical update from the Windows website, the computer bluescreened on us right in the middle of a reboot. We pushed the power button and it happened again, and again just as it was almost complete.

It took 3 tries before we were finally able to get the whole thing started.

This is the third time this month it's happened.

Our computer is the Dell Dimension 4500S with Windows XP. It's almost 9 months old.

In any event this freeper made it through the ordeal and everything's up and at 'em this morning.

11 posted on 05/29/2003 6:39:43 AM PDT by E.G.C.
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To: Valin
I'm very happy to share my birthday today with the wonderful Mr Hope.
12 posted on 05/29/2003 6:50:27 AM PDT by barker (Bush/Cheney '04)
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To: SAMWolf
USO Canteen FReeper Style ~ Happy 100th Birthday Bob Hope ~ May 29 2003
Canteen FRiends ~ LindaSoG and various places on the Internet

Military Tribute to Bob Hope

The Tribute occupies the beautifully landscaped San Diego bay area. As you walk across the terazzo bridge into a circle filled with historical memories, you'll enter the realm of one of America's greatest entertainers. Five bronze full-size statues of Bob Hope stand on the points of a granite five-star platform. Let history come to life as you hear motion-activated recordings of Bob Hope telling jokes, while five full-size statues representing each military branch (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard) respond with the hearty laughter of those who so appreciated Bob Hopes efforts to improve their morale.

A radiant bronze globe, three feet in diameter, unites the circle of statues, propped above a scenic water fountain in the center of the star platform. Large entry sidewalks with lavish landscape surround the entire Tribute. In all, the Tribute stretches 47 feet in diameter.

13 posted on 05/29/2003 6:54:53 AM PDT by Valin (Age and deceit beat youth and skill)
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To: SAMWolf
Thanks Sam. I had never heard or read much about the 1st Motion Picture Unit.
14 posted on 05/29/2003 6:58:51 AM PDT by skeeter (Fac ut vivas)
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To: E.G.C.
Good moning E.G.C.

Don't computers just drive yo absolutley nuts sometimes?
15 posted on 05/29/2003 6:59:02 AM PDT by SAMWolf (This tagline is umop apisdn)
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To: SAMWolf
16 posted on 05/29/2003 7:05:13 AM PDT by E.G.C.
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To: barker

Happy Birthday, Barker

17 posted on 05/29/2003 7:05:19 AM PDT by SAMWolf (This tagline is umop apisdn)
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To: Valin
The U.S. Navy honored Hope with the christenings of the USS Bob Hope, a sea lifter-class vessel, and the Spirit of Bob Hope, a cargo plane. Hope also became the fifth recipient of the Freedom Award, which is bestowed by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation.

He is recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the “most decorated” individual in the world.

Originally a vaudeville star, he made the successful transition from stage to screen, with popular TV specials and scores of movies, many of them with his friend Bing Crosby.

18 posted on 05/29/2003 7:10:14 AM PDT by SAMWolf (This tagline is umop apisdn)
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To: skeeter
You're, welcome Skeeter. I knew thay had Photographic units but not how much Hollywood was involved in them.
19 posted on 05/29/2003 7:11:47 AM PDT by SAMWolf (This tagline is umop apisdn)
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To: SAMWolf
Thank you. This is one of those birthdays that has the dreaded zero in it. Yuck. I don't feel near as old as I am.
20 posted on 05/29/2003 7:14:02 AM PDT by barker (Happy Birthday Mr Hope)
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