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To: snippy_about_it

On this Day In History

Birthdates which occurred on October 23:
1752 Nicolas Appert inventor (food canning, bouillon tablet)
1844 Louis Riel Manitoba, leader of insurrection of Metis
1905 Felix Bloch US physicist (Nobel 1952)
1906 Gertrude Ederle US, swimmer (Olympic-gold-1924)
1910 Hayden Rorke Brooklyn NY, actor (Dr Bellows-I Dream of Jeannie)
1917 Robert Bray Kalispell Mont, actor (Corey-Lassie, Stagecoach West)
1918 James Daly Wisc, actor (Medical Center)
1923 Frank Sutton Clarksville Tenn, actor (Sgt Carter-Gomer Pyle USMC)
1925 Johnny Carson Corning Iowa, comedian (Tonight Show, Who Do You Trust)
1927 Dezs” Gyarmati Hungary, water polo player (Olympic-gold-1956, 60, 64)
1931 Jim Bunning Phillies pitcher (perfect Game against Mets 1965)
1935 Chi Chi Rodriguez golfer (PGA Seniors-1987)
1938 John Heinz (Sen-R-Pa)
1940 Edison Pel‚ Brazil, soccer player extraordinaire (NY Cosmos)
1940 Jordan Christopher Youngston Oh, actor (Return of the 7)
1941 Greg Ridley bassist (Spooky Tooth-It's All About)
1942 Michael Crichton US novelist (Andromeda Strain, Congo, Looker)
1946 Miklos Nemeth Hungary, javelin thrower (Olympic-gold-1976)
1956 Dwight Yoakum country singer (If There Was a Way)
1959 "Weird Al" Yankovic parody singer (Eat It, UHF, Naked Gun)
1962 Doug Flute WFL/NFL QB (Generals, Bears, Patriots)

Deaths which occurred on October 23:
0042BC Marcus Junius Brutus, a leading conspirator in the assassination of Julius Caesar, commits suicide after his defeat at the Battle of Philippi [H]
1260 Koetoez, Turkish sultan of Egypt, murdered
1450 Juan de Capestrano, Italian saint, dies at 70
1903 Francis Ellingwood Abbot theologian (Scientific Theism), dies at 66
1935 Dutch Schultz [Arthur Flegenheimer], US gangster, murdered at 33
1935 Otto "Aba Daba" Berman, US gangster, murdered
1939 Zane Grey, US western writer (Spirit of the Border), dies at 67
1978 Mother Maybelle Carter country singer (Johnny Cash Show), dies at 69
1983 Jessica Savitch Margate NJ, newscaster (NBC Weekend), dies at 36
1983 Tamara Shayne actress, dies at 80 of a heart attack
1984 David Gorcey dead end kid actor, dies at 63 in a diabetic coma
1984 Oskar Werner actor, dies of a heart attack at 61
1994 Robert Lansing, actor (Twelve O'Clock High) dies of cancer at 66



POW / MIA Data & Bios supplied by
the P.O.W. NETWORK. Skidmore, MO. USA.

On this day...
1668 Jews of Barbados forbidden to engage in retail trade
1679 Meal Tub Plot against James II of England
1690 Revolt in Haarlem, Holland after public ban on smoking
1775 Continental Congress approves resolution barring blacks from army
1783 Virginia emancipates slaves who fought for independence during the Revolutionary War
1790 Slaves revolt in Haiti (later suppressed)
1864 Battle of Westport, Missouri
1864 Union Gen Samuel R Curtis defeats Conf Gen Stirling Price
1871 Columbia & Sappho (US) beat Livonia (UK) in 3rd America's Cup
1876 New Orleans Mint reopens as an assay office
1884 1st world series OKed by AA, Providence (NL) beats NY Mets (AA) 6-0
1910 Blanche Scott became 1st woman solo a public airplane flight
1915 1st national horseshoe throwing championship (Kellerton, Iowa)
1915 25,000 women march in NYC, demanding right to vote
1917 1st Infantry division "Big Red One" shoots 1st US shot in WW I
1927 City of Netanya, Israel founded
1932 "Fred Allen Show" premieres on radio
1941 Walt Disney's "Dumbo" released
1942 During WW II, Britain launches major offensive at El Alamein, Egypt
1944 Soviet army invades Hungary
1946 UN General Assembly 2nd session convenes (1st NYC) (Flushing Meadows)
1947 NAACP petition on racism, "An Appeal to the World" presented to UN
1954 Britain, England, France & USSR agree to end occupation of Germany
1956 1st video recording on magnetic tape televised coast-to-coast
1956 Hungarian Revolution began
1956 Revolt against Stalinist policies began in Hungary
1957 1st test firing of Vanguard satellite launch vehicle, TV-3
1958 Soviet novelist Boris Pasternak, wins Nobel Prize for Literature
1958 USSR lends money to UAR to build Aswan High Dam
1962 USAF Major Robert A Rushworth takes X-15 to 40,800 m
1964 Japanese beat Russian for 1st Olympic Gold in woman's volleyball
1968 Kip Keino (Kenya) wins gold medal for 1,500m (3 min 34.9 sec)
1970 Gary Gabelich sets auto speed record 622.4 mph (1,002 kph)
1973 Nixon agrees to turn over White House tape recordings to Judge Sirica
1973 UN's revised International Telecommunication Convention adopted
1973 Yankee GM & pres Lee MacPhail named AL president
1977 Panamanians vote 2:1 to approve the new Canal treaties
1980 Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin resigns, due to illness
1981 US national debt hits $1 trillion

1983 241 U.S. Marines and sailors in Lebanon were killed in a suicide truck-bombing at Beirut International Airport; a near-simultaneous attack on French forces killed 58 paratroopers.

1984 NBC airs BBC footage of Ethiopian famine
1984 STS 51-A launch vehicle moves to launch pad
1989 US 62nd manned space mission STS 34 (Atlantis 5) returns from space
1990 Iraq announces release of 330 French hostages
1991 Dr Jack Kevorkian's suicide machine kills 2 women
2000 Secretary of State Madeleine Albright held groundbreaking talks in North Korea with communist leader Kim Jong Il and attended a huge spectacle of 100,000 performers honoring her host.
2001 U.S.-led forces maintained their intense pressure on the Taliban, pounding positions around the Afghan capitol of Kabul and the militia's southern stronghold of Kandahar for the 17th consecutive day. Vice President Dick Cheney was given the International Republican Institute's 2001 Freedom Award. He promised the war against terrorism being waged in Afghanistan would be "relentless."

Note: Some Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"

Thailand : Chulalongkorn Day (1868)
US : United States Day
Afghanistan : Id-Qurban Day
National Dental Hygiene Week (Day 5)
National Mole Day
National Applejack Month!!
National Hobby Month.
Polish-American Heritage Month

Religious Observances
Ang, Orth, Luth : Comm of St James of Jerusalem, Brother of Jesus
RC : Mem, St John of Capistrano, patron of military chaplains (opt)
Jewish : Sh'mini Atz-8th day of Succoth

Religious History
4004 (BC) According to the sacred timeline worked out by Archbishop James Ussher, 73, "the heavens and the earth" were created on this date at 9:00 a.m. (GMT). Ussher's "Chronologies of he Old and New Testaments" was first published 1650-54.
1239 In England, the main cathedral at Wells (begun c.1186) was consecrated. The most striking interior feature of the cathedral are the inverted arches (14th century) by which the piers of the tower are strengthened.
1385 In Germany, the University of Heidelberg was founded under Pope Urban VI as a college of the Cistercian order. (Among its faculties today are theology, law, medicine and philosophy.)
1857 Delegates from eight states met in Nashville and organized the Southern Baptist Sunday School Union. The organization proved short-lived, when it was nullified by the onset of the American Civil War.
1871 Birth of Edgar J. Goodspeed, American Greek N.T. scholar. He taught at the University of Chicago 1898-1937. In 1931, he co-authored with JMP Smith "The Bible: An American Translation," better known today as "Smith and Goodspeed."

Source: William D. Blake. ALMANAC OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1987.

Thought for the day :
"It may be that all games are silly. But then, so are humans."

Childrens Impression of Love...

"Like an avalanche where you have to run for your life." (Roger, 9)

"If falling in love is anything like learning how to spell, I don't want to do it. It takes too long." (Leo, 7)

Signs Your Cat is Overweight...
It's no longer safe to lift him without a barrow.

Handy Latin Phrases...
Fac ut vivas.

Get a life.

Redefining the English language
Abdicate (v.)
To give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.

26 posted on 10/23/2004 7:17:17 AM PDT by Valin (Out Of My Mind; Back In Five Minutes)
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To: Valin
1983 241 U.S. Marines and sailors in Lebanon were killed in a suicide truck-bombing at Beirut International Airport; a near-simultaneous attack on French forces killed 58 paratroopers.

43 posted on 10/23/2004 10:26:27 AM PDT by snippy_about_it (Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
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To: Valin
1983 241 U.S. Marines and sailors in Lebanon were killed in a suicide truck-bombing at Beirut International Airport; a near-simultaneous attack on French forces killed 58 paratroopers.

Rest in Peace

50 posted on 10/23/2004 11:23:54 AM PDT by SAMWolf (Vegetables are not food. Vegetables are what food eats)
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