Read: 1 John 4:7-11
In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:10
Bible In One Year: Psalms 7-9; Acts 18
On our family-room wall, in a small shadowbox, hangs atreasurethat belongs to my wife Carolyn. Oh, we have things more intrinsically valuable on the walls of our home a handmade quilt from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Kentucky, antique mirrors, oil paintings, and a magnificent dulcimer from an artisan in the back-country of Idaho.
Carolyns treasure, though, is far more valuable to her than any other possession, for it contains a gift from our granddaughter Julia. It was a present to herNanaon Valentines Day several years ago when Julia was only 6 years old a small, red, clay heart. Inscribed on it in childish scrawl are the words I Luv U."
The little heart is crudely made, ragged on the edges, and bears a number of thumbprints and smudges, but Carolyn has enshrined it in a frame made especially for that heart. Each day it reminds her of Julias love.
Is Gods love more valuable to you than silver or gold or any other possession? He sent His only begotten Son into the world, that [you] might live through Him(1 John 4:9). He did that because He loves you, not because you loved Him. And because of His love, one day you will be with Him in heaven. There is no greater love! David Roper
Gods eternal love is the source of our eternal life.
I have a crudely cut wooden heart with similiar words on it that I received from my oldest daughter when she was in grammar school.
Thank you Mayor and good morning.
Hi Mayor
A Childs simplist conveyance of thanks and love empowers the Heart of their Parents.
In Jewish thought...**The Blessing is intigral to the community...part of the strength.
The Blessing is critical needs to be ..when the Fire's of Life are present.
Fire as a symbolism is many things....the perspective of **Outcomes is witnessed.
Nations are forged in Fire...and their peoples.
Allthough their are many dark appearences in America..this is much Light....the Blessing is working...itself a forging fire.
From a hug and a a smile and Thankyou....
a war memorial....a medal..and a biography of rememberance.
Some have yielded up their lives in the fire....some survive....but life will never be the same again.
The Hebrews have a word/thought construct for the Fire...
It speaks of Relationship with the Ancient of Days...the power to make and undo.
In relationship is the promise of guidance....and presence.
The Fire is understood that beyond all personal understanding..the outcome will be Good...for Good.
EIN SOF.....[Fire]- Light without End.