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Throughout the 1920s York went on speaking tours to endorse his hopes for education and raise money for York Institute. He also became interested in state and national politics. A Democrat in a staunchly Republican county, York's endorsement carried a degree of clout for pols. York used his celebrity to improve roads, employment, and education in his home county.

Alvin York with a picture of Mrs. Mary York, his "little old mother."

York receded from the national spotlight during the 1930s, and focused his waning political aspirations on the state rather than the local level. He considered running for the U.S. Senate against the freshman senator, Albert Gore. In the 1932 election, he changed his party affiliation and supported Herbert Hoover over Franklin D. Roosevelt because FDR promised to repeal Prohibition. Once the New Deal got underway, however, York returned to the Democratic party and endorsed the president's relief efforts, especially the C.C.C. and the W.P.A. In 1939, York was appointed superintendent of the Cumberland Homesteads near Crossville.

Wedding of Alvin York and Gracie Williams, June 7, 1919.

In 1935 York delivered a sermon entitled, Christian Cure for Strife, which argued that the vigilant Christian should ignore current world events, because Europe stood poised on the brink of another war and Americans should avoid it at all costs. Recalling his career as a soldier, York renounced America's involvement in World War I. In order to achieve world peace, Americans must first secure it at home beginning with their own families. The church and the home, therefore, represented the cornerstones of world peace.

A Mature Alvin York with the Governor of Tennessee

At the same time, the threat of war had rekindled the interest of some filmmakers, most notably Jesse L. Lasky, into reviving the story of York's exploits during World War I. Lasky, having witnessed the famous New York reception of the hero from his eighth floor office window in May of 1919 had wanted then to tell York's story. While several other studios found interest in York's saga in 1919, only Jesse Lasky of Famous Players Paramount (later associated with Twentieth Century-Fox, and finally Warner Brothers) had persistently pursued him. In the late 1930s the world once again appeared on the verge of war and the official stance of the United States government was reminiscent of York's initial attitude toward the first World War. America (in 1939) and York (in 1917) both had to be convinced that war was not only justifiable, but sometimes necessary.

When York at last relented, he announced that the film would "be a true picture of my contributions since the war. It won't be a war picture. I don't like war pictures." Yet the film that bears his name definitely was a war picture. The original screenplay presented the war as an epiphany for York which forced him to recognize his own inadequacies but fulfilled his wish to improve himself and his homeland. The motion picture that arrived in movie theatres in July of 1941 not only signaled a profound change in York's pacifism but sounded the clarion for American involvement in World War II.

Alvin York at the premiere of "Sergeant York", in 1941

York's heartfelt belief that war represented moral evil never wavered before his association with Lasky and the Warner Brothers. In 1937, York not only condemned war but also questioned America's involvement in the First World War. In that same year, York joined the Emergency Peace Campaign which lobbied against any U.S. involvement in the growing tensions in Europe. A pious peaceful man, York had fought his country's enemy only after great deliberation and had to be convinced that war was sometimes necessary. His personal struggle in World War I found new resonance in an America at odds over the recent European war, for York personified isolationist Christian America wrestling with its conscience over whether or not to engage in the current war abroad.

A formal portrait after the war.

Because the Church of Christ in Christian Union condemned movies as sinful, Lasky had a tough time convincing York that a film based on his life was justified. York finally agreed when he decided that the money made from the film could be used to create an interdenominational Bible school. As the film progressed the focus of the project changed and York's war exploit gained prominence. Through York's association with Lasky and Warner Brothers, he became convinced that Hitler represented the personification of evil in the world and turned belligerent. York's conversion to interventionism was so complete that he wholeheartedly agreed with General George C. Marshall that the U.S. should institute its first peacetime draft. Governor Prentice Cooper approved York's endorsement by naming him chief executive of the Fentress County Draft Board, and appointed him to the Tennessee Preparedness Committee to help prepare for wartime.

In 1940-41, York joined the Fight for Freedom Committee which combated the isolationist stance of America First, and York became one of its most vocal members. Up until Pearl Harbor, York battled another legendary American hero, the man who symbolized America First to the general public, Charles Lindbergh. Meantime, the film Sergeant York starring Gary Cooper, became one of the top grossing Warner Brothers films of the entire war era and earned Cooper the Academy Award for Best Actor in 1942.

During the war, York attempted to reenlist in the infantry but could not do so due to age and obesity. Instead, through an affiliation with the Signal Corps, York traveled the country on bond tours, recruitment drives, and camp inspections. Ironically, the Bible school that was built with the proceeds from the movie opened in 1942, but the very people the school was intended for had either enlisted in the armed services or moved north to work in defense related industries. The school closed in 1943 never to reopen.

Gary Cooper as Alvin York

York's health began to deteriorate after the war and in 1954 he suffered from a stroke that would leave him bedridden for the remainder of his life. In 1951, the Internal Revenue Service accused York of tax evasion regarding profits earned from the movie. Unfortunately, York was practically destitute in 1951. He spent the next ten years wrangling with the IRS, which led Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn and Congressman Joe L. Evins to establish the York Relief Fund to help cancel the debt. In 1961, President John F. Kennedy ordered that the matter be resolved and considered the IRS's actions in the case to be a national disgrace. The relief fund paid the IRS $100,000 and placed $30,000 in trust to be used in the family's best interest.

York died on September 2, 1964 and was buried with full military honors in the Pall Mall cemetery. His funeral was attended by Governor Frank G. Clement and General Matthew Ridgway as President Lyndon B. Johnson's official representative. He was survived by seven children and his widow.

Alvin and Gracie York's Grave in a quiet cemetary in the town of Pall Mall.

When asked how he wanted to be remembered, the old sergeant said he wanted people to remember how he tried to improve basic education in Tennessee because he considered a solid education the true key to success. It saddened him somewhat that only one of his children went on to college, but he was proud of the fact that they all had received high school diplomas from York Institute. Most people, of course, do not remember him as a proponent for public education. York's memory is forever tied to Gary Cooper's laconic screen portrayal of the mountain hero and the myth surrounding his military exploits in the Argonne in 1918.
1 posted on 03/01/2004 12:05:26 AM PST by SAMWolf
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To: snippy_about_it; Don W; PhilDragoo; Johnny Gage; Victoria Delsoul; Darksheare; Valin; ...

"On the morning of October 8, [1918] Corporal York was one of a body of sixteen men in the battle of the Argonne who were ordered to put certain enemy machine guns out of action. The guns they were after were on the other side of a slope. To gain their objective, the Americans were forced to climb a hill, exposed a part of the time to enemy fire from other positions. They accomplished this without loss and began to descend on the other side, their object being to advance upon the enemy from the rear. Presently they found themselves in a cuplike valley among the hills where they spied two Germans ahead of them. One of these surrendered and the other disappeared. Anticipating battle, the detachment went into skirmish order and continued to push forward. Arriving at a small stream, the Americans discovered on the other side some twenty or thirty Germans, among them several officers who were apparently holding a conference. The Americans fired, with the result that the entire body of Germans surrendered. Just as they were on the point of departure with their prisoners, dozens of enemy machine guns, hidden on the steep slope of the hill facing them not over thirty yards away, [Hill 223] opened up on the American detachment. Captors and captured immediately dropt flat on their stomachs, but not before six Americans had been killed. Three men were wounded, among them the sergeant in command. York and seven privates remained. Of these one had taken refuge behind a tree raked on both sides by enemy fire so he could not get away, and the others were guarding the German prisoners. Hence York was left to fight an entire machine-gun battalion alone." (excerpt from 'The Literary Digest', June 14, 1919)

Advancing in the Argonne Forest

"You never heard such a clatter and racket in all your life." "I couldn't see any of our boys. Early and Cutting had run along toward the left in front of me just before the battle started, but I didn't know where they were." "If I'd moved I'd have been killed in a second. The Germans were what saved me. [The prisoners they had captured earlier were laying on the grond in front of Alvin.] I kept up close to them, and so the fellers on the hill had to fire a little high for fear of hitting their own men. The bullets were cracking just over my head and a lot of twigs fell down." "Well, I fired a couple of clips or so — things were moving pretty lively, so I don't know how many I did shoot — and first thing I knew a Boche got up and flung a little bomb at me about the size of a silver dollar. It missed and wounded one of the prisoners on the ground, and I got the Boche—got him square."

"Next thing that happened, a lieutenant rose up from near one of them machine guns and he had seven men with him. The whole bunch came charging down the hill at me." "I had my automatic out by then, and let them have it. Got the lieutenant right through the stomach and he drops and screamed a lot... Then I shot the others.... At that distance I couldn't miss." "As soon as the Germans saw the lieutenant drop, most of them quit firing their machine guns and the battle quieted down. I kept on shooting, but in a minute here come the major who had surrendered with the first bunch. I reckon he had done some shooting at us himself, because I heard firing from the prisoners and afterward I found out that his pistol was empty." "He put his hand on my shoulder like this and said to me in English. 'Don't shoot any more, and I'll make them surrender.' So I said. 'All right'; and he did so, and they did so."

The German Major of the prisoners had providentially lived in Chicago for a time, and spoke English well. Thus, Alvin was able to give demands that normally would have required a translator. "I called for my men, and one of them answered from behind a big oak tree, and the others were on my right in the brush. So I said, 'Let's get these Germans out of here.' One of my men said, 'it is impossible.' So I said, 'No; let's get them out.' So when my man said that, this German major said, 'How many have you got?' and I said, 'I have got a-plenty,' and pointed my pistol at him all the time."

York, a noncommissioned officer, is correctly depicted in the movie as carrying and firing a sidearm. In the movie, it's a P-08 Luger 9mm German semiautomatic pistol. In the Argonne Campaign, York actually carried a Model 1911 .45 caliber APC semi-automatic pistol, the same one those who served in the U.S. Army, or Marines remember firing in training. The problem was that Hawks could not find any .45 caliber APC blank ammunition when it came time to film the battle scenes for "Sergeant York". So Gary Cooper used the 9mm Luger instead.

Over thirty machine guns had been aimed down Hill 223, less than thirty yards away from Corporal Alvin York. Alvin later remarked upon revisitng the site later that day, "I noticed the bushes all around where I stood in my fight with the machine guns were all cut down. The bullets went over my head and on either side. But they never touched me." "So you can see here in this case of mine where God helped me out. I had been living for God and working in the church some time before I come to the army. So I am a witness to the fact that God did help me out of that hard battle; for the bushes were shot up all around me and I never got a scratch. So you can see that God will be with you if you will only trust Him; and I say that He did save me. Now, He will save you if you will only trust Him."

Casualties Being Carried Out of the Argonne Forest

"After the Armistice was signed, I was ordered to go back to the scene of my fight with the machine guns. General Lindsey and some other generals went with me. We went over the ground carefully. The officers spent a right smart amount of time examining the hill and the trenches where the machine guns were, and measuring and discussing everything. And then General Lindsey asked me to describe the fight to him. And I did. And then he asked me to march him out just like I marched the German major out, over the same ground and back to the American lines. Our general was very popular. He was a natural born fighter and he could swear just as awful as he could fight. He could swear most awful bad.

York on the Argonne Forest hill where, with the aid of 17 men, he captured 132 German prisoners on Oct. 8, 1918.

And when I marched him back to our old lines he said to me, 'York, how did you do it?' And I answered him, 'Sir, it is not man power. A higher power than man power guided and watched over me and told me what to do.' And the general bowed his head and put his hand on my shoulder and solemnly said, 'York, you are right.'

There can be no doubt in the world of the fact of the divine power being in that. No other power under heaven could bring a man out of a place like that. Men were killed on both sides of me; and I was the biggest and the most exposed of all [Alvin was six foot tall]. Over thirty machine guns were maintaining rapid fire at me, point-blank from a range of about twenty-five yards."

The next day found twenty-eight Germans dead; just as many shots Alvin said he had fired. Every bullet he fired had found it's target. "Practically unassisted, he [Alvin] captured 132 Germans (three of whom were officers), took about thirty-five machine guns, and killed no less than twenty-five of the enemy, later found by others on the scene of York's extraordinary exploit." (excerpt from 'the official report made by officers of the Eighty-Second Division to General Headquarters')

82nd - All American Division Patch - WWI

On November 1, "I was made a sergeant just as quick as I got back out of the lines."

On April 24, at St. Silva, Marshal Foch pinned the French Croix de Guerre on him, and called his exploit "the greatest thing accomplished by any private soldier of all the armies of Europe." Upon talking with Alvin, Brigadier General Lindsey said, "Well, York, I hear you have captured the whole German army." Alvin replied modestly, "No, I only have 132."

Additional Sources:
Alvin C. York Institute

2 posted on 03/01/2004 12:06:43 AM PST by SAMWolf (I just blew $5000 on a reincarnation seminar. I figured, hey, you only live once.)
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To: Poundstone; Wumpus Hunter; StayAt HomeMother; Ragtime Cowgirl; bulldogs; baltodog; Aeronaut; ...

FALL IN to the FReeper Foxhole!

Good Monday Morning Everyone

If you would like added to our ping list let us know.

5 posted on 03/01/2004 3:41:01 AM PST by snippy_about_it (Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
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To: SAMWolf
On This Day In History

Birthdates which occurred on March 01:
0772 Po Tjiu-i Chinese poet/Governor of Hang-tsjow
1456 Wladyslaw Jagiello king of Bohemia/Hungary (1471/90-1516)
1630 Ferdinand van Apshoven de Jongere Flemish painter, baptized
1810 Frédéric Chopin Poland, composer/pianist (Concerto in F Minor)
1811 Robert Christie Buchanan Brevet Major General (Union Army), died in 1878
1820 George Davis Attorney General (Confederacy), died in 1896
1822 Albin Francisco Schoepf Brigadier General (Union volunteers), died in 1886
1822 Charles Champion Gilbert Brigadier General (Union volunteers)
1828 James Fleming Fagan Major General (Confederate Army), died in 1893
1831 Hiram Bronson Granbury Brigadier General (Confederate Army), died in 1864
1837 William Dean Howells US, novelist/critic/editor (Atlantic)
1860 Suzanna Salter 1st US female mayor/temperance leader
1864 Rebecca Lee 1st black woman to get a medical degree
1882 Ida Moore Altoona KS, actress (Mr Music, Ma & Pa Kettle at Waikiki)
1903 Leon Bismarck "Bix" Beiderbecke Iowa, jazz cornetist (In a Mist)
1904 Glenn Miller bandleader (Glenn Miller Orchestra-In the Mood)
1909 David Niven Kirriemuir Angus Scotland, actor (Casino Royale, Eye of the Devil)
1914 Ralph Waldo Ellison US writer (Invisible Man, Shadow & Cast)
1917 Dinah Shore Winchester TN, singer (See the USA in a Chevrolet)
1919 Lawrence Ferlinghetti US, beat poet (Coney Island of the Mind)
1920 Harry Caray baseball announcer (Chicago Cubs)
1921 Terrence "Cardinal" Cooke New York NY
1922 William M Gaines publisher (MAD Magazine)
1922 Yitzak Rabin premier (Israel, 1992-95, Nobel 1994)
1924 Donald "Deke" Kent Slayton Sparta WI, Major USAF/astronaut (Apollo 18)
1926 Pete Rozelle NFL commissioner (1960-89)
1926 Robert Clary Paris France, actor (LeBeau-Hogan's Heroes)
1927 Harry Belafonte Harlem New York NY, calypso singer (Buck & the Preacher)
1927 Robert Heron Bork judge, nominated for supreme court
1929 Sonny James singer (Young Love, Running Bear)
1935 Robert Conrad [Conrad R Falk] Chicago IL, actor (Wild Wild West, Baa Baa Black Sheep)
1940 Ralph Towner Chehalis WA, Guitar (Oregon, Weather Report)
1941 Michael L Lampton Williamsport PA, astronaut (STS-45)
1944 Dirk Benedict Helena MT, actor (A-Team, Battlestar Galactica)
1944 Roger Daltrey Hammersmith London England, rocker/actor/producer (The Who-Tommy)
1953 Ron Howard Duncan OK, actor/director (American Graffiti, Happy Days/Willow, Backdraft)
1954 Catherine Bach Warren OH, actress (Daisy Duke-Dukes of Hazzard)

Deaths which occurred on March 01:
0965 Leo VIII Italian (anti-)Pope (963-65), dies
1131 Stephen II King of Hungary (1116-31), dies
1619 Thomas Campion English physician/composer/poet (Poemata), dies at 53
1633 George Herbert English poet, dies at 39
1870 Francisco S López President of Paraguay (1862-70), dies at 43
1920 Joseph Trumpeldor killed defending Tel-Mai against arab attack
1947 J Boogaard Nazi collaborator, executed
1979 Molla Mustafa Barzani Iranian Kurd leader (KDP), dies at 75
1984 Jackie Coogan actor (Uncle Fester-Addams Family), dies at 69
1991 Edwin H Land inventor (Polaroid Camera), dies at 81
1993 Luis Kutner US co-founder (Amnesty International), dies at 84
1994 Walter Kent US composer (I'll Be Home for Christmas), dies at 82



POW / MIA Data & Bios supplied by
the P.O.W. NETWORK. Skidmore, MO. USA.

On this day...
0001 -BC- Start of revised Julian calendar in Rome
0293 Roman emperor Maximianus introduces tetrarchy
0492 St Felix III ends his reign as Catholic Pope
0492 St Gelasius I begins his reign as Catholic Pope
0705 John VII begins his reign as Catholic Pope
0743 Slave export by Christians to heathen areas prohibited
1260 Hulagu Khan, grandson of Genghis, conquerors Damascus
1382 French Maillotin uprises against taxes
1562 Blood bath at Vassy; General de Guise allows 1200 huguenots murder
1591 Pope Gregory XIV threatens to excommunicate French king Henri IV
1634 Battle at Smolensk; Polish King Wladyslaw IV beats Russians
1692 Sarah Goode, Sarah Osborne, & Tituba arrest for witchcraft (Salem MA)
1711 "The Spectator" begins publishing (London)
1780 Pennsylvania becomes 1st US state to abolish slavery (for new-borns only)
1781 Continental Congress adopts Articles of Confederation
1790 1st US census authorized
1792 US Presidential Succession Act passed
1803 Ohio becomes 17th state
1809 Embargo Act of 1807 repealed & Non-Intercourse Act signed
1811 Egyptian king Muhammad Ali Pasha oversees ceremonial murder of 500
1811 French Civil Code of Criminal law accepted by Netherlands Mamelukes in Cairo's Citadel
1845 President Tyler signs a resolution annexing the Republic of Texas
1847 Michigan becomes 1st English-speaking jurisdiction to abolish the death penalty (except for treason against the state)
1866 Paraguayan canoes sink 2 Brazilian ironclads on Rio Parana
1867 Howard University, Washington DC, chartered
1867 Most of Nebraska becomes 37th US state (expanded later)
1869 Postage stamps showing scenes are issued for 1st time
1872 Yellowstone becomes world's 1st national park
1875 Congress passes Civil Rights Act; invalidated by Supreme Court, 1883
1890 1st US edition of Sherlock Holmes (Study in Scarlet) published
1893 Diplomatic Appropriation Act, authorizes the US rank of ambassador
1896 Battle of Adua: 80,000 Ethiopians destroy 20,000 Italians
1909 1st US university school of nursing established, University of Minnesota
1910 3 passenger trains buried at Steven's Pass in Cascade Range: 118 die; Worst snowslide in US history
1912 Albert Berry makes 1st parachute jump from an airplane
1912 Isabella Goodwin, 1st US woman detective, appointed, New York NY
1913 1st state law requiring bonding of officers & state employees, North Dakota
1913 Federal income tax takes effect (16th amendment)
1917 1st federal land bank chartered
1919 Demonstrations for Korean independence from Japan begin
1924 Germany's prohibition of Communist Party KPD lifted
1928 Paul Whiteman & his orchestraestra record "Ol' Man River" for Victor Records
1932 Charles Lindbergh Jr (20 months), kidnapped in New Jersey; found dead May 12
1933 Bank holidays declared in 6 states, to prevent run on banks
1934 Henry Pu Yi crowned emperor Kang Teh of Manchuria
1934 Primo Carnera beats Tommy Loughran in 15 for heavyweight boxing title
1937 1st permanent automobile license plates issued (Connecticut)
1937 US Steel raises workers' wages to $5 a day
1940 12th Academy Awards: "Gone with the Wind", Robert Donat & Vivien Leigh win
1940 Richard Wright's novel "Native Son" is published
1941 "Captain America" appears in a comic book
1941 1st US commercial FM radio station goes on the air, Nashville TN
1941 Himmler inspects Auschwitz concentration camp
1942 3 day Battle of Java Sea ends, US suffers a major naval defeat
1942 Baseball decides that players in military can't play when on furlough
1942 Suriname camp for NSB people opens to save Jews
1942 Tito establishes 2nd Proletarit Brigade in Bosnia
1943 Jewish old age home for disabled in Amsterdam raided
1945 FDR announces success of Yalta Conference
1945 Fieldmarshal Kesselring succeeds von Rundstedt as commander
1946 British Govt takes control of Bank of England, after 252 years
1946 Panamá accepts its new constitution
1947 International Monetary Fund began operations
1949 Joe Louis retires as heavyweight boxing champion
1950 Chiang Kai-shek resumed the Presidency of National China on Formosa
1950 Klaus Fuchs sentenced to 14 years for atomic espionage (London)
1953 Babe Didrikson-Zaharias wins LPGA Sarasota Golf Open
1953 WJZ-AM in New York NY becomes WABC; WJZ-TV in Baltimore final transmission
1954 4 Puerto Ricans open fire in US House of Representatives injuring 5 Representatives
1954 Ted Williams fractures collarbone in 1st game of spring training after flying 39 combat missions without injury in Korean War
1957 Kokomo the Chimp becomes Today Show animal editor
1959 Archbishop Makarios returns to Cyprus after 3 years
1961 President Kennedy establishes the Peace Corps
1962 American Airlines 707 plunges nose 1st into Jamaica Bay NY killing 95
1962 K-Mart opens
1962 Uganda became a self-governing country
1966 Ba'ath-party takes power in Syria
1966 Venera 3 becomes 1st man-made object to impact on a planet (Venus)
1967 House of Representatives expels Representative Adam Clayton Powell Jr (307 to 116)
1968 NBC's unprecedented on-air announcement, Star Trek will return
1968 Singers Johnny Cash (36) & June Carter (38) wed
1968 Vatican City's Apostolic Constitution of 1967 goes into effect
1969 Jim Morrison arrested for exposing himself at Dinner Key Auditorium
1969 New York Yankees' Mickey Mantle announces his retirement from baseball
1970 End of US commercial whale hunting
1970 White government of Rhodesia declares independence from Britain
1971 Bomb attack on the Capitol in Washington DC
1972 Club of Rome publishes report "Boundaries on the Growth"
1972 Wilt Chamberlain is 1st NBA player to score 30,000 points
1974 Watergate grand jury indicts 7 Presidential aides
1977 Bank of America adopts the name VISA for their credit cards
1977 US extends territorial waters to 200 miles
1980 Snow falls in Florida
1981 Bobby Sands, IRA member, begins 65-day hunger strike in Maze Prison (he dies)
1982 The New York Times raises it's price from 25¢ to 30¢
1988 Courtney Gibbs Eplin, 21, (Texas), crowned 37th Miss USA
1988 Apple introduces CD-ROM drive
1988 Iraq says it launched 16 missiles into Tehran
1988 Wayne Gretzky passes Gordie Howe with his record 1,050th NHL assist
1993 Authorities in Waco TX negotiate with Branch Davidians
1994 Senate rejectes a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution
1997 Rescue teams fought snow, high winds and wild dogs as they tried to bring help to an earthquake-devastated region in northwest Iran, where the death toll was estimated at 3,000.
2001 Afghanistan's ruling Taliban, defying international protests, began destroying all statues in the country.

Note: Some Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"

Bayonna Spain : Pinzon Day
Engadine, Switzerland : Chalanda Marz/Coming of spring
Lanark, Lanarkshire Scotland : Whuppity Scoorie Day
Ohio 1803, Nebraska 1867 : Admission Day
Panamá : Constitution Day (1946)
Paraguay : Heroes' Day/National Defense Day/Memorial Day
South Korea : Independence Movement Day/Sam Il Chul (1919)
US : Bad Weather Week Begins
US : National Procrastinators Week Begins..tomorrow
Herb Month in Missouri

Religious Observances
Ancient Rome : Matronalia (Feast of Juno); Kalend Mar
Bahá'í : leap day (in Gregorian leap years) (Ayyám-i-Há 5)
Anglican, Roman Catholic-New Zealand : Commemoration of St David, patron Wales
Bhutan : Buddhist New Years
Lutheran : Commemoration of George Herbert, priest
Cyprus, Greece : Green (or Clean) Monday (1st Mon of Lent-moveable)

Religious History
1633 On his deathbed, English poet and clergyman George Herbert, 39, uttered these last words: 'I shall be free from sin and all the temptations and anxieties that attend it...I shall dwell... where these eyes shall see my Master and Savior.'
1692 The Salem Witch Trials in the Massachusetts colony officially began with the conviction of Rev. Samuel Parris' West Indian slave, Tituba, for witchcraft.
1810 Georgetown College was chartered in Washington, D.C., making it the first Roman Catholic institution of higher learning established in the United States.
1910 The first issue of "The Evening Light and Church of God Evangel" was published in Cleveland, Tennessee. A. J. Tomlinson, the publishing editor, was an instrumental figure in the history of the Church of God (also headquartered today in Cleveland, Tennessee).
1966 Swiss Reformed theologian Karl Barth wrote in a letter: If Jesus is and does what we read in 1 John 2:2, then He prays for all men: for those who already pray and for those who do not yet pray.'

Source: William D. Blake. ALMANAC OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1987.

Thought for the day :
"One of the greatest labor-saving inventions of today is tomorrow."

You Know You're Having A Bad Day When...
Your doctor tells you that you're allergic to chocolate.

New State Slogans...
New Jersey: You Want A ##$%##! Motto? I Got Yer ##$%##! Motto Right Here!

Astounding Fact #905...
The Hoover Dam was built to last 2,000 years. The concrete in it will not even be fully cured for another 500 years.
14 posted on 03/01/2004 6:32:33 AM PST by Valin (America is the land mine between barbarism and civilization.)
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To: SAMWolf

Today's classic warship, USS Wisconsin (BB-64)

Iowa class battleship
displacement. 45,000
length. 887'3"
beam. 108'3"
draft. 28'11"
speed. 33k.
complement. 1,921
armament. 9 16", 20 6", 80 40mm., 49 20mm.

The USS Wisconsin (BB-64) was laid down on 25 January 1941 at the Philadelphia Navy Yard; launched on 7 December 1943; sponsored by Mrs. Walter S. Goodland; and commissioned on 16 April 1944, Capt. Earl E. Stone in command.

After her trials and initial training in the Chesapeake Bay, Wisconsin departed Norfolk, Va., on 7 July 1944, bound for the British West Indies. Following her shakedown, conducted out of Trinidad, the third of the Iowa-class battleships to join the Fleet returned to her builder's yard for post-shakedown repairs and alterations.

On 24 September 1944, Wisconsin sailed for the west coast, transited the Panama Canal, and reported for duty with the Pacific Fleet on 2 October. The battleship later moved to Hawaiian waters for training exercises and then headed for the Western Carolines. Upon reaching Ulithi on 9 December, she joined Admiral William F. Halsey's 3d Fleet.

The powerful new warship had arrived at a time when the reconquest of the Philippines was well underway. As a part of that movement, the planners had envisioned landings on the southwest coast of Mindoro, south of Luzon. From that point, American forces could threaten Japanese shipping lanes through the South China Sea.

The day before the amphibians assaulted Mindoro, the 3d Fleet's Fast Carrier Task Force (TF) 38-supported in art by Wisconsin-rendered Japanese facilities at Manila largely useless. Between 14 and 16 December, TF 38's naval aviators secured complete tactical surprise and quickly won complete mastery of the air and sank or destroyed 27 Japanese vessels; damaged 60 more; destroyed 269 planes; and bombed miscellaneous ground installations.

The next day the weather, however, soon turned sour for Halsey's sailors. A furious typhoon struck his fleet, catching many ships refueling and with little ballast in their nearly dry bunkers. Three destroyers-Hull (DD-350), Monaghan (DD-354), and Spence (DD-512)-capsized and sank. Wisconsin proved her seaworthiness as she escaped the storm unscathed.

As heavily contested as they were, the Mindoro operations proved only the introduction to another series of calculated blows aimed at the occupying Japanese in the Philippines. For Wisconsin, her next operation was the occupation of Luzon. Bypassing the southern beaches, American amphibians went ashore at Lingayen Gulf-the scene of the Japanese landings nearly three years before.

Wisconsin-armed with heavy antiaircraft batteries-performed escort duty for TF 38's fast carriers during air strikes against Formosa, Luzon, and the Nansei Shoto, to neutralize Japanese forces there and to cover the unfolding Lingayen Gulf operations. Those strikes, lasting from 3 to 22 January 1945, included a thrust into the South China Sea, in the hope that major units of the Japanese Navy could be drawn into battle.

Air strikes between Saigon and Camranh Bay, Indochina, on 12 January resulted in severe losses for the enemy. TF 38's warplanes sank 41 ships and damaged heavily damaged docks, storage areas, and aircraft facilities. At least 112 enemy planes would never again see operational service. Formosa, already struck on 3 and 4 January, again fell victim to the marauding American airmen, being smashed again on 9, 15, and 21 January. Soon, Hong Kong, Canton, and Hainan Island felt the brunt of TF 38's power. Besides damaging and sinking Japanese shipping, American planes from the task force set the Canton oil refineries afire and blasted the Hong Kong Naval Station. They also raided Okinawa on 22 January, considerably lessening enemy air activities that could threaten the Luzon landings.

Subsequently assigned to the 5th Fleet-when Admiral Spruance relieved Admiral Halsey as Commander of the Fleet-Wisconsin moved northward with the redesignated TF 58 as the carriers headed for the Tokyo area. On 16 February 1945, the task force approached the Japanese coast under cover of adverse weather conditions and achieved complete tactical surprise. As a result, they shot down 322 enemy planes and destroyed 177 more on the ground, Japanese shipping-both naval and merchant-suffered drastically, too, as did hangars and aircraft installations. Moreover, all this damage to the enemy had cost the American Navy only 49 planes.

The task force moved to Iwo Jima on 17 February to provide direct support for the landings slated to take place on that island on the 19th. It revisited Tokyo on the 25th and, the next day, hit the island of Hachino off the coast of Honshu. During these raids, besides causing heavy damage or ground facilities, the American planes sent five small vessels to the bottom and destroyed 158 planes.

On 1 March, reconnaissance planes flew over the island of Okinawa, taking last minute intelligence photographs to be used in planning the assault on that island. The next day, cruisers from TF 58 shelled Okino Daito Shima in training for the forthcoming operation. The force then retired to Ulithi for replenishment. Wisconsin's task force stood out of Ulithi on 14 March, bound for Japan. The mission of that group was to eliminate airborne resistance from the Japanese homeland to American forces off Okinawa. Enemy fleet units at Kure and Kobe, on southern Honshu, reeled under the impact of the explosive blows delivered by TF 58's airmen. On 18 and 19 March, from a point 100 miles southwest of Kyushu, TF 58 hit enemy airfields on that island. However, the Japanese drew blood during that action when kamikazes crashed into FRANKLIN (CV-13) on the 19th and seriously damaged that fleet carrier.

That afternoon, the task force retired from Kyushu, screening the blazing and battered flattop. In doing so, the screen downed 48 attackers. At the conclusion of the operation, the force felt that it had achieved its mission of prohibiting any large-scale resistance from the air to the slated landings on Okinawa.

On the 24th, Wisconsin trained her 16-inch rifles on targets ashore on Okinawa. Together with the other battlewagons of the task force, she pounded Japanese positions and installations in preparation for the landings. Although fierce, Japanese resistance was doomed to fail by dwindling numbers of aircraft and trained pilots to man them. In addition, the Japanese fleet, steadily hammered by air attacks from 5th Fleet aircraft, found itself confronted by a growing, powerful, and determined enemy. On 17 April, the undaunted enemy battleship Yamato, with her 18.1-inch guns, sortied to attack the American invasion fleet off Okinawa. Met head-on by a swarm of carrier planes, Yamato, the light cruiser Yahagi, and four destroyers went to the bottom, the victims of massed air power. Never again would the Japanese fleet present a major challenge to the American fleet in the war in the Pacific.

While TF 58's planes were off dispatching Yamato and her consorts to the bottom of the South China Sea, enemy aircraft struck back at American surface units. Combat air patrols (CAP) knocked down 15 enemy planes, and ships' gunfire accounted for another three, but not before one kamikaze penetrated the CAP and screen to crash on the flight deck of the fleet carrier Hancock (CV-19). On 11 April, the "Divine Wind" renewed its efforts; and only drastic maneuvers and heavy barrages of gunfire saved the task force. None of the fanatical pilots achieved any direct hits, although near-misses, close aboard, managed to cause some minor damage. Combat air patrols bagged 17 planes, and ships' gunfire accounted for an even dozen. The next day, 151 enemy aircraft committed hara-kiri into TF 58, but Wisconsin, bristling with 5-inch, 40-millimeter and 20-millimeter guns, together with other units of the screens for the vital carriers, kept the enemy at bay or destroyed him before he could reach his targets.

Over the days that ensued, American task force planes hit Japanese facilities and installations in the enemy's homeland. Kamikazes, redoubling their efforts, managed to crash into three carriers on successive days-Intrepid (CV-11), Bunker Hill (CV-17), and Enterprise (CV-6).

By 4 June, a typhoon was swirling through the Fleet. Wisconsin rode out the storm unscathed, but three cruisers, two carriers, and a destroyer suffered serious damage. Offensive operations were resumed on 8 June with a final aerial assault on Kyushu. Japanese aerial response was pitifully small; 29 planes were located and destroyed. On that day, one of Wisconsin's floatplanes landed and rescued a downed pilot from the carrier Shangri-La (CV-38).

Wisconsin ultimately put into Leyte Gulf and dropped anchor there on 18 June for repairs and replenishment. Three weeks later, on 1 July, the battleship and her consorts sailed once more for Japanese home waters for carrier air strikes on the enemy's heartland. Nine days later, carrier planes from TF 38 destroyed 72 enemy aircraft on the ground and smashed industrial sites in the Tokyo area. So little was the threat from the dwindling Japanese air arm that the Americans made no attempt whatever to conceal the location of their armada which was operating off her shores with impunity.

On the 16th, Wisconsin again unlimbered her main battery, hurling 16-inch shells shoreward at the steel mills and oil refineries at Muroran, Hokkaido. Two days later, she wrecked industrial facilities in the Hitachi Miro area, on the coast of Honshu, northeast of Tokyo itself. During that bombardment, British battleships of the Eastern Fleet contributed their heavy shellfire. By that point in the war, Allied warships were able to shell the Japanese homeland almost at will.

Task Force 38's planes subsequently blasted the Japanese naval base at Yokosuka, and put one of the two remaining Japanese battleships-the former fleet flagship Nagato out of action. On 24 and 25 July, American carrier planes visited the Inland Sea region, blasting enemy sites on Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku. Kure then again came under attack. Six major fleet units were located there and badly damaged, marking the virtual end of Japanese sea power.

Over the weeks that ensued, TF 38 continue its raids on Japanese industrial facilities, airfields, and merchant and naval shipping. Admiral Halsey's airmen visited destruction upon the Japanese capital for the last time on 13 August 1946. Two days later, the Japanese capitulated. World War II was over at last.

Wisconsin, as port of the occupying force, arrived at Tokyo Bay on 6 September, three days after the formal surrender occurred on board the battleship Missouri (BB-63). During Wisconsin's brief career in World War II, she had steamed 105,831 miles since commissioning; had shot down three enemy planes; had claimed assists on four occasions; and had fueled her screening destroyers on some 250 occasions.

Shifting subsequently to Okinawa, the battleship embarked homeward-bound GI's on 22 September, as part of the "Magic Carpet" operation staged to bring soldiers, sailors, and marines home from the far-flung battlefronts of the Pacific. Departing Okinawa on 23 September, Wisconsin reached Pearl Harbor on 4 October, remaining there for five days before she pushed on for the west coast on the last leg of her state-side bound voyage. She reached San Francisco on 15 October.

Heading for the east coast of the United States soon after the start of the new year, 1946, Wisconsin transited the Panama Canal between 11 and 13 January and reached Hampton Roads, Va., on the 18th. Following a cruise south to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the battleship entered the Norfolk Naval Shipyard for overhaul. After repairs and alterations that consumed the summer months, Wisconsin sailed for South American waters.

Over the weeks that ensued, the battleship visited Valparaiso, Chile, from 1 to 6 November; Callao, Peru, from 9 to 13 November; Balboa, Canal Zone, from 16 to 20 November; and La Guajira, Venezuela, from 22 to 26 November, before returning to Norfolk: on 2 December 1946.

Wisconsin spent nearly all of 1947 as a training ship, taking naval reservists on two-week cruises through-out the year. Those voyages commenced at Bayonne, N.J., and saw visits conducted at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the Panama Canal Zone. While underway at sea, the ship would perform various drills and exercises before the cruise would end where it had started, at Bayonne. During June and July of 1947, Wisconsin took Naval Academy midshipmen on cruises to northern European waters.

In January 1948, Wisconsin joined the Atlantic Reserve Fleet at Norfolk, for inactivation. Placed out of commission, in reserve on 1 July 1948 Wisconsin was assigned to the Norfolk group of the Atlantic Reserve Fleet.

Her sojourn in "mothballs," however, was comparatively brief because of the North Korean invasion of South Korea in late June 1950. Wisconsin was recommissioned, on 3 March 1951, Capt. Thomas Burrowes in command. After shakedown training, the revitalized battleship conducted two midshipmen training cruises, taking the officers-to-be to Edinburgh, Scotland; Lisbon, Portugal; Halifax, Nova Scotia; New York City; and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, before she returned to Norfolk.

Wisconsin departed Norfolk on 25 October 1951, bound for the Pacific. She transited the Panama Canal on the 29th and reached. Yokosuka, Japan, on 21 November. There, she relieved New Jersey (BB-62) as flagship for Vice Admiral H. M. Martin, Commander, 7th Fleet.

On the 26th, with Vice Admiral Martin and Rear Admiral F. P. Denebrink, Commander, Service Force, Pacific, embarked, Wisconsin departed Yokosuka for Korean waters to support the fast carrier operations of TF 77. She left the company of the carrier force on 2 December and, screened by the destroyer Wiltsie (DD-716), provided gunfire support for the Republic of Korea (ROK) Corps in the Kasong-Kosong area. After disembarking Admiral Denebrink on 3 December at Kangnung, the battleship resumed station on the Korean "bombline," providing gunfire support for the American 1st Marine Division. Wisconsin's shellings accounted for a tank, two gun emplacements, and a building. She continued her gunfire support task for the 1st Marine Division and 1st ROK Corps through 6 December, accounting for enemy bunkers, artillery positions, and troop concentrations. On one occasion during that time, the battleship received a request for call-fire support and provided three star-shells for the 1st ROK Corps, illuminating a communist attack that was consequently repulsed with considerable enemy casualties.

After being relieved on the gunline by the heavy cruiser St. Paul (CA-78) on 6 December, Wisconsin retired only briefly from gunfire support duties. She resumed them, however, in the Kasong-Kosong area on 11 December screened by the destroyer Twining (DD-540). The following day, 12 December, saw the embarkation in Wisconsin of Rear Admiral H. R. Thurber, Commander, Battleship Division 2. The admiral came on board via helicopter, incident to his inspection trip in the Far East.

The battleship continued naval gunfire support duties on the "bombline," shelling enemy bunkers, command posts, artillery positions, and trench systems through 14 December. She departed the "bombline" on that day to render special gunfire support duties in the Kojo area blasting coastal targets in support of United Nations (UN) troops ashore. That same day, she returned to the Kasong-Kosong area. On the 15th, she disembarked Admiral Thurber by helicopter. The next day, Wisconsin departed Korean waters, heading for Sasebo to rearm.

Returning to the combat zone on the 17th, Wisconsin embarked United States Senator Homer Ferguson of Michigan on the 18th. That day, the battleship supported the 11th ROK invasion with night illumination fire that enabled the ROK troops to repulse a communist assault with heavy enemy casualties. Departing the "bombline" on the 19th, the battleship later that day transferred her distinguished passenger, Senator Ferguson, by helicopter to the carrier Valley Forge (CV-45).

Wisconsin next participated in a coordinated air-surface bombardment of Wonsan to neutralize pre-selected targets. She shifted her bombardment station. to the western end of Wonsan harbor, hitting boats and small craft in the inner swept channel during the afternoon. Such activities helped to forestall any communist attempts to assault the friendly-held islands in the Wonsan area. Wisconsin then made an anti-boat sweep to the north, utilizing her 5-inch batteries on suspected boat concentrations. She then provided gunfire support to UN troops operating at the "bombline" until three days before Christmas 1951. She then rejoined the carrier task force.

On 28 December, Francis Cardinal Spellman-on a Korean tour over the Christmas holidays-visited the ship, coming on board by helicopter to celebrate Mass for the Catholic members of the crew. The distinguished prelate departed the ship by helicopter off Pohang. Three days later, on the last day of the year, Wisconsin put into Yokosuka.

Wisconsin departed that Japanese port on 8 January 1952 and headed for Korean waters once more. She reached Pusan the following day and entertained the President of South Korea, Syngman Rhee, and his wife, on the 10th. President and Mrs. Rhee received full military honors as they came on board, and he reciprocated by awarding Vice Admiral Martin the ROK Order of the Military Merit.

Wisconsin returned to the "bombline" on 11 January and, over the ensuing days, delivered heavy gunfire support for the 1st Marine Division and the 1st ROK Corps. As before, her primary targets were command posts, shelters, bunkers, troop concentrations and mortar positions. As before, she stood ready to deliver; call- fire support as needed. One such occasion occurred; on 14 January when she shelled enemy troops in the open at the request of the ROK 1st Corps.

Rearming at Sasebo and once more joining TF 77 off the coast of Korea soon thereafter, Wisconsin resumed support at the "bombline" on 23 January. Three days later, she shifted once more to the Kojo region, to participate in a coordinated air and gun strike. That same day, the battleship-returned to the "bombline" and shelled the command post and communications center for the 15th North Korean Division during call-fire missions for the 1st Marine Division.

Returning to Wonsan at the end of January, Wisconsin bombarded enemy guns at Hodo Pando before she was rearmed at Sasebo. The battleship rejoined TF 77 on 2 February and the next day, blasted railway buildings and marshaling yards at Hodo Pando and Kojo before rejoining TF 77. After replenishment at Yokosuka a few days later, she returned to the Kosong area and resumed gunfire support. During that time, she destroyed railway bridges and a small shipyard besides conducting call-fire missions on enemy command posts, bunkers, and personnel shelters, making numerous cuts on enemy trench lines in the process.

On 26 February, Wisconsin arrived at Pusan where Vice Admiral Shon, the ROK Chief of Naval Operations; United States Ambassador J. J. Muccio; and Rear Admiral Scott-Montcrief, Royal Navy, Commander, Task Group 95.12, visited the battleship. Departing that South Korean port the following day, Wisconsin reached Yokosuka on 2 March. A week later, she shifted to Sasebo to prepare to return to Korean waters.

Wisconsin arrived off Songjin, Korea, on 15 March 1952 and concentrated her gunfire on enemy railway transport. Early that morning, she destroyed a communist troop train trapped outside of a destroyed tunnel. That afternoon, she received the first direct hit in, her history, when one of four shells from a communist 155-millimeter gun battery struck the shield of a starboard 40-millimeter mount. Although little material damage resulted, three men were injured. Almost as if the victim of a personal affront, Wisconsin subsequently blasted that battery to oblivion with a 16-inch salvo before continuing her mission. After lending a hand to support once more the 1st Marine Division with her heavy rifles, the battleship returned to Japan on 19 March.

Relieved as flagship of the 7th Fleet on 1 April by sistership Iowa (BB-61), Wisconsin departed Yokosuka, bound for the United States. En route home, she touched briefly at Guam, where she took part in the successful test of the Navy's largest floating dry-dock on 4 and 5 April, marking the first time that an Iowa-class battleship had ever utilized that type of facility. She continued her homeward-bound voyage, via Pearl Harbor, and arrived at Long Beach, Calif., on l9 April, She then sailed for the east coast; her destination: Norfolk.

Early in June 1952, Wisconsin resumed her role as a training ship, taking midshipmen to Greenock, Scotland; Brest, France; and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, before returning to Norfolk. She departed Hampton Roads on 25 August and participated in a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) exercise, Operation "Mainbrace" which commenced at Greenock and extended as far north as Oslo, Norway. After her return to Norfolk, Wisconsin underwent an overhaul in the naval shipyard there. She then engaged in local training evolutions until 11 February 1953, when she sailed for Cuban waters for refresher training. She visited Newport, R.I., and New York City before returning to Norfolk late in April.

Following another midshipman's training cruise to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Port-of-Spain, Trinidad; and Guantanamo Bay, Wisconsin put into the Norfolk Naval Shipyard on 4 August for a brief overhaul. A little over a month later, upon conclusion of that period of repairs and alterations, the battleship departed Norfolk on 9 September, bound for the Far East.

Sailing via the Panama Canal to Japan, Wisconsin relieved New Jersey (BB-62) as 7th Fleet flagship on 12 October. During the months that followed, Wisconsin visited the Japanese ports of Kobe, Sasebo, Yokosuka, Otaru, and Nagasaki. She spent Christmas at Hong Kong and was ultimately relieved of flagship duties on 1 April 1954 and returned to the United States soon thereafter, teaching Norfolk, via Long Beach and the Panama Canal, on 4 May 1954.

Entering the Norfolk Naval Shipyard on 11 June, Wisconsin underwent a brief overhaul and commenced a midshipman training cruise on 12 July. After revisiting Greenock, Brest, and Guantanamo Bay, the ship returned to the Norfolk Naval Shipyard for repairs. Shortly thereafter, Wisconsin participated in Atlantic Fleet exercises as flagship for Commander, 2d Fleet. Departing Norfolk in January 1955, Wisconsin took part in operation "Springboard," during which time she visited Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Then, upon returning to Norfolk, the battleship conducted another midshipman's cruise that summer, visiting Edinburgh; Copenhagen, Denmark; and Guantanamo Bay before returning to the United States.

Upon completion of a major overhaul at the New York Naval Shipyard, Wisconsin headed south for refresher training in the Caribbean, later taking part in another "Springboard" exercise. During that cruise, she again visited Port-au-Prince and added Tampico, Mexico, and Cartagena, Colombia, to her list of ports of call. She returned to Norfolk on the last day of March 1955 for local operations.

Throughout April and into May, Wisconsin operated locally off the Virginia capes. On 6 May, the battleship collided with the destroyer Eaton (DDE-510) in a heavy fog; Wisconsin put into Norfolk with extensive damage to her bow and, one week later, entered drydock at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard. A novel expedient speeded her repairs and enabled the ship to carry out her scheduled midshipman training cruise that summer. A 120-ton, 68-foot long section of the bow of the uncompleted battleship Kentucky was transported by barge, in one section, from New Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Corp., Newport News, Va., across Hampton Roads to the Norfolk Naval Shipyard. Working round-the clock, Wisconsin's ship's force and shipyard personnel completed the operation which grafted the new bow on the old battleship in a mere 16 days. On 28 June 1956, the ship was ready for sea.

Embarking 700 NROTC midshipmen, representing 52 colleges and universities throughout the United States, Wisconsin departed Norfolk on 9 July, bound for Spain. Reaching Barcelona on the 20th, the battleship next called at Greenock and Guantanamo Bay before returning to Norfolk on the last day of August. That autumn, Wisconsin participated in Atlantic Fleet exercises off the coast of the Carolinas, returning to port on 8 November 1956. Entering the Norfolk Naval Shipyard a week later, the battleship underwent major repairs that were not finished until 2 January 1957.

After local operations off the Virginia capes from 3 to 4 January and from the 9th to the 11th, Wisconsin departed Norfolk on the 16th, reporting to Commander, Fleet Training Group, at Guantanamo Bag. Breaking the two-starred flag of Rear Admiral Henry Crommelin, Commander, Battleship Division 2, Wisconsin served as Admiral Crommelin's flagship during the ensuing shore bombardment practices and other exercises held off the isle of Culebra, Puerto Rico, from 2 to 4 February 1957. Sailing for Norfolk upon completion of the training period, the battleship arrived on 7 February.

The warship conducted a brief period of local operations off Norfolk before she sailed, on 27 March, for the Mediterranean. Reaching Gibraltar on 6 April, she pushed on that day to rendezvous with TF 60 in the Aegean Sea. She then proceeded with that force to Xeros Bay, Turkey, arriving there on 11 April for NATO Exercise "Red Pivot."

Departing Xeros Bay on 14 April, she arrived at Naples four days later, After a week's visit-during which she was visited by Italian dignitaries-Wisconsin conducted exercises in the eastern Mediterranean. In the course of those operational training evolutions, she rescued a pilot and crewman who survived the crash of a plane from the carrier Forrestal (CVA-59). Two days later, Vice Admiral Charles R. Brown, Commander, 6th Fleet, came on board for an official visit by high-line and departed via the same method that day. Wisconsin reached Valencia, Spain, on 10 May and, three days later, entertained prominent civilian and military officials of the city.

Departing Valencia on the 17th, Wisconsin reached Norfolk on 27 May. On that day, Rear Admiral L. S. Parks relieved Rear Admiral Crommelin as Commander, Battleship Division 2. Departing Norfolk on 19 June, the battleship, over the ensuing weeks, conducted a midshipman training cruise through the Panama Canal to South American waters. She transited the canal on 26 June; crossed the equator on the following day; and reached Valparaiso, Chile, on 3 July. Eight days later, the battleship headed back to the Panama Canal and the Atlantic.

After exercises at Guantanamo Bay and off Culebra, Wisconsin reached Norfolk on 5 August and conducted local operations that lasted into September. She then participated in NATO exercises which took her across the North Atlantic to the British Isles. She arrived in the Clyde on 14 September and subsequently visited Brest, France, before returning to Norfolk on 22 October.

Wisconsin's days as an active fleet unit were numbered, and she prepared to make her last cruise. On 4 November 1957, she departed Norfolk with a large group of prominent guests on board. Reaching New York City on 6 November, the battleship disembarked her guests and, on the 8th, headed for Bayonne, N.J., to commence pre-inactivation overhaul.

Placed out of commission at Bayonne on 8 March 1958, Wisconsin joined the "Mothball Fleet" there, leaving the United States Navy without an active battleship for the first time since 1896. Subsequently taken to the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, Wisconsin remained there with her sistership Iowa into 1981.

Wisconsin earned five battle stars for her World War II service and one for Korea.

Modernized at Avondale and Litton/Ingalls, Wisconsin recommissioned 22 October 1988. She fired 16 inch rounds and Tomahawks during Desert Storm. Decommissioned 30 Sept 1991, stricken 12 Jan 1995, Wisconsin was retained at Philadelphia pending preservation, then upgraded to reserve status and towed to Norfolk 15 October 1996.

Reinstated on the NVR 12 February 1998 for possible use in future conflicts (gunnery support) she remained erthed at Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth VA. After being berthed at the Naval Station Norfolk, Va., she was moved on 31 May 2000 to the Norfolk Naval Shipyard. She was moored in downtown Norfolk (Nauticus) and opened as a floating museum on 16 April 2001.

22 posted on 03/01/2004 6:48:12 AM PST by aomagrat
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