To: SAMWolf; Darksheare
It's a little known fact that when the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness the Mana God gave them to eat...Doughnuts.
Plain in the morning..Powdered in the evening.
You can look it up. It's right there in 4th hezekiah!
79 posted on
01/15/2004 9:52:35 AM PST by
(We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.)
To: Valin
I remember reading something about the "feeding the multitudes" by multiplying doughnuts too.
82 posted on
01/15/2004 10:06:28 AM PST by
(I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be... ooooohh, doughnuts!)
To: Valin
Hmm.. Doughnuts...
86 posted on
01/15/2004 10:09:17 AM PST by
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