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To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
You couldn't possibly have read the entire one hundred and fifty page thread in the two or three minutes time between our respective postings; nor even a significant portion of same.

First, I guess I don't know what 150 page thread you mean. 150 post? I have been reading along here at FR, if that's what you mean.

I followed the link to the magazine; I looked at what I thought were the parts most likely to harbor wacky view - ie the editorials and some of the other headings. Yeah, I looked. I said what I meant: odd views. Several I diagree with, some far-flung, some pretty much conservative staples (death to taxes, etc). I think I got a sense of the magazine. It's like a punch bowl with a turd in it, or a turd with some sprinkles on it. And I am sorry you are trapped in Seattle.

105 posted on 07/20/2007 6:49:17 PM PDT by Puddleglum
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To: Puddleglum
First, I guess I don't know what 150 page thread you mean.

This one, right here. The one to which you were presumably referring, when you posted "I followed your link" in response to it. (You could not conceivably have been referring to any other link, as that's the only one I provided you. Obviously.)

I followed the link to the magazine; I looked at what I thought were the parts most likely to harbor wacky view - ie the editorials and some of the other headings.

I specifically pointed you towards a thread filled with his ardent, die-hard supporters -- and the comments supplied thereupon by same -- not "the editorials and some of the other headings." Politely averting one's gaze from the loathsomeness on display is scarcely the same thing as responding to it. And I am sorry you are trapped in Seattle.

Don't be. I'm establishing a beachhead.

110 posted on 07/20/2007 6:57:28 PM PDT by KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle ("Proudly keeping one iron boot on the necks of libertarian faux 'conservatives' since 1958!")
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