Generally a group like this likes to lead potential converts down a comfortable path for a while before they bring you to a "Mass" celebrated by "Mother" Anne, or explain to you exactly how the UFOs they've documented are signs of the end times.
I thank God for that... it's a little (big) gift that He has given me for years and years - one I didn't recognize it until a couple of years ago. It's saved me quite a few times.
I've probably told you before that I had plane tickets for Medjugorje back about 1987... something happened and I knew I shouldn't go there. Nothing I can explain. Same with the Jesuit and Paulist stuff here in Boston... we were dragged there as kids many times and we all (brother and sister) knew they were all out to lunch.
When I think about all the times that instinct has led me away from bad spiritual things, I feel so humbled. God is so good.