Where did you get this from? He took a growing heresy and nipped it in the bud. This sounds like "successful" to me. And I'd like to see some documentation of what the SSPX believes about Pope Saint Pius X.
both issued Documents and JP II ( I do this ALL the time) is faulted for writing rules/encycicals and norms ect and not "acting" while Pope Pius X is excused for doing the same thing. Why didn't Pius X excomminicate these heritics insted of letting them remain in their positions to undermine the Faith?
You must have missed the rest of the story. Pius X did exactly that. He excommunicated the leaders of the modernist movement, like Loisy. As this article points out, he wouldn't even allow anyone tainted with the heresy from getting into a seminary in the first place. He did precisely all the things that Paul VI and JPII have not been doing.
Except when it comes to traditionalists, of course. Just take the way they have acted towards traditionalists and imagine it being done against heretics. There you would have Pope Pius X in a nutshell.
have just one question...is Venarri an idiot or are his readers idiots?
Some readers at least.