One needn't be married to counter the predominance of homosexual men. Merely adhering to Church teaching on the issues of homosexuality and clerical celibacy would suffice. Mr. Hand is proposing that we surrender to the imagined inability that celibacy cannot be practiced, and/or practicing self/acknowleged homosexuals cannot be weeded out. I think those goals can be achieved without having to introduce an entirely different kind of clergy, with entirely different responsibilities.
I've always admired the celibate priest, because he has given up a part of his humanity in service to his God and his Church. I think that sacrifice is a good quality for a leader to have. Without it, he is just another guy doing a job to support his family. His commitment and faith is a lot more demonstrable being a celibate.
The guy doing his job is usually sacrificing, Chuck.
His commitment and faith is a lot more demonstrable being a celibate.
Almost every priest I know allows himself some "compensation" for his celibate commitment.
That takes the form of patronizing lonely married women who come to him for "counseling" because their husbands don't talk to them; going to Vegas or the racetrack on a regular basis; playing golf at every opportunity; copious consumption of alcohol while hanging out in parishioner's homes because they're lonely.
Time Managment doesn't seem to be an issue with the priests I know. They've got plenty of it on their hands.