To add to the previous answer:
Below are many of the authors that have either influenced or are influencing New Thought.
Alan Anderson, Michael Beckwith, Nona Brooks, Emilie Cady, Deepak Chopra, Annetta, Julius & Horatio Dresser, Meister Eckhart, Mary Baker Eddy, Frederick Eikrenkoetter, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Warren Felt Evans, Charles & Myrtle Fillmore, Matthew Fox, Ernest Holmes, Fenwicke Holmes, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Joseph Murphy, Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Muata Rasuli, Don Miguel Ruiz, Erwin Seale, Florence Scovel Shinn, Emanuel Swedenborg, Masaharu Taniguchi, Ishmael Tetteh, Eckhart Tolle, Thomas Troward, Iyanla Vanzant, Neale Donald Walsch, William W. Walter
Some New Thought Organizations
Affiliated New Thought Network Association of Unity Churches Divine Science Divine Science Federation International Global Religious Science Ministries International New Thought Alliance New Thought Network Religious Science International United Church of Religious Science United Divine Science Ministries International
I studied New Thought stuff at Unity and Science of Mind for a couple of years. Found much to like. Had some good experiences. Nice people. Nice services. But soon became disenchanted. I mean that exactly. When the haze of all that niceness faded, I began to feel like I was attending spiritual kindergarten.
IMHO, the New Thought churches are too wishy-washy, plus they have wantonly misinterpreted the Bible. The Bible according to Charles and Mildred Filmore? Doesn't bear much resemblance to the ancient, profound New and Old Testaments.
I was even asked to give talks at a Science of Mind church. I based my talks on Ernest Holme's epic poem in book form: The voice Celestial, which has some lovely passages. Holmes had much more depth than the Fillmores and was also an excellent speaker...I had some of his tapes. But Holmes is long dead and no one can fill his shoes. For me, speaking at the church was the beginning of my path back to more complex beliefs. In New Thought, I found only acceptance of the joys of life as holy. But what about sorrow? The painful paths some are given in life? New Thought makes it seem very unholy not to be on a high fulltime. I find that unrealistic, shallow, and unkind.
Attending a New Thought church is like going to see a motivational speaker.....the experience has value, but has no deep sense of the presence, power, and majesty of God. As I said, it's nice. But nice is not enough for me to base my spiritual life on.