The source here is Bill O'Reilly??
This just gets better and better!!!
Well, sinkspur, your difficulty is that you know a bare fact, that Archbishop Myers may have bought/built a home for $650,000, or something like that.
Everything else that Mr. O'Reilly said, or that you've said, for that matter, is a projection of what's in him and what's in you. You have no idea what the money bought, why the acquisition was made, if it was justified or not, or anything else. You've taken a bare fact presented to you by a man who can barely present even bare facts accurately, and blown it up into some sort of evil thing.
Is it possible that the purchase/building of the house wasn't justified? Sure. But before you may justly say that against another person, you must present some facts that support your conclusion. It's even more likely that the action was completely justified, and unless you have evidence otherwise, you harm a good man's good name.
Wouldn't you call that calumny.
The bishops I'm familiar with live in rented houses, or apartments in the chancery office, or in rectories, or at the seminary, with two exceptions, and in both cases, their houses were given to them by rich laymen.
I don't care why Myers built his house; he was not out on the street, looking for a place to live.
Unseemly is closing a Catholic school while building yourself a big house. Likely entirely justified, but unseemly.