1)Charles Finney: denied the sacrificial death of Jesus; instead substituted a Governmental/Moral influence theory of the Attonement. Denied the doctrine of Total Depravity, as well as just about every other doctrine in the Westminster Confession of Faith.
2)Janie Spahr: Lesbian "evangelist", "Teaching Elder in Rochester Presbytery (NY). Living in lesbian relationship with MCC "minister".
3)Kaseman: Agnostic, ordained by Capitol Presbytery. Denied virgin birth, divinity of Jesus, and inerrency.
1)Bishop Pike: conducted seances and spoke with his dead son.
2)Bishop John Shelby Spong: what is there to be said here?
These are just names that occur off the top of my head. If i could recall the names of the UNITED METHODIST CHURCH bishops and ministers who have celebrated gay "marriages", and were acquitted multiple times by the General Conference, i would mention them as well.
Let us not forget William Sloan Coffin, Henry Emerson Fosdick, Paul Tillich, Rudolff Bultmann, and all the gang at Union Theological Seminary, as well as Albert Schweitzer. Aside from Tillich, i don't recall the denomination of these persons (Tillich was Lutheryn).
Some of these names are not household names any more, but they influenced the main denominations.
i have stayed within Protestant bounds, the Roman Catholics have their own problems with "schismatics" on the left and right.
i seriously doubt that we need to talk about Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, Charles Capps, Benny Hinn, et al. The Christian churches should be pulling their support of such people, and denouncing them and their doctrine from the pulpit. In matters such as this, our ministers and other leaders have failed to shepherd the flock of God, and it allows things such as the false teachings of the Church Growth Movement to take root.
The good news is that God ALWAYS leaves a remnant. The gates of Hell will not prevail against the church, these events just allow believers to be able to distinguish between wheat and tares. i honestly suspect that the MegaChurch will soon be in a museum with the rest of the dinosaurs.