I'll tell ya what the real problem is...no new bodys, we all have talked each other to death and know what is coming when we see the name of the poster even before we read what he posted.
The answer to fix this...talk to people where you go to church and have them sign up and join in the fun! :)
Hey Mack, good to meet you, my first reply to you or Becky.
i don't really think that i should suggest a place where people might get banned for uttering (ok, typing) the word "Mormon". i know i'd REALLY feel bad about them paying to be censored. One would expect a little more than Lip Service Paid to the First Amendment. If i wanted that i could join DU.
Some of us have to be real careful these days, while others can do what ever they want, and insult who ever they want. i guess Orwell had it pegged that "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others."