Look back at some of the posts..you wanted to make doublepredestination the test..but that is not the test...then you wanted to make Eucharist the test ..but that is not the test..
You are 100% correct that in Anglicanism and in Luthernism there is a mixture of Roman and Calvinist beliefs...What makes a Calvinist is the understanding that man is depraved and can not save himself (Luthers bondage of the will) ..that God is sovereign..that is clearly seen in the 39 articles and it is that belief that would have made them believe in freedom of religion and the chescks and balances we see in the constitution. Where it "counted" they were Calvinists:>)
No, they were not. It is very simple. You and others post a list naming Episcopalians as Calvinists. That was dead wrong. Episcopalians are not Calvinists. The rest of it has been Calvinists trying to claim more credit than is their due.
Listing Episcopalians as Calvinists is an error. To stubbornly maintain an error and to refuse to acknowledge one's error exposes something else altogether.
No, I didn't. They were not 'tests' but part of my observations on just how ridiculous it is to claim that Episcopalians are Calvinists or to quote the 39 Articles when one has a limited grasp of their meaning, their historical context, or the Anglican methodology for authority on doctrine, namely tradition, Scripture, and reason.