Then God actually has no plan does He? He can not "plan " on you giving the gospel to the next Billy Graham..cause maybe you will be a mormon..So God can not plan to use you in any significant way can He because you may not be around.
Kevin how much of your life has been your choice? How much was actually out of your control?
The third option is that God lets us live our lives. He clearly lays out our options and lets us make our choices. What was it He told the Israelites? " I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:" (De 30:19)
I believe that I had to make a choice and so did you..we must choose Christ..
The question is not about the command of God ..but mans ability or desire to choose God given the fall
Of course God has a plan. Mom, when you stand before the Judgement seat of Christ, will you suffer loss? If you do, then that means, God had planned to give you something but for some reason you don't get it.
How can that be if everything God plans out comes to be?