Dulles is much too equivocal for my taste. I suppose he doesn't want to come right out and criticize fellow cardinals, and by the standards of romanita, this may be considered harsh, but critiques like calling the document "ambiguous" just don't do justice to the enormity of the situation we are facing. Fr. Echert had a much better description of ROCM:
The Rev. John Echert, a professor at St. Thomas University in St. Paul, Minn., stated on the Web site of EWTN that the document "is an embarrassment, lacks any teaching authority" and may be a sign that the final apostasy is at hand.In general, Dulles is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He used to be considered a hard-line liberal, now he has become "moderate." But it seems that every time I read something by him, he's apologizing for a new overturning of Church doctrine such as praising Vatican II's destruction of the teachings on religious liberty or supporting the pope's condemnation of the death penalty.