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To: Polycarp
No, nobody destroyed anything. What we have introduced is a perspective people like you cannot effectively oppose. You can't oppose our arguments because they are sound and factually based. The fact is, traditionalists are not in the business of destroying anything. We want a restoration of the faith and a restoration of Catholic doctrines and a restoration of tabernacles at the center of sanctuaries and a restoration of a priesthood that is celibate and holy and a restoration of our children's innocence by means of a sound catechesis and a restoration of our ancient customs and rites and pious practices and a restoration finally of our truly Catholic identity. What we have got now is this modernist protestantized abomination--this is the REAL STENCH, the stench of four tragic decades of scandals and apostasies which have been the only authentic legacy of the liberal take-over of the Vatican.
60 posted on 11/11/2002 5:27:33 AM PST by ultima ratio
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To: ultima ratio; Maximilian; Siobhan; saradippity; sandyeggo; Polycarp
What actual traditionalists are NOT in the business of doing is pope-bashing. What pseudo-traditionalists want is their little backsides smooched and a general recognition that they and not JPII are the TRUE DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH!!!!

The Roman Catholic Church is a religion and not a mere museum. The Truth will always be the Truth. The window-dressing may change frrom time to time.

AND we oppose your arguments only occasionally because we have lives to live not obsessions to indulge. When you say that we cannot effectively oppose your arguments, you mean that we cannot convince you. Perhaps not but it is a sure thing that you won't convince us either and you have not Peter whom you deride.

Your arguments are not sound. First, they are based partially on faulty premises: "Our theologies (why the plural?) have been scrapped.", "Our Catholic literature has been scrapped. (Balderdash!)." You claim the Mass has been Protestantized to which they and we would take offense. That you claim that you are right and the rest of the world is wrong does not make it so. Second, your logic may or may not be sound, but in the absence of correct premises: Third, your conclusions are hilarious. Fess up now, the REAL STENCH is that your tastes have been offended and, you are so miserable over the offense given to your tastes that you wish to share your misery whether Catholics wish to share yours or not.

As I have previously posted to you some advice, let me expand on it. If you catechize your own children which is not only your right but your duty, your children's innocence will not be threatened unless you infect them with hatred of our pope and the institution of the papacy. Our faith is intact, sorry about yours! Our Catholic doctrines are intact as they always have been and always will be, sorry about yours! Our tabernacle is where it belongs on the center on top of the altar which our priest faces as his back is turned to us as befits the leader of our congregation as we worship God, sorry about yours! Our priest is celibate. No institution can be celibate since no institution can be otherwise. There are priests elsewhere who have violated their vows of celibacy. Always have been, always will be. We call them sinners. We are sinners too! So was Peter. So was Marcel Lefebvre. This is not news. I don't know what particular ancient customs, rites and pious practices you ae missing but I bet they are to be found at St. Mary's Oratory in Rockford (fully approved by Bishop Doran who has offered the Tridentine Mass there himself). Our priest is holy. Again, individuals and not institutions may be holy or otherwise. If your priest is not holy, I am sorry about that. Our truly Roman Catholic identity is quite intact, thank you, and yours could be too. Move here or to some other location enjoying one of the proliferating Trisentine communities under JPII's indult, leave this holy pontiff alone, stifle your pride and yourself as to the constant and unwarranted and unseemly carping and complaining about JPII.

If your hatred of the pope transcends your love for things Catholic, that is too bad. It does not justify schism or the sin of scandalizing others with your impudent and impertinent and invidious opinions of John Paul II. Every man his own pope is not Catholicism. You can submit to authority and enjoy all of what you claim to want as a Catholic in the pews of many parishes, shrines and oratories, if that is what you REALLY want. It may be inconvenient to your current state of life, but what are a job or a circle of friends or other comfortable old social or economic shoes compared to your salvation which is jeopardized apparently where you are?

Will we be seeing you at St. Mary's in Rockford next Sunday? Mass is at 9:00 AM Central time.

82 posted on 11/11/2002 8:43:57 AM PST by BlackElk
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