<>We ought to listen to those with no Teaching authority? Is the POpe blind? In what way does this hysteria lead to normalcy?<>
2. It is simply false to claim that there are MANY communities like yours. Out of the tens of thousands of parishes in the US, there are perhaps half a dozen. Even among the FSSP parishes, only a few are canonically established, meaning the indult could be withdrawn from the others at a moment's notice. Your parish sounds like heaven. But only a tiny fraction of US Catholics have access to a comparable situation. You seem remarkably unfeeling towards the rest.
<> He invited you to join him. That is very "feeling" tpwards you<>
3. Not only is your community practically unique in the United States, half the dioceses in the US have never implemented the indult at all. A woman who works for The Latin Mass magazine cannot herself attend the Latin Mass because in the well-populated part of California where she lives, the closest Latin Mass is 3 hours away. Are you telling these people to "quit your bellyaching"? Is every Catholic in the US required to move to Rockford, IL?
<>No. Too cold. They can move to my Parish in sunnny Palm Beach County. I think sitetest's Parish is pretty good also. Desdemona's also; sandyeggo's also, patent's also (getting to half a dozen pretty rapidly, huh?<>
We were discussing canonically-established Latin Mass parishes such as the one described by BlackElk. None of those you mentioned would qualify. And if you're in Palm Beach, aren't you on your third bishop in the last two years? Are these the men you want teaching "Catholic sex ed" to your children?