Now that is a good point, Mom. Christians are doing what they should be doing by taking a meal to an elderly shut-in, for example. They are "preaching" through their actions rather than their words.
Actions are important, no doubt. But our actions should go along with the word of God.
Rom. 1017 So then faith cometh by thearing and hearing by the word f God.
Our actions will not save a sould. Our words will not save a soul. People need to hear God's Word.
It is a fine balance here though Ang..even the heathans do at some point I would expect a Christian to want to witness to a friend.We are to do all IN His name
Our ministry should not be contingent on the acceptance of the gospel by the other...but it should always be the desire of our heart to glorify God by our lives and our words..WOW am I parcing words huh:>)