me too rdb...
In the end, this whole subject must deal with two issues:
1st. If we have an eschatological view in which matters become increasingly worse, what does that say about the lordship of King Jesus? Isn't His kingdom an everlasting kingdom.
2d. We must address the question of why the book of Revelation was written. Was it written to give a road map of events that would not be fulfilled until the "end of the age." Or, was the book written primarily for first cent. Christians with implications and applications for our day?
I can read the book of Revelation and find a reading that offers hope and comfort to the persecuted church, that Chist will avenge His and our enemies, and that He shall reign forever.
It is undeniable that the most prevailing reading of eschatology, throughout church history, is post-millenial. I believe it is a view most in keeping with the sovereignty of God and His omnipotence.