(ksen, what was the number of your exposition of 2 Peter 3? I will address it myself when I get a chance next week.)
I decided to post this reminder while I was reading post #1169 by philman_36 on the thread "The True Eucharist of Jesus Christ."
In that post, philman_36 said I didn't read all the comments, but the article was great. To me The Eucharist, as "explained" by the RCC, is wrong and I'll laugh at "the joke being played" on some. What a sense of humor Jesus had! I guess some are too ignorant to know they've "been had"!
Puh-leez think about what is going on with the RCs and their doctrine of transubstantiation. The materialistic reading of the "eat and drink" passage in John 6 is a divinely ordained TRAP.
The Lord KNEW that the carnal Romanists would try to read the passage literalistically. That's precisely why He chose the words which John recorded.
The Lord has done this sort of thing more often than today's less-than-thoughtful churchgoers realize. The literal/material reading of the millennium idea in Revelation 20 is another example of the very same kind of TRAP.
The "first resurrection" mentioned in Revelation 20 sounds like a material resurrection to careless readers because it was designed to sound that way. And the idea of Satan being bound was designed to choke some folks.
You must not make the mistake of reading the first resurrection materialistically. The materialistic reading of Revelation 20 is the CARNAL reading. It is the reading which Satan wants you to follow.
I cannot apologize for warning you about this, for telling you that the premill position is that of immature Christians (not to mention quite a few reprobates, I'm afraid). The premillennial position is one of the more deceptive errors in Christendom. Alas, some of the Lord's friends have gotten fooled by what really does amount to a JOKE on the part of the Lord.
So, when I hear an ardent premill arguing against the Romish doctrine of transubstantiation, I laugh with the Lord at the premills. (Of course, as an amill, I definitely get to sit in the heavens with Him while He is laughing.)
The Lord is not laughing at anyone who is sincere. The problem is with the shepherds. If sheep are lost, we need to feed them,which is only done by preaching the Word, not by burdening them with manmade opinions and theories, that only cause dissension.