Main Entry: in·ter·ces·sion
Pronunciation: "in-t&r-'se-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin intercession-, intercessio, from intercedere
Date: 15th century
1 : the act of interceding
2 : prayer, petition, or entreaty in favor of another
- in·ter·ces·sion·al /-'sesh-n&l, -'se-sh&-n&l/ adjective
- in·ter·ces·sor /-'se-s&r/ noun
- in·ter·ces·so·ry /-'ses-rE, -'se-s&-rE/ adjective
Get it? Its asking for a favor. Oh nevermind....
At a healing service in October 1995, he and a dozen church members were praying to her [Faustina]Get it? Its asking for a favor. Oh nevermind....