I've successfully helped friends out of schismatic circles. I understand the teeth grinding frustration that drives them there. Reality in our Church stinks right now. People, good decent honest people are looking for answers. Some of them go astray. They are honest in their zeal but incorrect in their conclusions.
Your approach does not work with them. It drives them further into schism.
Handle them gently, charitably.
Their anger grows from the destruction they see around them. In many ways it is a just anger, but what they see as the solution is not a solution but a dead end.
Pray for them. Their frustration is real, their anger legitimate, but their conclusions are simply wrong. They don't need condemnation, they need help, like a pregnant woman seeking an abortion.
Narses is sincere, even if in certain respects he is partly in error.
Sinkspur is sincere.
You are sincere, I am sincere.
Ascribing motives to narses does not help him. Condemning narses does not help him.
Lay off.
If you cannot engage him with charity and patience, you are doing a disservice to our faith, and driving him deeper into the very errors you perceive him to be in.
The teeth grinding frustration of average Catholics is REAL. We're all searching. We all need to step back and stop judging our neighbor simply because he has reached conclusions out of line with our own.
Such judgementalism and vitriol will never bring them home.
Even if narses is fatally wrong, your approach is just as wrong. Knock it off.