"It kinda cheapens" what Christ did on the cross to say that His death might have saved everybody, but didn't actually save anybody. That is the non-Calvinist "construct".
When man trangresses against God, he is committing a transgression of infinite magnitude. He has fallen short of the glory of God.
The just condemnation of such a man is of infinite separation.
When a Being of infinite worth suffers on behalf of a man whose transgression is of infinite magnitude then He has made a Propitiation of infinite value.
Any man to whom such a Propitiation is imputed is perfectly and eternally restored.
And because by one man all men became transgressors of infinite magnituded, so the Propitiation of a Being of infinite worth perfectly restores all to whom such a Propitiation is imputed.
A lack of belief of such a Being or a lack of belief of such a Propitiation is a slap in the face and is a transgression of infinite magnitude against the Being of infinite worth.