Because church has become more than just a well oiled money machine. It is more business than anything centering around God.
I stopped giving and attending our church once they had a service basically bashing the predominantly white congregation as being racist.
You insert anything political or agenda driven into worshiping God, expect to lose parishioners.
Do I believe in God? Yes. I’m His little toy that He screws with over the course of decades, ensuring that I’ll not get ahead, that the bad guys always win. Sure I believe but I’m more inclined to believe he’s evil. “But you haven’t realized Gods path for you yet, yea BS.
I gave up on the Catholic church attendance years ago. I got tired of the barely disguised bigotry to Whites, the need to be ‘’tolerant’’ of illegal immigration and ‘’the gay community’’, the guitars and all the “Father Flapdoodle stuff as I called it.
I still believe in The Trinity of Christ.