I’m no Francis fan, first off.
Just in general, if you ask the priest for a blessing, he doesn’t ask the state of your conscience. You could have slept with your neighbor’s wife the night before, or done numerous other things, including homosexual acts, etc.
Pope Francis never explains anything, which is a real problem. Blessing a homo union is one thing, giving someone a blessing as an individual is quite another.
In short if you walked up and asked for a blessing, a priest would not ask if you’d committed adultery, watched porn last night, or anything else. It specifically says that blessing the union in a liturgical sense, or anything that equates it with marriage is out.
I agree with everything you wrote. But blessing an individual asking for a blessing and blessing a gay couple asking for a blessing are two very different things. That said, the homo lobby in the press, and plenty of the gay priests and bishops are already using this to say the church endorses blessing gay unions. This is the evil of pope Francis, speaking that he supports church teaching, but in a way that creates ambiguitity deliberately. Then his sycophants say he was misunderstood. This is a very evil satanic man, sowing confusion among the faithful.