I was just a bit stumped by your continuing rejection of basic RC teaching on Papal Supremacy/infallibility.
You have a complete misunderstanding of the meaning and scope of Papal Supremacy and infallibility. Instead of displaying your ignorance regarding same, if you can read why don’t you make an effort to find reliable source materials so you don’t make statements that reveal such stupidity?
Wow, nice to meet you too! (Not). Instead of throwing out insults you sould throw out some info./links to support your opinion...here are some to get you started:
https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2020-07/pastor-aeternus-vatican-i-council-infallible-papal-magisterium.html (On all “matters of faith and morals” would include ceasefires and LGBT+++ issues, no?)
(Pope acting “ex cathedra”)
“Fortuna est certior”