Covered in many arenas.
Rome had a Sun God, among many others, that they worshipped on Sundays-
The POLITICAL move, as seamless as possible for controlling the masses, was to simply adopt this new God Thing and make the same Sun-day the worship day.
The Little Hat Tribe have kept the faith over the centuries-
and they have been through some shiiite for it all.
Sabbath is the 7th day, Saturday.
Kudos for them.
and Sunday Church Leaders around the country closed up shop for ChiComWuHu cuz a Goobermint-of-Men told them to.
and you wonder why churches are empty?
Yeah, God took the Sabbath pretty seriously. He sanctified in Genesis, Jesus said “for man”, Daniel even predicted a great apostate power would seek to change it....Daniel 7:25.
John saw it in Revelation, God is the Lord and he calls the seventh day Sabbath “My holy day” so that makes the Lord’s day the Seventh day Sabbath.
I respect Rome, none if this 8th day fantasy, there are only 7 days in a week. In fact, in her catechism, she even changed it from the 4th to the 3rd commandment.
The rest is just noise and Rome knows it’s noise. They twist, turn, invent, and yet Jesus said...NOT ONE JOT OR TITTLE shall change from the law until heaven and earth pass away.
I Love this article by the Catholics. She looks at ever verse in the New Testament that deals with the first day and shows how ridiculous the Protestant case is. One man said Protestants are like Children who ran away from their Mother and keep a picture of her..(Sunday) in his pocket.
This is going to be a huge issue in the end too. Sunday is the “Mark” of her authority. And Sunday is being exalted more and more for climate change day off and the Pope is huge on making Sunday a legal “holi day”.....
No thank you. I roll with Jesus and his’s about to get real too.
Almost 3 1/2 years now since the Worship was taken away. I wonder what comes next?
>> Rome had a Sun God, among many others, that they worshipped on Sundays <<
Highly misleading. Ancient Romans used an 8-day week. The 7-day week came into use only after the influence of the sizeable Jewish population. For three centuries after Jesus, Rome still commonly used an 8-day week side-by-side with the Judeo-Christian 7-day week, but the Romans did adopt a 7-day cycle of honoring the 7 celestial bodies (Sun, Moon and 5 planets).
In the 4th century, St Jerome would note: “If pagans call the Lord’s Day the ‘day of the sun,’ we willingly agree, for today the light of the world is raised, today is revealed the sun of justice with healing in his rays.” But note, he’s taking ‘Sol’ to mean strictly the celestial body, not the false god.