Excerpt continued from yesterday...
Father God, for those wicked and evil politicians who have given themselves over to a degenerate mind—those who have rejected You for the last time, who have no conscience left and for whom there is no hope of salvation—for these, Father, we ask:
Expose them:
Reveal their evil works of darkness to the world.
Let Your light shine in the darkest places, and do not allow them to hide what they have done
Let truth-telling witnesses and truth-telling whistleblowers come forward, and let them tell their stories at the right places, to the right people, at the right time.
Let people listen to these truth-tellers according to Your will.
Let every media outlet share and reveal these stories of evil according to Your will.
Let there be no more coverups any more, Father! Expose the unfruitful works of darkness, and let the American people be incensed!
Let these wicked and evil politicians become disgusted with their sin, and cause every one of their colleagues to be revolted by their sin as well.
Let every person surrounding these wicked and evil politicians decide to keep no company with evil and divisive men; let the wicked person be found alone and without any help that would perpetuate his or her wickedness.
Amem and amen