Nice confirmation of what is influencing the insanity taking place in the world today. To Christians, the insanity is Luciferian derived and his followers are now celebrating. Who is the fool who still refuses to believe there is no battle being waged both here on Planet Earth and in the celestial relm for our souls? This battle will not be won by conventional means, not by politicians, or military warriors but with humanity turning back to God Almighty.
What makes you think that anyone refuses to believe we are in a universal battle?
Those "fools" you are thinking of are soldiers of the enemy. They know they are at war with God (even when they don't admit it).
Big Amen!
Of course, it would be great to see as you put it, “humanity turning back to God.”
Your post makes es me to wonder what kind of eschatology you hold to. Post-millennialism, which teaches Christianity is going to take over the world BEFORE Christ’s 2nd coming?
I don’t think so:
2 Tim 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
Evil men will wax worse and worse until the worst of all is revealed, the antichrist.
It would be well if Christians were of this eschatological understanding, and prepare themselves accordingly, rather than trust in a false eschatological system.
Only the 2nd coming of Christ will straighten out this mess.
This battle will not be won by conventional means, not by politicians, or military warriors but with humanity turning back to God Almighty.