Agree, however Can you expound on the following.
“Not sure the Church should be peacocking around like it knows the Truth..”
Because the “Truth” is Jesus Christ and His Finished Work. I would hope Christians (true Christians) know this Truth.
I’d put it like this,
December 25 birth
January 1 circumcision
February 2 presentation in temple
Isn’t Truth.. It’s Pope Christianity, but not Truth.
Thanks to His scriptures. And His Creation..
False goddess Frigg day
Holy false god Saturn day
False god Sun day
Isn’t Truth.. It’s Pope Christianity, but not Truth, according to His scriptures.
Unleavened Bread
First Fruits
Is Truth, in accordance with the Scriptures.
So is
New Moon Day birth
7th Day Sabbath circumcision
Day of Atonement presentation in the temple, according to His Creation and His Scripture.
There are competing versions of Jesus in the end times.
Not sure the Church is aware of that..
Not sure it really wants to do that much testing and proving of its core doctrines and traditions.
Satan deceiving the whole world.
The Church thinks that happens when it leaves..
It can be argued it happens today because it is still here..