Those who adhere to Sacred Scripture and Tradition have told the progressive modernists within the church that they are teaching against what Christ, St. Paul, etc have taught: “Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more.” Both. A message of conditional forgiveness.
In concert with what St. Paul wrote, those who have committed adultery or done anything per Gal. 5:19-21, 1 Cor. 6:9-10, can be absolved of sin and receive the Eucharist as long as certain criteria are met: sorrow for sin, true repentance, etc, etc.
But the progressive modernists instead support a message where just about anything goes on this, divorce, women “pastors” being allowed, etc.
As someone else said, it’s a false message of mercy from them based upon the lie of supposedly God-allowed “tolerance” and “inclusivity.”
I agree. Grace is not a license to sin. God’s grace does not condone sin or approve of sin or turn a blind eye to sin. Coming to Christ means acknowledging sin and with His grace turning from it. Jesus gave a beautiful parable of a man who was sorrowful of his sin to the point of not looking up and He contrasted him to a self-righteous proud religious figure.
Again,Jesus was always the perfect balance of “grace and truth” (John 1:14).