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To: MurphsLaw
The Spirit of The Lord is all the evidence I need to take into my soul for clarity. I do not need cannibalistic rituals, bowing downs to the Blessed Mother of Jesus, indulgences, confession of sin to a pedophile priesthood, or repetitions of sentences using a string of beads. You need that? Have it. The ultimate result is yet to be exposed. Go ahead, take your chances claiming your works added to what ONLY Christ could accomplish. I have a strong feeling you are mocking God and are rejecting His salvation because your pride is so powerful.

As to Chuck MIssler, I have absorbed many hours of his teaching. There is little you can accuse that will nullify the spirit filled teaching he has done. You are a Catholic, a Roman Catholic through and through. Memorize these words: "I never knew you". He will reply to your pleading your works with that sentence because you are on the path of prideful assertion, not humble belief. And with that I am through with you. May God have mercy on you in your arrogant unbelief.

1,748 posted on 04/06/2022 5:17:47 PM PDT by MHGinTN (A dispensation perspective is a powerful tool for discernment)
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---->Memorize these words: "I never knew you".

YOU had better "memorize" what follows, as to the reason WHY Christ will say those words...

Matthew 7:23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’


But that doesn't apply to OSAS, does it? Hmmmm?

1,758 posted on 04/06/2022 6:07:37 PM PDT by Philsworld
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As to Chuck MIssler, I have absorbed many hours of his teaching. There is little you can accuse that will nullify the spirit filled teaching he has done.  

I have never understood this. In one breath you even say you “hold the Bible over all other means” … but yet follow, promote men- and their Gospel. You’re supposed to be the Bible alone guy !- and yet you seek out and stray from the truth with these invented Gospels of men… and you’re not alone… i looked into this guy relatively unknown preacher,, whatever, and he's made a mockery of Christ.
It's disgusting. And people praise this foolishness... 

I have watched the likes of those who “bring” the true faith, for years, from the Bakers to Joel Osteen and others- and I could not run away fast enough from that falsehood. This is not Christianity- and does not represent Christ desire gor his Church. [Singular] 
 Sure they are nice men, and nice intentions and yes they can even be "brilliant". I don't ever what to know another thing about your teacher.
How can you be satisfied picking one of these teachers out of the many jockeying for their Gospels to be heard?

Do all these men have the truth? Are any of them wrong? Are they ALL correct?
That answer is no.
So how do you who's false and who's not?

Sorry if I am being curt- but how do you point a finger calling others faith "cultists" and heretics when you follow people who "mutilate, twist, and pervert the Word of God? "Oh but old theology is wrong and outdated ritualism".... "give us the New and Modern science fiction gospel we can relate to...!!"

God allows false gospels that is true, even the false gospels that offer a partial bit of truth in seeking out their followers t he can deceive. their...
but we don't have to follow them and support them.
Especially when these gospels continue to bifurcate and divide the Body of Christ... bearing NO resemblance to the New Covenant Gospel Christ gave Us through the Apostles.

1,899 posted on 04/07/2022 8:34:12 PM PDT by MurphsLaw (+++5"But whoever keeps his word, the love of God is truly perfected in him"...+++)
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