The notion that every moron reading the Bible in translation is somehow equipped to interpret the word of God just makes me want to giggle. It’s why Protestant churches are constantly riven by schism, fall into heresies far worse than any notion of purgatory, and why many quickly adopt any sinful doctrine like “gay marriage” pushed by the political and economic elites.
yet, everyone should continue to pursue the Truth in God’s Word by reading it themselves.
Actually those who most strongly esteem Scripture as the accurate and wholly God-inspired supreme authority testify to being far more unified in basic beliefs than those who Rome manifestly considers members in life and in death. But under the vast umbrella called Protestantism then perhaps only about half actually believe in the Bible.
And as a web site popular among "RadTrad" RCs who reject Vatican Two is sums up the RC situation,
In response to the phenomenon of the Vatican II revolution, there are three essential lines of thought that have been proposed as “solutions” to understanding the situation. This is not now the place or time to critique or justify any of them. For now, we want to just describe them: (1) despite appearances, nothing has really substantially changed, and any interpretation of Vatican II that arrives at the conclusion that there has been a substantial change must be incorrect; (2) we must oppose (resist) these substantial changes and stick to the traditional, age-old teaching instead and ignore the Vatican II novelties while recognizing, however, that the authorities in the Vatican are legitimate and genuine Roman Catholic authorities — we just cannot agree with them on these points; (3) because it is impossible for the Catholic Church to change substantially, and because Vatican II constitutes such an impossible substantial change, it is necessary to conclude that the authority which gave us Vatican II is not in fact the legitimate Catholic authority; that is to say, the “Popes” which gave us Vatican II are not true Popes, nor are their successors, who have implemented and expanded this new religion that has its roots in the council. In fact, the entire religion that now occupies the Vatican and the official structures of the Catholic Church throughout the world is false — it is not the Catholic religion at all, and its putative authorities are not Catholics but heretical usurpers. Thus we have articles such as Is Catholicism about to break into three? Pope Says he Prays U.S.-Led Schism Can Be Thwarted