I don’t recall N.A. going so far as claiming that the muslims explicitly worship the Trinity.
God is one. They have that right. God is three-—rimshot for team Islam.
One out of two is better than zero out of two.
No it's not, when it comes to one's salvation.
If the muslims don’t acknowledge the Holy Trinity, which they are quite aware of, they are not worshipping the One, True God.
It’s shame many Catholics can’t see that.
Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me. John 14:6
If Mohammed was not a prophet, then the faith he founded is a falsehood. As Catholics we must pray for all Muslims, as they have been misled by this falsehood and only God, the God of Abraham, who sent his only Son Jesus Christ to save us, can deliver them from the evil that is Islam.