Well, one thing we can do is call out blind bishops like Robert Barron who pretend that the laity's "racism" is the cause of riots over George Floyd, who pretend that the Marxists in sheep's clothing who run the USCCB bear no responsibility for racial tension in the United States, who pontificate incessantly over the "rights" of illegal immigrants, rioters, and domestic terrorists but say nothing about the blatant anti-white and anti-Semitic racism of Black Lives Matter.
Slightly off topic, but for those who remember all-night adoration.
Why not adopt the all-night concept, give it to the local KofC Council, arm the Knights with AR-15s, and call it all-night sentry duty.
Each Church can have inside and (as necessary) outside sentries on Two-Hour shifts if enough Knights exist in that parish.
What is a more honorable knightly service than to defend and guard the Holy Eucharist , statues, artworks and sacramentals by force.
Should the parish be blessed with an adjoining cemetery, basically the shoot, shovel and shut-up philosophy is the natural final solution.
This is what happens when the putative hierarchy professes a false religion: Vatican II.