God is unique, and therefore everything that exists results from Him.
This has always been a hard one for me to accept. In my pride I want to believe I am responsible for those things that come to being from my mind and works. "I created this thing." With the subtext being, "...and I glorify myself for doing so." But it all starts with Him. No one human is creating anything without God - at the very least - creating that person in the first place.
God envisioned, invented and created a Chosen People to bless the rest of humanity, by demonstrating even their complete and total inability to remain in fellowship with Him...
So huge. The stereotype of the perpetually angry Old Testament God is such a lie. The Prophets reveal over and again the extent which this loving God warned His people Israel to turn back to Him, so as to spare themselves the consequences of disobedience.
My typical procedure in reading the Bible is just left-to-right, Genesis straight through to Revelation. I've done that more than thirty times now, so it's a thoroughly established habit. What makes that worth mentioning is my reaction to the O.T. each time through: while I'm immersed in it for months at a time (only four or so chapters daily--finishing Deuteronomy just now), it's as though I enjoy the O.T. more than the New!
Of course, the explanation is that, as a Christian who has read and believes the N.T., I'm in on the ending and know how loving (John 3:16) the Son-giving Father actually is.