When the personification of evil, church elder, George Tiller, stood out as the United States' most prolific late term abortionist, at one time owned ALL elected folks in Kansas, except for one, Phill Kline, the Kathleen Sebelous (sp?) appointed, KS Supreme Court declared him guilty of breaking every law in the State of Kansas, no elected Kansan stood behind him, even those who voted to end every late term abortion, they left open a couple of windows: (1) to save the mother's life and "health (which covered everything from being sad to miss out on the prom "because her dress might no longer fit," to she'd have to cut out some of her gymnastics as she'd gain too much weight to do the floor exes," and (2) another doctor signed on to the abortion due to the health of the mother being "in danger."
Later it is finally brought out that the second doctor signing off to the necessity of the abortion, that this so-called "second doctor" was actually a business partner of George Tiller.
Kansas legislators even looked away while a couple of young sisters had been impregnated by their step-father numerous times and only when one was visibly upset and crying at school in Wichita, KS, because she had to have another abortion because "it hurts," did a teacher or guidance counselor finally notify child services, who finally notified law enforcement!
As Phill Kline told a number of his supporters that the money coming from abortion is the dirtiest and blackest yet and many times the reason those choosing to look the other way did so, is that they felt guilty themselves by either having an abortion themselves or participating in one as a parent, a father of the unborn or helped a young unwed mother afford the abortion and thus had unclean hands. The other ones felt many if not most abortions occurred in such "Romeo/Juliette" cases wherein the actual truth, once he was able to gain Tiller's case files showed the unborn males were at least 10 years older than the unwed mothers and thus far more influential supporters of the younger girls/women and offered to pay to keep the birth from happening!
Sadly, we have sunk so far in immorality since the files of Tiller and Planned Parenthood began to be exposed that abortion almost seems tame and a non-event.
The Lord tells us in scripture that the wages of sin aren't less sin but lots and lots more!
We are much deeper into Hell today than then!
I remember Tiller the baby killer. I also remember Sebelous
defended that evil scumbag, of course she did. Children of the father of lies both of them.