The prophecy of Daniel took place 2,000 years ago; the Temple was destroyed in the sack of Jerusalem by Titus and the sacrifice ended.
There is no temple, no sacerdotal priesthood, and no more prophets; the Jewish people have been waiting around on a platform for a train that came and went 2,000 years ago.
And how do you know that??? Because the OT prophesied it...And it happened...It came true...
But there's a large portion of the OT that has been prophesied that has not come true, YET...What, you going to believe just part of the bible???
The OT prophecy isn't about a church...It's about a Jewish kingdom...A physical kingdom...With a physical king in a physical temple on a physical throne in a physical city...Where people from all over the world come to that city to worship the King...
We ain't there, YET...