I don't want the Church to hold bake sales for the GOP nor get involved in internecine conflicts between political factions. HOWEVER, when a party or politician advocates for intrinsic evil, it deserves condemnation by the Church. They absolutely must stand against evil wherever it is found... or they stand for nothing.
It's about getting the Church to stand up to the one major political party and the politicians sponsoring evil in our country. We will win when Catholics vote like Catholics... and Catholics will vote like Catholics when the clergy stands up and engages the enemy. Pray for us.
Could you imagine that Catholics today have no fear of Hell while supporting candidates that openly endorse abortion and homosexual acts?
The hierarchy is reaping what it has sown - and the yield is a rapidly contracting folding Church simply selling off assets to stay solvent. Just as I’ve said for years that immigration would change the ethnic makeup of this country faster than anyone could imagine (or the media would tell us), the American Catholic Church is rapidly contracting. They can conceal the speed to some extent by propping up empty parishes/delaying sales, but the reality is there is almost no generation of young people to keep the Church established over the last century in business. Even the immigrant Hispanics have little tolerance for them, often joining evangelical churches of simply joining the masses of America’s “unchurched”; they look to the Church for immigration help and low/no tuition Catholic education (only to escape the horrible public school systems), and when their needs have been met they disappear.