“By definition blocking or constriction of freedom of stopping reproduction?”
That phrasing, is — to me, the twist in logic Satan intends as he hands us the fruit. Not to mention the secular ‘science textbook’ language being used. ‘Reproduction’ sounds so...soulless.
I mean, is it any wonder that “the two shall become one flesh” and “be fruitful and multiply” are in the VERY FIRST PAGES of the Bible? It’s fundamental to *everything* GOD created.
The real truth is: contraception puts a barrier between the complete, unitive oneness of man and woman in sex. That it impedes on the full and free surrender (physical and spiritual) of one soul to the other.
And of both souls to God. Who created sex.
Your definition of freedom seems to preclude the freedom of stopping reproductive processes on the body. Why is voluntary sterilization like vasectomies better than what is effectively chemical castration by stopping reproductive processes in the body?