Lodge your complaint to the Protestant who is preaching what you claim is not Protestant theology.
Which means there are variants definitions of "Protestant." For Catholics, it is anyone who does not submit to Rome, thus creating a Unitarian, Scientologist, Swedenborgian, Mormonic, libertarian, leftist, Baptist, Pentecostal, etc. "Protestant" amalgamation. Which is akin to making Santeria to be Catholic, and or affirming the liberal definition of "Christian."
Then there is the definition which basis a definition on profession of basic distinctive beliefs, which as regards Protestant would mean holding Scripture as being the only supreme wholly inspired infallible standard for faith and morals, with its own manifest hermeneutic, and allowing for more refinement on that basis, while thus affirming other fundamentals such as salvation by faith, the deity of Christ, the virgin birth, and basic beliefs such as the Apostle's Creed professes. Which eliminates both liberals and cults, while affirming historical Lutheranism as well as evangelical faith, the latter of which sees Lutheranism arrested form of the Reformation (which is not the work of one day or two, and with Luther himself progressively becoming less Catholic as regards traditions of men).
Then is a even more fundamental view which sees Baptists as preceding the Reformation..
However, the testimony of those who most strongly hold to the authority and integrity of Scripture has been that of attesting and showing far greater unity and commitment in basic beliefs, with a sea of individual interpretation being just what much of Catholicism is.