You know... I was thinking about all the times RCs here have criticized non-Catholic churches for missing out on the "benefits" of having one central authority over them like Roman Catholicism has. I think what we see here with this issue is the very real downside to such a thing when it comes time to "clean house" at the very top. If, as it has been asserted, homosexuals have infiltrated every level and those whose duty before God is to mete out discipline and remove those in leadership positions who are involved in gross sin and scandal are ALSO involved, then I can see how a thorough house cleaning would be nearly impossible. It would practically annihilate a major percentage of the leaders and then who would remain to do the leading?
I see the wisdom in maintaining local churches whose leaders are answerable to their congregation and a board of elders to ensure faithfulness to the Biblical truths and who lead by example in holiness. I think that is how Christ designed it.
With smaller congregations, if someone goes off the rails, it mitigates the damage done.