It appears much of this Pope’s world view is not really Christian, but rather resembles the KGB’s “Liberation Theology”, which was humanistic at it’s core, and while specifically designed to be religious, it was designed to destroy true Christianity across Latin America.
This was a real psyops strategy developed and utilized by the KGB among “religious” people, to ultimately turn them toward Marxism.
Whole not Catholic, parts of the same “theology” have been adopted by churches across the US as well. One of them, was Barrack Hussein “0’s” church in lower Chicago.
Regardless, all of this is just satanic, with the purpose and design of immorality, class warfare, envi, and ultimately subjugation to evil.
No church or denomination is immune!
How much does God hate sin?
He hates sin so much that He gave His only Son to be crucified on the cross, and to experience Hell, to provide a way of escape, for those who would believe!
Only Gods mercy, and the truly humbling work of Gods grace in a man’s heart and life, enables him the power (God’s power), to trust (by faith), in the finished work of Christ, whose eternal father turned His back on His Son, alienated from His father, gave himself to die on a horrific cross, my cross, for an unpayable debt I could not pay, went through Hell, and defeated sin and death!
That is how much God loved us!
That’s pretty much correct. Liberation Theology was designed to infiltrate the church and replace Christian values with Marxist ones. The diabolical thing is that on the surface, Marxism “appears” to have Christian values, but just below the surface lurks Satanic values instead. It is worldly, humanistic, and ultimately places the state ahead of God as the absolute moral authority.