Even if Wuerl wasn’t specifically informed of McCarrick’s behavior as Vigano claims, Wuerl had to know about the seminarians at the beach house and ski vacations in Italy. He had to know about the covey of young good looking seminarians and monsignors surrounding McCarrick. I knew (second and third hand) and I lived more than 500 miles away. Who in New Jersey didn’t know?
When a pastor of a church announces that he is spending his vacation in Provincetown, that gives you an idea how secure these men of the cloth felt they were.
I don’t buy the idea that Wuerl did not know about McCarrick.
Anybody who takes over in a high-profile job like that (CEO, President, Head Coach) makes it their business to know EVERYTHING about their predecessor. Even the unsubstantiated and gossipy stuff.
Because it could impact how you do your job.