Putting His birthday on the Feast of Trumpets makes absolute sense; it makes wondrous and marvelous sense, actually!
Also, since the weather in Israel is pretty much the same for places on the same latitude around the Earth, there would be no way Joseph and Mary would have been comfortable traveling in the depths of winter to Bethlehem. Too cold. But in late Summer... you betcha.
Also the shepherds were still out with their flocks by night so that out still had to have been fairly warm. I always way figured it had to be late March early April or September, more likely September with John the Baptist born 6 months earlier.(Elisabeth was 6 months pregnant when Mary was told she would have Jesus and Luke records Elisabeth at 6 months saying that “her baby leaped inside of her at the sight of Mary.”And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”).
Mildly interesting I suppose but Ill go with what has been historically believed by Christians throughout centuries; dont see a reason to change. Its not like there are any dates in the Bible. So history is all we can go by.
And we can see historically that the Annunciation (to Mary) was celebrated on March 25, exactly 9 months before December 25, for hundreds of years really the earliest observance in the second or third centuries.
Christmas, as an observed holiday in the Church didnt come until later actually, probably the 3rd or 4th centuries (IIRC) but it was paradoxically determined and set based (at least partially) on the tradition of celebrating the Annunciation on March 25. And of course also to supplant and therefore suppress the pagan celebrations for the winter solstice at the time.
So, we have Christians celebrating His birth on December 25 for nearly 2,000 years and one of the main reasons because of the very early, ancient tradition celebrating the Annunciation to Mary on March 25. So we have that, or we have speculations and calculations from some guy (or guys) in modern times, who never knew people from ancient times personally (like the ancient people from the 2nd, 3rd century *did*), who say otherwise.
Yeah Im gonna go with a tradition that can trace its roots back to the first believers. Or at least the students of the first believers.
Instead of some modern group with no real connection to the historical past.
Besides, its not in the Bible so it doesnt really count right?