Our Church put the proposition of affiliating with the SBC to a vote a couple years ago and one of the selling points was the assistance it could provide in resources and finances for training promising candidates for future pastors in the seminary and resources for missionaries. The Church rejected the proposal. Before making a decision I researched the SBC. My conclusions was that their statement of faith and theology was rock solid and orthodox. BUT - it was Russel Moore and the things he promoted that convinced me to vote NO. Also the fact that there have been a lot more churches leaving the SBC over the past few years than joining it. I figured there has to be a reason for that.
I agree. We would like to add a small building to our small church. I always assumed the SBC would help arrange a loan, or be able to give advice on lowering cost of construction, or have teams of volunteers would could come help finish the inside.
Nope! The SBC hasn’t provided any advice, support, suggestions, resources. It is as if we are the first church in the SBC to ever look at expanding. So far, the only friendly advice we’ve received is from an Assembly of God church that let us visit and then talked about what they went through. I find it sad that an Assembly of God church offered more help than anyone in the SBC.
I also think the SBC seminaries have gone downhill. They seem more concerned about enrollment than standing firm. Just the opinion of a long time Baptist in the pews.