> “The state, and media, will come down very hard on anyone who knows, or even suspects abuse, but does nothing.”
I imagine CPS can also be held accountable if they fail to act which explains why there are so many stories of how CPS causes more trouble to these types of situations.
> “Moreover, what is your friends logic for not wanting the counselor to report this abuse?”
I would myself report it if I didn’t think this father was responsible and an all-around good parent.
He’s not sitting on his thumbs. For now, he’s protecting his son and he’s making a plan to deal with the boyfriend.
His predicament is that government agencies and courts can bring more harm than good, not because they are bad people, but because they are not capable of always doing the right thing.
For example, CPS could put the child in a foster home pending the investigation which could go on for weeks or months. The father tells me that the trauma caused by separation of his son from his father during such time could damage him more than anything else.
I feel for the guy. I have no good answers.
One person sent me an email saying there should be legislation that allows for aunts. uncles, grandparents to consent to temporary custody during such conflicts. Sounds like a good subject to discuss.
Why would CPS put the boy in a foster home when he has a perfectly good home with his father?