And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
The Word of God says "cloven tongues like as of fire" fell upon "each of them" that were waiting there that Day.
Which means...
Are you presuming Peter was somehow standing off to the side, absenting himself from this miracle of miracles, on this awaited and divinely appointed Day?
The Bible says the "cloven tongue" fell on ALL of them, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and ALL of them began speaking in miraculous tongues...
... but you say this didn't happen to Peter?
That Peter was sitting off to one side, pouting in the corner, covering his head with his hands, shaking his head "No!" to the Lord and His Holy Spirit?
Or are you saying that this miraculous REVERSAL OF THE MIRACLE OF THE TOWER OF BABEL, in a tremendous sign of the power of our Holy God, somehow skipped over Peter because... he was above it all, or didn't want or need to experience it?
What are you saying?
Are you saying this same Peter who saw Moses on the Mount of Transfiguration, somehow was passed over on Pentecost and didn't speak in tongues together with EVERYONE ELSE waiting there that day?
Oh, so it happened to "all".
To "each of them",
but you say it didn't happen to Peter?
Mary was there with them on that tremendous Day, as well. Are you saying the "tongues of fire" missed her and she didn't also speak in tongues?
After Peter preached at Cornelius's house, the Spirit fell and all of the household spoke in tongues, but you would say Peter couldn't sermonize on what the gift of tongues is all about to these Gentiles, because he didn't have the gift himself?
Are you presuming to discredit this miracle, where God reversed His confusion of tongues at the Tower of Babel, in a sign of His awesome power at Pentecost?
Despite your accusations that I am in error about Peter speaking in tongues, Peter was with the other Disciples in the upper room when the tongues of fire fell and when they all spoke in miraculous tongues, in a language that all could understand supernaturally... which is why he defended the accusation that they were "drunk".
The fact Peter said "they" only meant that he was now addressing them in Hebrew or Aramaic while previously he was there with them, together and "of one accord" when they all spoke in miraculous tongues.
And what happened at the Tower of Babel is the Old Testament confirmation about speaking in tongues in the New Testament: God has power over language and how we speak.
He is the Word. He is the master linguist. Pentecost is a reversal of Babel. How do you know this wasn't the first original language that all men spoke and understood?
At Pentecost they were speaking in a language that people of different nationalities could all understand at the same time.
And there would be no accusation against Peter and the others being "drunk" if the miracle had to do with people's hearing.
Just as it was at the Tower of Babel, it was about how God could change our speech. If God can make a Donkey speak, God can give one language that everyone can understand, regardless of nationality!
Peter likewise miraculously spoke in a language that all could understand at the same time, a miraculous, heaven-created tongue.
And then Peter explains the miracle by saying that this is that which the Prophet Joel prophesied, that God would pour out His Spirit on all mankind.
And then, of course, Paul later discusses how the gift of tongues is a sign for the unbeliever.
Just EXACTLY as happened that day when Peter spoke to the crowd, who were so impressed by this miracle of the disciples speaking in one language that all could understand, that OVER THREE THOUSAND WERE ADDED TO THEIR NUMBER THAT DAY.
They knew that the miracle was not in their hearing, it was in the disciples' speaking.
This was a miracle of the first order, the powerful entrance of the pouring out of the Spirit on all mankind, in an absolute sign of God's power over language going back to the Tower of Babel.
What's more difficult for God? To have a donkey speak or to give people a language that everyone understands?
When Jesus comes back at the Second Coming, it is said that "every eye shall see Him". If He speaks, wouldn't He speak in a language that everyone will understand at the same time?
Sheesh. Now go be a good Berean and marvel at the Awesomeness of our God.
I see you are determined to double down on your error. So be it.
1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. [The believers were touched by the Holy Spirit and began speaking a Heavenly language, including Peter. This was in the place where the BELIEVERS were gathered. This phenomenon drew a crowd. So what does THE TEXT say happened next, to the ones who were not yet believers?]5 And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. 6 Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. 7 And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans? 8 And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born? ... we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. 12 And they were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this?
You do not teach sound teaching. You presume and alter the actual Word to fit your mindset. What did the listeners say? They gave witness that each heard the Galileans in their tongues, the tongues of their origins. The Holy Spirit interpreted what Peter was saying, so that it came into the mind of the listener in the tongue of that hearer.
The presumption is that Peter was speaking in a Heavenly language, a language that entered the minds of the listeners such that they heard not a Heavenly language but every man in his own native language. BUT the text does not say that. The opening text says the believers spoke in other tongues. The Believers.
Try reading Acts 2 starting at verse 5, rather than verse 1. The original texts were not divided as we get it today. But Truth remains Truth even if you start at a different passage. Take the context as given. Then go back and atart at verse 1, to see if your mind catches a different emphasis after the exercise. Think of what happens at conversion. Who must call you to be born again? Was He calling these men of many nations to be born again? Does the Holy Spirit speak into the dead spirit of those to be born again? Think, don't add to the Word that which fits your mindset, let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus.
The presumption is that Peter spoke a Heavenly language. BUT THE TEXT does not say that. It does give us the pattern which is present even today when someone is wooed by The Holy Spirit to be born again. Regardless of the nation of origin, the hearer is hearing the still small voice calling them to believe, to believe in the One Whom God has sent for their salvation, to be born again, born from above.
The emphasis is not on the spectacle of Heavenly language, of 'many tongues' speaking in tongues, it is on believing in The One Whom God has sent for our salvation. The text does not say Peter spoke in a 'tongue of Heaven', it emphasizes instead that every one being wooed by The Holy Spirit heard The Gospel in their own tongue.
BTW, you reveal the spirit within you when you put false meaning into what I write to you. I did not say Peter did not speak with tongues of fire. I did not deny Mary received this gift when the believers were seated together. Putting false words into someone elses offering is a stark revelation of the spirit impelling your ‘teaching’. Conflating passages of The Word so they say what you want them to say not what they actually say is another telling sign ...
NO! It was not the speaking in a language they all could understand that converted these many nationalities. Read further. Once the Holy Spirit had their attention, Peter preached THE GOSPEL OF GRACE to them and THEN more than three thousand were born again and baptized into the family.
Not necessarily. the translation has three substantive clauses:
(1) And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost,
(2) (they) began to speak with other tongues,
(3) aswhen the Spirit gave them utterance.
The text of (3) above is grammatically conditional, and allows for the possibility that the Spirit did not give one or more individuals utterance capability.
Your wrong supposition that it was ALL that spoke destroys the conclusion that you make concerning Peter's participation in the utterings of another language. Orr he might have been uttering Greek, when his birth language might have been Aramaic. To wit.
(Fixed that.)